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Xbox Offline Xbox Live Downloadable Content [DLC] Installers

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by Harcroft, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Ontario, Canada

    These downloadable content installers will install and sign the Xbox Live Downloadable content to work on your modified Xbox without the need for modified executable files. Xbox Live for the original Xbox closed down on April 15th 2010 so it is no longer possible to purchase any of the DLC hosted here, these installers are now the only way to install and use the DLC.

    The installers did let you play the DLC on Xbox Live without being banned, however as Xbox Live for the original Xbox has been closed down this doesn't matter now.

    You must have a modified Xbox with either a mod-chip, or softmod with the ability to launch .xbe files or load homebrew applications to use these installers.

    How to install:

    1. You must have played the game on your console first for these installers to work.
    2. To use any of the installers simply unzip them, then copy the installer folder to your Xbox hard drive and run default.xbe within the folder using your favorite file manager. (You can optionally move this folder to any Games, Application or Emulator folder on your Xbox hard drive and run the program from the dashboard of your choice. )
    3. Follow the prompts in the menu to install the content and game updates.

    • If you are having issues running this installer, try using a different dashboard, or build the contents of the folder into an xISO and run it from a burned disc.
    • If you already have a copy of the content installed from this game you will have to remove it prior to installation with this installer, or the content will not copy.
    • All DLC is sourced from NTSC consoles and games unless otherwise specifically listed. If your game does not work with the DLC or Title Update from your game, you likely have a PAL copy of the game, find an NTSC copy if possible.

    Downloadable Content If a game has DLC and a Title Update, the update will be included in the DLC package.
    Alien Hominid DLC (New Dec 19, 2020)
    All-Star Baseball 2004 DLC (New August 17, 2022)
    All-Star Baseball 2005 DLC (New August 17, 2022)
    Amped 2 DLC (Updated February 22, 2025)
    Armed and Dangerous DLC Installer
    Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood DLC (Updated June 18, 2023)
    Brute Force DLC (Updated July 9, 2020)
    Conflict Desert Storm II: Back to Baghdad DLC Installer
    Counter-Strike DLC (Updated January 14, 2023)
    Crimson Skies DLC (Updated June 21, 2020)
    Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix & Dancing Stage Unleashed DLC Installer
    Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 & Dancing Stage Unleashed 2 DLC Installer
    Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 & Dancing Stage Unleashed 3 DLC Installer
    Dance Dance Revolution 4 DLC Installer
    Doom 3 DLC Installer
    ESPN NBA Basketball (2K4) DLC (New December 24, 2022)
    ESPN NBA 2K5 DLC (New August 20, 2022)
    ESPN NFL 2K5 DLC (New July 18, 2022)
    ESPN NHL Hockey (2K4) DLC (New August 2, 2022)
    ESPN NHL 2K5 DLC (New August 22, 2022)
    Fight Club DLC (Updated July 13, 2022)
    Full Spectrum Warrior DLC Installer
    Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    Ghost Recon Island Thunder DLC Installer
    Ghost Recon 2 DLC Installer
    Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike DLC (Updated July 15, 2022)
    Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee DLC Installer
    Halo 2 DLC (Updated March 21, 2024)
    Halo 2 DLC xISO for Xemu (New March 21, 2024)
    Hunter The Reckoning: Redeemer DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    IHRA Drag Racing 2004 DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    Iron Phoenix DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    Jade Empire LE DLC Installer
    Karaoke Revolution DLC (New August 13, 2024)
    Karaoke Revolution Party DLC Installer
    Knights of the Temple DLC (PAL) (New May 3, 2011)
    LA Rush DLC (Updated July 27, 2022)
    Links 2004 DLC Installer
    Madden NFL 08 DLC (New August 14, 2022)
    Madden NFL 09 DLC (New August 14, 2022)
    Magic the Gathering Battlegrounds DLC Installer
    Mechassault DLC (Updated March 15, 2023)
    Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf DLC (Updated June 15, 2014)
    Metal Wolf Chaos DLC (New Sep 16, 2012)
    Midtown Madness 3 DLC (Updated February 22, 2025)
    MX Superfly DLC (Updated July 29, 2022)
    NBA 2K3 DLC (New August 20, 2022)
    NBA Jam DLC (New May 17, 2024)
    NFL Fever 2003 DLC (Updated July 15, 2022)
    NHL Rivals 2004 DLC (New March 23, 2014)
    NHL 2K6 DLC (New August 22, 2022)
    Outlaw Volleyball DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    Phantasy Star Online DLC (Updated July 30, 2023)
    Phantom Dust DLC Installer
    Prince of Persia Warrior Within DLC Installer
    Project Gotham Racing 2 DLC (Updated July 30, 2020)
    Pump it Up Exceed SE DLC (New February 14, 2010)
    Rainbow Six 3 DLC (Updated March 2, 2023)
    Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow DLC (Updated July 20, 2022)
    RalliSport Challenge 2 DLC Installer
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War DLC (Updated May 19, 2023)
    Run Like Hell DLC (Updated August 7, 2022)
    Secret Weapons Over Normandy DLC Installer
    Sid Meier's Pirates DLC Installer
    Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix DLC (Updated May 22, 2023)
    Splinter Cell DLC Installer
    Splinter Cell Chaos Theory DLC Installer
    Splinter Cell Chaos Theory VS DLC Installer
    Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow DLC Installer
    Star Wars BattleFront DLC (Updated Nov 27, 2022)
    Star Wars Battlefront II DLC (Updated Nov 27, 2022)
    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic DLC (Updated July 26, 2022)
    Star Wars: Republic Commando DLC (Updated June 19, 2023)
    Star Wars The Clone Wars DLC (Updated August 7, 2022)
    SWAT Global Strike Team DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    The Incredibles DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    ToeJam & Earl DLC Installer
    Tron 2.0 Killer App DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    Unreal Championship DLC (Updated June 22, 2020)
    Unreal Championship 2 DLC (New May 3, 2011)
    Xbox Music Mixer DLC (New May 25, 2011)

    Title Updates (Patches) If a game has a Title Update and you don't see it here, it's included with DLC above.
    Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 Update (Updated June 18, 2023)
    Burnout 2: Point of Impact Update (New May 19, 2023)
    Burnout 3: Takedown Update' (Updated May 19, 2023)
    Capcom vs. SNK 2 EO Update (New May 28, 2011)
    Darkwatch Update (Updated April 11, 2023)
    Dead or Alive Ultimate Update (Updated July 27, 2020)
    Driv3r Update (New May 28, 2011) (Updated July 26, 2022)
    FarCry Instincts Evolution Update Installer
    FarCry Instincts Update (New May 25, 2011)
    Forza Motorsport (Updated July 27, 2020)
    Guilty Gear XX #Reload (New February 22, 2025) Japan Only
    Ghost Recon Update Installer For maximum compatibility with Insignia users I recommend *not* installing this until all versions are found.
    Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition Update (New May 25, 2011)
    MotoGP Online Update (Updated January 14, 2023)
    MotoGP 3 Update (New May 28, 2011)
    MX vs. ATV Unleashed Update (New May 28, 2011)
    NFL Fever 2004 (New August 22, 2022)
    Outlaw Golf 2(Updated April 11, 2023)
    Rainbow Six: Critical Hour Update (New May 25, 2011)
    Rainbow Six Lockdown Update Installer
    Spikeout: Battle Street (Updated August 2, 2022)
    Steel Battalion Line of Contact Update + Unlocker (Updated July 14, 2023)
    Street Fighter Anniversary Collection Update (Updated December 4, 2022)
    Tetris Worlds (New May 3, 2011) For maximum compatibility with Insignia users I recommend *not* installing this until all versions are found.
    TimeSplitters Future Perfect Update (Updated May 21, 2023) NTSC, PAL TU
    TOCA Race Driver 2 Update (New May 25, 2011) For maximum compatibility with Insignia users I recommend *not* installing this until all versions are found. This will also also stop your game from running from a hard drive until I release a patched version.
    Top Spin (New May 3, 2011)
    Unreal II The Awakening (New May 3, 2011)
    World Series of Poker Update (New December 8, 2022)
    WWE WrestleMania 21 Update Installer

    Title Updates (Patches) For Jtagged Xbox 360's: These installers contain no instructions but if you have a JTAG/Glitch console you should know what you're doing here.
    Counter-Strike JTAG Update (Updated March 15, 2023)
    Halo 2 JTAG Update (Updated June 15, 2014)
    Mechassault JTAG Update (June 15, 2014)
    Mechassault 2 Lone Wolf JTAG Update (June 15, 2014)
    Project Gotham Racing 2 JTAG Update (New June 27, 2024)
    Rainbow Six 3 Black Arrow JTAG Update (New July 30, 2022)
    Return to Castle Wolfenstein Tides of War JTAG Update (New May 19, 2023)
    Splinter Cell JTAG Update (June 15, 2014)
    Splinter Cell Chaos Theory SP/Co-Op JTAG Update (June 15, 2014)
    Splinter Cell Chaos Theory VS JTAG Update (June 15, 2014)
    Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow JTAG Update (June 15, 2014)
    Star Wars Battlefront JTAG Update (New November 27, 2022)
    Star Wars Battlefront II JTAG Update (Updated November 27, 2022)
    Unreal Championship 2 JTAG Update (May 20, 2011)

    Live only content (Can only be used on Xbox Live)
    Battlefield 2 Modern Combat DLC (Updated July 24, 2022)
    Ninja Gaiden DLC (Updated August 1, 2022)
    Project Snowblind DLC (New 3rd May 2011)
    Vietcong Purple Haze DLC Installer
    Re-Volt DLC (New July 30, 2022)

    Compatibility Patches
    Tetris Worlds Live Compatibility Patch for standalone game only (New November 14, 2022)

    Xbox Live Arcade has it's own thread.

    It has recently come to my attention that Harcroft who is now a Digiex member and AmyGrrl with support from 500amps created this pack, as stated later in this thread someone has removed the credits from these files. Hopefully you can now contact Harcroft directly here and he can help with any problems, he should know a lot more about these packs as his team made them. -Hoffman

    Detailed DLC Contents:
    The following should be up to date with all DLC information. I will update with TU region information as I update, repair and add installers.

    Alien Hominid (content supplied by: Dampfwalze, special thanks to Gexic) PAL DLC
    Chicken Pack PDA level pack. 5 blocks
    Ultra Hyper Load PDA level pack. 5 blocks
    Big Load of Levels PDA level pack. 5 blocks
    You Can't Win PDA level pack. 5 blocks

    All-Star Baseball 2004 (content supplied by:thebib62) NTSC DLC
    Roster #1 March 1, 2003 - roster update. 4 blocks
    Roster #2 April 1, 2003 - roster update. 4 blocks
    Roster #3 May 1, 2003 - roster update. 4 blocks
    Roster #5 June 4, 2003 - roster update. 4 blocks
    Roster #6 July 1, 2003 - roster update. 4 blocks
    Roster #7 August 1, 2003 - roster update. 4 blocks
    Roster #8 September 2, 2003 - roster update. 4 blocks

    All-Star Baseball 2005 (content supplied by:tw3nz0r) NTSC TU, NTSC DLC
    ASB Rosters - roster update. 38 blocks (doesn't show up in Online Rosters menu but may auto-load like ASB 2004)

    Amped 2 (content supplied by: Harcroft, Swagger)
    Slopestyle - 3 new runs: 2003 Slopestyle, Pioneer Course, and Downhill Course. 985 blocks
    Slopestyle 2 - 3 new runs: 2003 Slopestyle Sk8, Pioneer Course Sk8, and Downhill Course Sk8. 996 blocks

    Armed and Dangerous (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Summer Home - new mission Lily's Summer Home. 994 blocks

    Battlefield 2: Modern Combat (content supplied by: Lastlight and anonymous) NTSC, PAL TU, RF DLC
    Warsome Booster Pack - 3 new maps, 4 new vehicles, new character skins. 7657 blocks (usable on Xbox Live only)

    Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood (content supplied by: Harcroft) RF DLC
    Skirmish Map Pack - 3 new skirmish maps: Across the Marsh, Flanked from Above, and Into the Farm. 2869 blocks

    Brute Force (content supplied by: Harcroft and 500amps) NTSC, PAL TU, RF DLC
    BF: Cerulean - new deathmatch map. 467 blocks
    BF: LockJaw - new campaign level. 1688 blocks
    BF: Prisoner's Lament - new squad deathmatch map. 708 blocks

    Conflict Desert Storm 2: Back to Baghdad (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    British DPM - new desert camouflage skinset. 188 blocks
    Christmas - new Christmas skinset. 218 blocks
    Counter Terrorist - new all black Counter Terrorist skinset. 198 blocks
    Iraqi Republican - new Iraqi Republican Guard skinset. 225 blocks
    US Woodland - new woodland camouflage skinset. 187 blocks

    Counter-Strike (content supplied by: Grizzly, Harcroft) NTSC+NTSC-J, PAL TU, RF DLC
    Inferno Map - new map. 4 blocks
    Office Map - new map. 4 blocks

    Crimson Skies (content supplied by: Harcroft, 500amps, ShouTime) NTSC, PAL TU, RF DLC + JPN DLC
    Firebrand - new multiplayer mode airplane. 66 blocks
    Fury - new multiplayer mode airplane. 59 blocks
    Hellhound - new multiplayer mode airplane. 70 blocks
    Vampire - new multiplayer mode airplane. 61 blocks
    Badlands - new multiplayer map. 1567 blocks
    Caverns - new multiplayer map. 1545 blocks
    Lost Plateau - new multiplayer map. 1520 blocks
    New Game Types: Chicken Pox & Gun Heist - 2 new multiplayer game types. 4 blocks

    Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 1 / Dancing Stage Unleashed 1 (content supplied by: xbskid)
    SP1 - 5 new songs. 2008 blocks
    SP2 - 5 new songs. 2062 blocks
    SP3 - 5 new songs. 2074 blocks
    SP4 - 5 new songs. 2278 blocks
    SP5 - 5 new songs. 1990 blocks
    SP6 - 5 new songs. 2062 blocks

    Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 2 / Dancing Stage Unleashed 2 (content supplied by: xbskid, AJ187, TLaB)
    SP7 - 5 new songs. 1830 blocks
    SP8 - 5 new songs. 1817 blocks
    SP9 - 5 new songs. 1794 blocks
    SP10 - 5 new songs. 1872 blocks
    SP11 - 5 new songs. 1742 blocks
    SP12 - 5 new songs. 1865 blocks
    Dancer Unlock Key - unlocks new dancers. 7 blocks

    Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 3 / Dancing Stage Unleashed 3 (content supplied by: xbskid, Cutriss, dongz)
    SP13 - 5 new songs. 1893 blocks
    SP14 - 5 new songs. 1748 blocks
    SP15 - 5 new songs. 1758 blocks
    SP25 - 5 new songs. 349 blocks
    SP26 - 5 new songs. 385 blocks

    Dance Dance Revolution Ultramix 4 (content supplied by: SSGotenksUFO)
    Song pack 16 - 5 new songs. 14 blocks
    Song Pack 17 - 5 new songs, 14 blocks

    Doom 3 (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Communications - new multiplayer map Communications Receiving. 328 blocks
    Surface - new multiplayer map Surface. 360 blocks

    ESPN NBA Basketball (2K4) (content supplied by: vrnsmith) NTSC DLC (this will not work on the PAL copy of the game!)
    Roster ESPN NBA Roster (2003-12-22) - roster update. 36 blocks

    ESPN NBA 2K5 (content supplied by: Dominater01) NTSC TU
    Roster (2004-11-09) - roster update. 37 blocks
    Roster (2004-12-07) - roster update. 37 blocks
    Roster (2005-01-11) - roster update. 37 blocks
    Roster (2005-03-09) - roster update. 37 blocks
    Roster (2005-04-26) - roster update. 37 blocks

    ESPN NFL 2K5 (content supplied by: Harcroft) NTSC TU
    Roster (2004-09-15) - roster update. 40 blocks
    Roster (2004-10-07) - roster update. 40 blocks
    Roster (2004-11-19) - roster update. 40 blocks
    Roster (2005-01-07) - roster update. 40 blocks

    ESPN NHL Hockey (2K4) (content supplied by: Danny Blais)
    NHL Roster Update 1 - roster update. 133 blocks
    NHL Roster Update 2 - roster update. 133 blocks
    Roster Update 3 - roster update. 133 blocks
    Improved Scoring - roster update 133 blocks (yes really)

    ESPN NHL 2K5 (content supplied by: Danny Blais and tw3nz0r) NTSC DLC
    October Roster Update - roster update. 22 blocks

    Fight Club (content supplied by: cosmic smash) soundtrack installer included
    Download Pack 1 - 4 new soundtrack songs. 786 blocks

    Full Spectrum Warrior (content supplied by: ciscogrant)
    Epilogue 1 - new single player mission. 2588 blocks
    Epilogue 2 - new single player mission. 2804 blocks

    Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    After Zafarra - new single player mission Cat Among the Pigeons. 2315 blocks

    Ghost Recon Island Thunder (content supplied by: M37H)
    1. Refinery - new map. 656 blocks
    2. Beach - new mission. 117 blocks
    3. Ghost Town - new mission. 110 blocks
    4. Train Depot - new mission. 123 blocks
    5. MP Map Mission Pack - 6 new maps, 3 new game types. 66 blocks
    6. Aurora - new map. 635 blocks
    7. Riverbed - new map. 850 blocks
    8. Roadblock - new map. 788 blocks
    9. Tank - new map. 707 blocks
    10. Ruins - new solo map. 643 blocks
    11. Trenches - new map. 482 blocks
    12. City - new map. 568 blocks
    13. Mines - new map. 482 blocks

    Ghost Recon 2 (content supplied by: M37H)
    Tactical Pack 1 - 2 new game types, 3 new maps, 8 new weapons. 1761 blocks
    Tactical Pack 2 - 3 new game types, 4 new maps, 2 new skins. 3474 blocks
    Tactical Pack 3 - 3 new maps, 2 new novelty skin sets. 1584 blocks

    Ghost Recon 2: Summit Strike (content supplied by anonymous) RF TU, RF DLC
    Bonus Content - 3 new maps, 3 new game types, 7 new weapons, new kit restrictions. 2615 blocks

    Godzilla: Destroy All Monsters Melee (content supplied by: ciscogrant)
    Thrashburg - new city and buildings. 1492 blocks

    Halo 2 (content supplied by: 500amps, Arawen, AmyGrrl, Crunchbite, Dampwalze, Fixified, h2: Kayak, Navi, Ooda, ShouTime, xTobyPlayZ, and many other anonymous sources) RF Eng TU 1-5, RF all 7 other language TU 5, RF DLC
    Blastacular Pack - new multiplayer maps: Desolation and Tombstone. 9112 blocks (alt glitchy Blastacular pack included)
    Bonus Map Pack - new multiplayer maps: Containment and Warlock. 5787 blocks
    Killtacular Pack - new multiplayer maps: Sanctuary and Turf. 6326 blocks
    Maptacular Pack - new multiplayer maps: Backwash, Elongation, Gemini, Relic, and Terminal. 14244 blocks
    Capture the Flag: Classic CTF Tank - Bungie favorite gametype. 4 blocks
    Capture the Flag: Covie Gulch - Bungie favorite gametype. 4 blocks
    Slayer: Golden Showers - Bungie favorite gametype. 4 blocks
    Slayer: Peacemakers - Bungie favorite gametype. 4 blocks
    Slayer: Swords No Radar - Bungie favorite gametype. 4 blocks
    Slayer: Team GoldShowers - Bungie favorite gametype. 4 blocks
    Slayer: Zombies - Bungie favorite gametype. 4 blocks

    Hunter: the Reckoning - Redeemer (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Costume Set 1 - new costume for each hunter. 993 blocks
    Costume Set 2 - new costume for each hunter. 958 blocks

    IHRA Drag Racing 2004 (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Mike Janis Car - dragster update. 203 blocks
    Terry McMillan - dragster update. 185 blocks

    Iron Phoenix (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Night Demon Island - new challenge map. 953 blocks
    Shin's Fortress - new deathmatch map. 1961 blocks

    Jade Empire Limited Edition (content supplied by: phlsphr42)
    Monk Zeng Content - new character class unlock. 6 blocks

    Karaoke Revolution (content supplied by: tjtilman06 and XCAT users)
    KRX1: Classic Rock - 5 new songs. 71 blocks
    KRX2: Modern Rock - 5 new songs. 69 blocks
    KRX3: Pop: - 5 new songs. 72 blocks
    KRX4: Top 40: 5 new songs. 72 blocks
    KRX5: Classics - 5 new songs. 65 blocks
    KRX6: Mix - 6 new songs. 95 blocks

    Karaoke Revolution Party (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    KRXB1: Bonus Pack - 3 new songs unlocked. 31 blocks
    KRXM1: Mega Pack (1-20) - 101 new songs unlocked. 990 blocks

    Knights of the Temple: Infernal Crusade (content supplied by: 500amps, Harcroft, sparrow)
    Battle Woods - new unreleased survival map - 94 blocks (downloaded from NTSC region Xbox Live server)
    Cavern of Doom - new survival map - 247 blocks
    From Whom the Bell Tolls - new survival map. 650 blocks
    Limbo Macabre - new survival map. 277 blocks
    The Old Colloseum - new survival map. 122 blocks
    Showdown in Acre - new survival map. 175 blocks

    LA Rush (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Cadillac Escalade - West Coast Customs replacement skin. 41 blocks
    Chevrolet Camaro - West Coast Customs replacement skin. 45 blocks
    Chevrolet Chevelle - West Coast Customs replacement skin. 40 blocks
    Chevrolet SSR - West Coast Customs replacement skin. 49 blocks
    Nissan Skyline - West Coast Customs replacement skin. 45 blocks

    Links 2004 (content supplied by: M37H)
    Kapalua Plantation - new course. 6369 blocks
    O.M. Director's cut - new golf course. 5565 blocks
    The Gallery - new golf course. 3508 blocks

    Madden NFL 08 (content supplied by: mister13 NTSC DLC
    Rost2 - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    Sep 11 - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    Ace - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    Final - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    League8 - updated ranked online roster savedgame. 19 blocks

    Madden NFL 09 (content supplied by: mister13 NTSC DLC
    Rost2 - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    Ea5 - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    Ea6 - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    Ea7 - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    EAFINAL - updated roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    League0 - updated ranked online roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    League3 - updated ranked online roster savedgame. 19 blocks
    League8 - updated ranked online roster savedgame. 19 blocks

    Magic the Gathering: Battlegrounds (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Expansion Pack - 10 new spells. 1245 blocks

    Mechassault (content supplied by: Artoryor, Grizzly, HoneySoakedSeagull, M37H, Phrankles, vrnsmith, 2 anonymous sources) NTSC, PAL DLC, NTSC+PAL TU
    1 - Hell's Kitchen - new multiplayer map. 1743 blocks
    2 - Raven - new light mech. 345 blocks
    3 - Stone Cold - new multiplayer map. 2104 blocks
    4 - Corvus - new light mech. 347 blocks
    5 - Midtown Mayhem - new capture the flag map. 807 blocks
    6 - Desert Storm - new capture the flag map. 627 blocks
    7 - Hellbringer - new heavy mech. 396 blocks
    8 - Loki - new heavy mech. 385 blocks
    9 - Demolition Town - new multiplayer map. 1501 blocks
    10 - Rock Solid - new multiplayer map. 1249 blocks
    11 - Jotenheim - new capture the flag map. 625 blocks
    12 - Gametypes - 4 new game types. 462 blocks (CTF, Giant Killers, Scout Match, Skirmish)
    14 - Objective Package - 3 new maps, 2 new gametypes. 3598 blocks (City Under Siege, Magma Fields, Secret Outpost - Check It, Take It)

    Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf (content supplied by M37H)
    01 New Maps - new multiplayer maps: Mountain High and Troubled Waters. 3977 blocks
    02 Battle Pack - 6 new multiplayer maps. 12169 blocks

    Metal Wolf Chaos (content supplied to and special thanks to ShouTime)
    BG Strike Track - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Boku No Muko - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Brass Conversation - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Ex Find - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Fankadelica - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Fooga - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    From The Morning - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Kokyu - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Loara - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    No Chaser - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Pianoris - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Shot Him - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Spica - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    Wesher - music track unlock. 4 blocks
    AFB - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    BB - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    BR - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    CRAC - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    DRG - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    ELEPH - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    G-BOW - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    GRE-RH - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    HANABI - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    RAYG - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    SHARK - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    TAIHOU - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    WRE-RH - weapon unlock. 4 blocks
    GRAY - UFO mystery object unlock. 4 blocks

    Midtown Madness 3 (content supplied by: NemVitzh, InsaneNutter, apathy`, Swagger) NTSC, PAL TU, NTSC-J TU, RF DLC
    Car Pack 1 - new cars: Ambassador, R4000, Shopper and Trasher. 330 blocks
    Car Pack 2 - new cars: Carica, Furious and LastKraftWagen. 230 blocks
    Car Pack 3 - new cars: Concept, Formula Midtown and Rusty 246 blocks
    car Pack 4 - new cars: Burken, Campione, Python and Stocker. 334 blocks
    Track Pack 1 - 10 new blitz and 10 new checkpoint tracks in Washington DC. 93 blocks
    Track Pack 2 - 10 new blitz and 10 new checkpoint tracks in Paris. 93 blocks

    MX Superfly (content supplied by: Harcroft and anonymous) RF Disc DLC, NTSC Live DLC
    Backyard Bash - new track unlock. 9 blocks
    Mall Jump - new track unlock. 9 blocks
    Amber & Discotecha - new rider and bike. 110 blocks
    Baller & Swoosh - new rider and bike. 108 blocks
    Bones & Pharaoh - new rider and bike. 111 blocks
    Bubba & Armor - new rider and bike. 116 blocks
    Crystal & Storm - new rider and bike. 115 blocks
    Dynamite & Vega - new rider and bike. 117 blocks
    Joe Bob & Ambush - new rider and bike. 114 blocks
    Lynn & Islander - new rider and bike. 114 blocks
    Tank & Enforcer - new rider and bike. 137 blocks
    (note: all Disc sourced for this game is labelled "Mall Jump", the XBL sourced DLC is named appropriately)

    NBA 2K3 (content supplied by: tw3nz0r)
    Roster Update 11/5/2002 - roster update. 34 blocks
    Roster Update 1/17/2003 - roster update. 34 blocks
    Roster Update 2/28/2003 - roster update. 34 blocks
    Roster Update 4/29/2003 - roster update. 34 blocks

    NBA Jam (content supplied by: cheato and scootyhamster)
    Halloween (team) - 151 blocks
    Thanksgiving (team) - 148 blocks

    NFL Fever 2003 (content supplied by: Arawen, Harcroft) NTSC TU, RF Roster Save
    NFLFeverRosterUpdate1 - updated roster. 468 blocks

    NHL Rivals 2004 (content supplied by: Harcroft) NTSC, NTSC-J TU
    Roster Update #1 - roster update. 208 blocks
    Roster Update #2A - roster update. 333 blocks
    Roster Update #3 - roster update. 194 blocks
    2004 All - Star Ice Logo - new center ice logo. 81 blocks

    NHL 2K6 (content supplied by: Harcroft) NTSC TU
    Roster Update 1 - September 15th - roster update. 22 blocks
    Roster Update 2 - October 13th - roster update. 22 blocks
    Roster Update 3 - November 2nd - roster update. 22 blocks
    Roster Update 5 - December 15th - roster update. 22 blocks
    Roster Update 7 - April 3rd - roster update. 22 blocks

    Ninja Gaiden (content supplied by:bikepig, Dampfwalze, Lastlight, and 1 anonymous source) NTSC+NTSC-J, PAL TU, RF DLC
    #1 Ninja Notice - Master Ninja Tournament notice. 9 blocks
    Hurricane 1 - better camera controls, new gear, faster gameplay. 2047 blocks
    Hurricane 2 - new multiplayer arena. 3134 blocks (usable only when connected to Xbox Live)
    #1 Tournament Notice - #1 Master Ninja Tournament notice. 4 blocks
    (Notice Sep. 3,2004) - Notice (Sep. 3,2004), master tournament has ended. 4 blocks

    Outlaw Volleyball (content supplied by: Harcroft) NTSC TU
    Trixie - new character. 697 blocks

    Phantom Dust (content supplied by: phlsphr42)
    Skill Update 1.10 - new skills 301-340. 39 blocks
    Skill Update 1.20 - new skills 341-372. 39 blocks

    Phantasy Star Online Episode 1&2 (content supplied by Arawen, Dampfwalze, h2: Kayak, Timbergrey, Wally17) NTSC, NTSC-J PAL TU. EN, FR, DE, JP, SPA DLC|
    Central Dome Fire Swirl - new quest. 7 blocks
    Seat of the Heart - new quest. 12 blocks (ported by fans from PSO+ on GC)
    The East Tower - new quest. 7 blocks (ported by fans from PSO+ on GC)
    The West Tower - new quest. 7 blocks (ported by fans from PSO+ on GC)
    feudalnate; author of a few other Xbox modding tools built the quest signing tool used in this installer package. It is also available on his github. http://github.com/feudalnate
    Title Updates with Reverie's font fix built in and separate updates with codemasterv's widescreen patch are included for NTSC and PAL regions![/B]

    Prince of Persia Warrior Within (content supplied by Harcroft)
    The Waterfront Tower - new arena level. 4077 blocks
    The Grotto of Trials - new time attack level. 3740 blocks

    Project Gotham Racing 2 (content supplied by: Fixified, M37H, ShouTime) NTSC+NTSC-J, PAL TU, RF DLC
    PGR2 Paris Booster Pack - 7 new courses, 8 new cars. 2996 blocks
    PGR2 Long Beach Booster Pack - 8 new courses, 9 new cars. 2393 blocks

    Project Snowblind (content supplied by: Harcroft) NTSC, NTSC-J TU
    REPAIR BAY - new multiplayer map. 1892 blocks (only usable on Xbox Live)

    Pump it Up Exceed SE (content supplied by anonymous)
    Step Editor - mode unlock. 5 blocks

    Rainbow Six 3 (content supplied by Arawen, Artoryor, Dampfwalze, Dn036, Evan, Lastlight, M37H, vrnsmith and 2 anonymous sources) RF TU, PAL Ger TU, RF DLC
    CARNIVAL - new multiplayer map. 942 blocks
    CloseQuarter - new multiplayer map. 1420 blocks
    GARAGE - new multiplayer map. 1169 blocks
    MEAT FACTORY - new multiplayer map. 871 blocks
    Parkade - new multiplayer map. 1644 blocks
    Scharins - new multiplayer map. 1189 blocks (deprecated)
    Scharins v2 - new multiplayer map. 1193 blocks (replaces the original for online play)
    TrainYard - new multiplayer map. 1695 blocks

    Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow (content supplied by M37H) RF TU, RF DLC
    Bootcamp - new multiplayer map. 961 blocks
    Village - new multiplayer map. 649 blocks
    AssaultPack1 - 4 new multiplayer maps: Killhouse, Office 2, Petroleum and Winter Lodge. 5595 blocks
    AssaultPack2 - 4 new multiplayer maps: Harbor Warehouse, Prison, Pumping Station, Winter base. 6058 blocks

    RalliSport Challenge 2 (content supplied by M37H)
    4 vehicles, 2 careers - 4 new cars, 2 new careers: Mountain Challenge and Arena Challenge. 1187 blocks
    2 new skins for each car - 2 new skins for each new car. 3397 blocks

    Re-Volt (special thanks to JarHead) Should be RF but built only with English titles
    Evil Candy Car - new car. 78 blocks
    Evil Candy Keys - keys to unlock Evil Candy car. 4 blocks
    Evil Phat Car - new car. 79 blocks
    Evil Phat Keys - keys to unlock Evil Phat car. 4 blocks
    Evil Toyeca Car - new car. 78 blocks
    Evil Toyeca Keys - keys to unlock Evil Toyeca car. 4 blocks
    UFO Car Keys - unlocks on disc UFO Car DLC. 4 blocks
    Subscription - Premium Subscription DLC, currently does nothing. Included only for preservation. 4 blocks
    Evil Candy Car Alt - fan made replacement skin for Evil Candy car. 78 blocks (replaces original DLC package)
    Evil Phat Car Alt - fan made replacement skin for Evil Phat car. 79 blocks (replaces original DLC package)
    Evil Toyeca Car Alt - fan made replacement skin for Evil Toyeca car. 78 blocks (replaces original DLC package)
    Note: DLC will not work in multiplayer until JarHead can fix some bugs and re-enable it for multiplayer games.

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Tides of War (content supplied by bLiGhTy, CaptainVodka, Crunchbite, Dampfwalze, Evan, hobojoe44, Jarhead, Lastlight, nitrate92, phlsphr42, tw3nz0r) RF TU, RF DLC
    Barn Multiplayer - new multiplayer map. 4 blocks
    Chateau Multiplayer - new multiplayer map. 4 blocks
    Safe Multiplayer - new multiplayer map. 4 blocks
    Increased FoV patched TU included, this will not work on stock Xbox consoles

    Run Like Hell (content supplied by: ciscogrant, Harcroft and 1 anonymous source) NTSC DLC
    Arena Death - new simulation level. 1079 blocks
    Shooting Gallery - new simulation level. 1461 blocks
    Cyber - new character skin. 21 blocks
    Eightball - new character skin. 21 blocks
    Samantha - new character skin. 13 blocks
    Zombie - new character skin. 21 blocks

    Secret Weapons Over Normandy (content supplied by: AmyGrrl)
    SWON Corsair F4U Package USA - new planes P-40 Kittyhawk MK III and F4U-1A, camo scheme for P-38. 60 blocks
    SWON He 162 and Furious Engel USA - new plane He 162, camo schemes for P-51 and B-17, Furious Engel 2 player mission. 484 blocks
    SWON Ki-61 and Last Chance USA - new plane Ki-61, camo scheme for G4M1, Last Chance single player mission. 502 blocks
    SWON Mc202 and Tripoli USA - new plane MC-202, camo scheme for Ju-87, Tripoli single player mission. 445 blocks

    Sid Meier's Pirates (content supplied by: AmyGrrl)
    Even the Odds Pack - 2 new action sequences, new Even the Odds patterns. 187 blocks
    Flag and Sail Pack 1 - new flags and sails. 284 blocks
    Vs Ship Battle Map Pack - new maps for vs battles. 51 blocks

    Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (content supplied by: 500amps, Grizzly, hobojoe44, 1 anonymous source) RF DLC
    Cheapshot Forest - new multiplayer level. 66 blocks
    Kremchung Hydroelectric - new multiplayer level. 66 blocks
    Oil Rig - new multiplayer level. 66 blocks
    Ruins - new multiplayer level. 66 blocks
    Kowloon Market - new multiplayer level 66 blocks

    Splinter Cell (content supplied by Harcroft)
    Kola cell - new single player mission. 1928 blocks
    Vselka Part One - new single player mission. 1928 blocks
    Vselka Submarine - new single player mission. 1558 blocks

    Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory (content supplied by Harcroft)
    Nuclear Plant - new single player or co-op mission Nuclear Plant. 2090 blocks
    UN Headquarters - new single player or co-op mission Nuclear Plant. 1990 blocks

    Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory VS mode (content supplied by Harcroft)
    POLAR BASE - new verus map. 1067 blocks
    STEEL SQUAT - new versus map. 1655 blocks

    Spinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (content supplied by: anonymous)
    Federal Bank / River Mall - 2 new multiplayer maps. 2279 blocks

    Star Wars: Battlefront (content supplied by: Harcroft) RF Eng TU, spoofed TUs for all 4 other disc languages/regions, RF DLC
    Jabba - new multiplayer map. 3004 blocks

    Star Wars: Battlefront II (content supplied by: Chiefrocks, Harcroft, ShouTime, and 1 anonymous source) RF multilingual, PAL Ger TU, RF DLC
    Expansion Pack - 4 new maps, 1 new hero: Kit Fisto and 1 new villian: Asajj Ventress. 3087 blocks
    Kashyyyk Assault - enables assault mode on Kashyyk. 567 blocks

    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (content supplied by: s3phir0th115, ShouTime, anonymous) NTSC, NTSC-J TU, NTSC DLC
    Yavin Station - new shop with new equipment. 1552 blocks

    Star Wars: Republic Commando (content supplied by: apathy`, tw3nz0r) RF DLC
    Hangar - new multiplayer map. 8 blocks

    Star Wars: The Clone Wars (content supplied by Harcroft, M37H and 1 anonymous source) NTSC TU, NTSC DLC
    Kashyyyk Conquest - new conquest multiplayer map, 447 blocks
    Raxus CZ - new control zone multiplayer map. 435 blocks
    Rhen Var CZ - new control zone multiplayer map. 375 blocks

    SWAT: Global Strike Team (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    MILITANT HIDEOUT - new deathmatch map. 1924 blocks
    ONE STOP SHOPPING - new deathmatch map. 1940 blocks

    The Incredibles (content supplied by: 500amps and Harcroft)
    Robot Battle Arena (NTSC) - new battle arena - 794 blocks
    Robot Battle Arena (PAL) - new battle arena - 1654 blocks

    ToeJam and Earl III: Mission to Earth (content supplied by: AmyGrrl)
    Earlbot - new character. 1609 blocks
    GeekJam - new character. 1560 blocks
    Suteki - new character. 1201 blocks
    Funkadelic Environment - new mission environment. 388 blocks
    Hades Environment - new mission environment. 249 blocks

    Tron 2.0 (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    Shareware Level - new Derez (deathmatch) level. 500 blocks
    Team Shareware Level - new team Derez (deathmatch) level. 500 blocks
    Tron Colors - additional player colors. 665 blocks

    Unreal Championship (content supplied by: AmyGrrl, CrunchBite, Harcroft, hobojoe44) RF TU, RF DLC
    CTF-OtarosRun - new capture the flag map. 294 blocks
    DM-AquaMortis - new deathmatch map. 328 blocks
    DM-Inferno - new deathmatch map. 397 blocks
    DM-Leviathan - new deathmatch map. 269 blocks

    Unreal Championship II (content supplied by: apathy`)
    Character: Apophis - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Calypso - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Garek - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Kraag - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Jackhammer - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Judas - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Lilith - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Merc Anubis - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Character: Necris Selket - new character and combos 4 blocks
    Character: Syzygy - new character and combos. 4 blocks
    Map: OD-Ascension - new overdose map. 4 blocks
    Map: Evil Hands - new deathmatch map. 4 blocks
    Map: Sever - new deathmatch map. 4 blocks
    Map: Monoxide - new capture the flag map. 4 blocks

    Vietcong Purple Haze (content supplied by: Harcroft)
    In Country - new multiplayer maps: The Bridge and Radio Relay. 2542 blocks (only usable on Xbox Live)

    Xbox Music Mixer (content supplied by: AmyGrrl, Harcroft) NTSC TU
    Alternative Rock Vol.1 - new song pack of 5 karaoke songs. 1740 blocks
    Children's Vol.1 - new song pack, of 5 karaoke songs. 737 blocks
    Christmas Vol.1 - new song pack, of 5 karaoke songs. 1040 blocks
    Classic Rock 70s Vol.1 - new song pack of 5 karaoke songs. 1788 blocks
    Country Female Vol.1 - new song pack of 5 karaoke songs. 1648 blocks
    Country Male Vol.1 - new song pack of 5 karaoke songs. 1668 blocks
    Jingle Bells Karaoke - new karaoke song. 257 blocks
    Karaoke Classics Vol.1 - new song pack of 5 karaoke songs. 1604 blocks
    Karaoke Classics Vol.2 - new song pack of 5 karaoke songs. 1398 blocks
    Hypnotic 2D Visualizer - new visualizer. 5 blocks
    Mutate Visualizer - new visualizer. 5 blocks
    New Fractal Visualizer - new visualizer. 5 blocks

    Title Update Regions and Credits:
    Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30 - HoneySoakedSeagull, Lastlight, sthopeless, 2 anyonymous sources (RF)
    Burnout 2: Point of Impact - Brainkiller007, Sparker599 (NTSC, PAL)
    Burnout 3: Takedown - Brainkiller007, CasuallyNoted, Cornerb0y, HoneySoakedSeagull, Lastlight, MonzaroNZ, Sekoku, urbanracer34, Zircron Swift, 2 anonymous sources (NTSC TU, PAL NL/EN/SP/SW TU, PAL FRE/GER/ITA TU)
    Darkwatch - AnthonyBF2, 1 anonymous source (NTSC)
    Dead or Alive Ultimate - hobojoe44, ShouTime, 1 anonymous source (NTSC+NTSC-J)
    Driv3r - 1 anonymous source - (RF)
    Forza Motorsport - 500amps, NemVitzh , 3 unique anonymous sources (RF)
    Guilty Gear XX #Reload - Swagger (NTSC-J)
    MotoGP Online - bLiGhTy, NewportShortie (NTSC+PAL) Only applies to Whacked+MotoGP Online Demos starter
    NFL Fever 2004 - Lastlight and 1 anonymous source (NTSC) Patched version included for playing from HDD
    Outlaw Golf 2 - 1 anonymous source (NTSC)
    Spikeout Battle Street - ShouTime and 1 anonymous source (NTSC, NTSC-J)
    Steel Battalion: Line of Contact - NemVitzh (RF) special thanks for FeudalNate and 774
    Street Fighter Anniversary Collection - MonaroNZ and 1 anonymous source (NA, Euro/JPN)
    TimeSplitters Future Perfect - hobojoe44, HoneySoakedSeagull, Lastlight and 1 anonymous source (NTSC, PAL)
    World Series of Poker - AnthonyBF2 (RF)

    Compatibility Patch Info
    During testing of 3rd party Xbox Live replacement services as I find game versions that are incompatible with each other I will try to release these patches to fix compatibility problems. These patches use existing game files disguised as Title Updates to fix compatibility. These patches have no affiliation with and are not endorsed by any 3rd party Xbox Live replacement service.
    Finding every title update version for each game will replace the need for these patches entirely. I personally test these patches, but use them at your own risk.

    ***DEPRECATED*** This will be replaced with the real title update soon.
    Tetris Worlds Live standalone game disc - Uses files from Star Wars The Close Wars/Tetris Worlds Live combo disc
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2025
  2. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Example of me installing the Midtown Madness 3 content

    Unrar and FTP content to a place on your Xbox (e.g. the Apps folder)

    Always set your FTP application to binary transfer mode, as ascii transfer can destroy the content or executables making the content causing you to get errors.


    Launch it from the dashboard of your choice, in my case Xbox Media Centre

    Pick the content to install

    From my experience some content packs don’t work with my PAL copy of the game so I presume some of the content is NTSC only.

    You can check and see if the content is installed by playing the game or looking in the Xbox memory manager.

    You might also want to check out the Offline Xbox Live Arcade Game Installers

    Attached Files:

    Rick and BigRod989 like this.
  3. Stealth Geek

    Stealth Geek Your Dad

    Dec 9, 2008
    Likes Received:
    I'm surprised no one has replied to this topic. These installers work great. Thanks for posting them. (H)
  4. mattyd38

    mattyd38 Console Modder

    Oct 7, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Huddersfield, UK.
    im glad this kind of thing has come about, xbox 1 downloadable content was so expensive!!!

    and such a huge list!

    excelent, well done
  5. JasonC

    JasonC New Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Splinter Cell CT DLC Installer

    Ok, I ran it on my 2 modded xboxes (dont have live but enjoy system link coop with my son) Installed both new maps and the updater as well, but I cant seem to find the new maps in coop/system link mode. I started from my last gamesave in coop mode, completed the train station level and when the lobby loaded it said

    mission: training.

    Do I need to do something else? The readme.txt seems to suggest deleting whatever is in E:\TDATA\55530038\ but I'm not 100% thats what it means. I've never downloaded content (as I am stuck with dial-up so dont have live)... Thanks for any help.

    Also, thanks a million for this resource (offline DLC installers) it rocks!
  6. Stealth Geek

    Stealth Geek Your Dad

    Dec 9, 2008
    Likes Received:

    I have a similar problem with the Ghost Recon 2 maps. I ran the installer, but they don't show up. Anyway, it means when you FTP into your Xbox, to go into that directory and delete those files in E:\TDATA\55530038\ what I'm guessing. Not sure about the other dashboards, but within Xbox Media Center, you can browse the files on your hard drive and delete them from there.
  7. JasonC

    JasonC New Member

    Dec 13, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Oops... Just had to start a game in 'mission' mode instead of 'story' mode and there they were...

  8. Moryath

    Moryath New Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Download is repeatedly getting 3-4 kb in and then failing (basic Firefox download, no download accelerator involved). Is there something I'm missing when trying to get these?
  9. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    The server was probably just busy, I’ve just got 500kb on a few I have tested. If you’re in the USA your download speed will be significantly slower however you should still be able to pull 100kb easy.
  10. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
  11. Tulazan

    Tulazan New Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Thank you!


    Just wanted to say thanks alot for this!



    Oh and +REP :)

  12. Arcane

    Arcane New Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Mechassault 2's not working, if anyone could kindly upload it.

    edit: It works now, but I was getting a 0kb download and on later attempts just a directory.
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2009
  13. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    MechAssult 2 is working here, I get about 800kb off it.

    Right click and save as, remember the ftp server will only allow you to log in twice at the same time so if you were downloading other stuff from Digiex that could be why.
  14. yoba

    yoba New Member

    Jan 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Wanted to say thanks very much for this! I'd been trying to get the DLC content for SWBF2 to run forever!

    I own the original game and the DLC content. I originally deleted the DLC content from my xbox because the trainer didn't work with the DLC content.

    Is there a way to get the trainer to run with DLC content? I know there are cheats for health and ammo, but I really don't want to loose the unlimited jetpack from the trainer.

    How do I uninstall the DLC content the installer put in? I noticed that it was not contained in the e/tdata/4c1001a.

    Thanks for any help
  15. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    If you load the Microsoft Dashboard and delete it in the save game manager that should work.

    As for getting trainers to work I believe the trainer would need updating to work with the DLC.
  16. yoba

    yoba New Member

    Jan 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Great! Thanks for the reply & info.
  17. Arcane

    Arcane New Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Okay, I put the Mechassault 2 DLC installer on a modded Xbox, started it, installed the content, and loading Mechassault 2 causes it to say both are invalid and should be deleted. Any thoughts?
  18. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Does the content show up in the Microsoft dashboard in the same place your save games do?
  19. Arcane

    Arcane New Member

    Jan 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Yes, but all the icons are suddenly the Action Replay logo, which is quite strange. This could just be because I downloaded a completed save to use the Nemesis recently, however.

    It also takes a pretty large amount of time for anything to happen in the installer, on the order of two minutes for either pack and 30 seconds for the patch.

    Could it be because I installed the DLC, then the patch, somehow invalidating it?
  20. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    As far as I’m aware these installers have nothing to do with action reply, that’s most likely to do with you downloading save games.

    I’ve only used the installers for a couple of games but it was pretty quick in Midtown Madness 3 and Unreal Championship 2.

    You could always try the DLC without the patch.

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