I've been meaning to post this for a while now. I've been playing Left for Dead quite a bit lately and thought to myself why are zombies more popular than ever these days? You only have to look at some recent films (28 Days/Weeks Later, Diary of the Dead, Land of the Dead), TV shows (DeadSet) and games (Dead Rising, Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, COD5:WAW) to see the impact they have had. Is it because they appeal to our primitive instincts in someway? The need to feed, being single minded in one pursuit to hunt down the living/uninfected etc? For me personally, I like the idea of the survivors doing everything humanly possible to escape from such overwhelming odds. I much prefer the new faster zombies as well as it ramps up the tension and action. What are your views?
The fast zombies scare me, I remember seeing the day of the dead remake and getting a fright when the little girl SPRINTS after the live people
I think the faster the Zombies, the scarier!! especially the newer movies, where they have this special effects wherby this zombies is 1st moving slowly towards something, then almost instantly its ffwrd motion or something where the Zombie moves towards the cameraman that gives you a fright, i think that effect really drwas you to the movie or game that makes it interesting, instead of this slow moving Zombies that almost always catches what ever it is they after even though they move so slowly.....
I like the zombies in Left 4 Dead because it's somewhat of a fresh take on the zombie aspect of games. The faster, more overwhelming zombies are great but not as scary to me personally, as the slower zombies seen in the Resident Evil series. The scariest zombies I have come across were the ones in RE 1. These were scary because they moved slow and there were only a couple to take on at a time. This somehow created a creepier atmosphere than the L4D zombies. The L4D zombies do create quite the tension though with their overwhelming crowds.
what doesnt make sense to me, is how in pretty much every zombie movie/game, they can never make the distinction between intelligent and non-intelligent zombies. as in, sometimes the zombies just wander around mindlessly waiting for a fresh brain to eat, but the next thing you know, the zombies are opening doors and other coordinated activities. theres always a point where this line is crossed, but only for a few zombies and usually only to force the plot to advance. because if the zombies were all truly mindless, it would be no competition against an average human with normal or hgigher than average intelligence. but i'm with wagner, i'm more into vampires. what really pisses me off about vampires portrayed in movies/games is how they always have the vampires showing their teeth and hissing like a pissed off cat. what the hell is that? they need to decide if these creatures are super-human, or sub-human and be done with it.