Do we have to record ourselves saying these words and then play them in reverse to have them make sense ? Slim
I think the guy only read the first few posts and didn't see KingBurnxs response. There was also no need to bump this thread as it's been replied to quite recently. Either way I'm not fussed. It looks like they tried to pay me a compliment too
With me It all started with the sega megadrive, I remember playing the old sonic game ( The best ones ) On there, I eventually got a sega saturn, Which i loved to play a football game ( Can't remember the name ) and daytona use Then i got a playstation one , Was a weird one though it would only work upside down if i remember correctly :L, The N64 was the best console i have ever owned though, The many hours i spent playing zelda ocarina of time and mario kart 64, Diddy kong racing Then i got a playstation 2 , The 1st console i ever went online with Not to bad i suppose got me into the call of duty franchise Then came the xbox 360 another awesome console still got one to this date Also had a wii, Didn't think much of it useless you have friends/family around They is a few more , i hade the gameboy , Gameboy colour, Gameboy advance, Gameboy advance sp, Gamecube, Psp, Nintendo ds ( and lite )