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Pokemon GEN 3 Mystery Gift Tool Download - Inject Nintendo Events, Wondercards & More

Discussion in 'Pokemon Apps' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Mystery Gift Tool by Suloku allows Mystery Gift event Wondercards to be injected in to generation 3 Pokemon games, these been Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Fire Red and Leaf Green.

    This tool can do the following:
    • Wonder News editor/injector/extractor
    • Wonder Card editor/injector/extractor
    • Mystery Event editor/injector/extractor
    • e-Trainer editor/injector/extractor
    • e-Berry editor/injector/extractor
    • Ruby/Saphire/Emerald secret base decoration editor
    • Ruby/Saphire/Emerald TV program and Swarm Editor
    • For researchers: function to export current savegame with sorted blocks, for easy hex comparision between savegames.

    Note: the savegame detection algorithm is not perfect, make sure the correct region and language are selected, if not, use the override button.



    The following Pokemon Generation 3 Events are included:


    • EON TICKET - RS - JAP.me3 -> taka
    • MYSTIC TICKET 2005 - E - JAP.wc3 -> taka (2005 Winter)
    • OLD SEA MAP - E - JAP.wc3 -> taka
    • AURORA TICKET 2004 - FRLG - JAP.wc3 -> taka (2004 Summer)
    • MYSTIC TICKET 2004 - FRLG - JAP.wc3 -> taka (2004 Summer)
    • MYSTIC TICKET 2005 - FRLG - JAP.wc3 -> taka (2005 Winter)


    • EON TICKET - RS - ENG_USA (e-card).me3 -> USA Eon ticket e-card
    • AURORA TICKET - EMERALD.wc3 - ENG_UK -> Nintendo italy, thanks to Real.96
    • AURORA TICKET 2004 FALL - FRLG - ENG_USA.wc3 -> contributed by Gldsun at projectpokemon
    • MYSTIC TICKET - FRLG - ENG_USA.wc3 -> contributed by Maveos
    • MYSTIC TICKET TCGWC 2005 - E - ENG_USA.wc3 -> contributed by Yukfou, dumped thanks to sceptios
    • MYSTIC TICKET - E - ENG_USA.wc3 -> contributed by Maveos
    • AURORA TICKET - FRLG - ENG_UK.wc3 -> contributed by Real.96


    • EON TICKET - RS - FRE.me3 -> contributed by Real.96
    • AURORA TICKET - EMERALD - FRE.wc3 -> contributed by Real.96
    • AURORA TICKET - FRLG - FRE.wc3 -> contributed by Real.96


    • EON TICKET - RS - ITA.me3 -> contributed by Real.96
    • AURORA TICKET - EMERALD - GER.wc3 -> contributed by Real.96/Ahito95
    • AURORA TICKET - FRLG - ITA.wc3 -> contributed by Real.96/Ahito95


    • EON TICKET - RS - GER.me3 -> Nintendo italy, thanks to Real.96 and ajxpkm
    • AURORA TICKET - EMERALD - GER.wc3 -> Nintendo italy, thanks to Real.96 and ajxpkm
    • AURORA TICKET - FRLG - GER.wc3 -> contributed by King Impoleon (Pokemon Day 2005 Germany)


    • EON TICKET - RS - ESP.me3 -> Nintendo italy, thanks to Real.96 and suloku
    • AURORA TICKET - EMERALD - ESP.wc3 -> Nintendo italy, thanks to Real.96 and suloku
    • AURORA TICKET - FRLG - ESP.wc3 -> contributed Dr. Matt (got from nintendo Spain)


    Download Mystery Gift Tool 0.1f

    Please checkout Suloku's Github to ensure you have the latest version of this tool.

    Attached Files:

  2. Thanks. This is nice. I hope the remaining wonder cards will be available as well.
  3. Alfredo+

    Alfredo+ Member

    Jan 20, 2018
    Likes Received:
    Hi, @InsaneNutter

    I downloaded this and got a virus alert on Chrome. I thought it was a false positive but again, Windows Defender sent me this window. What could it be?
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    It's a false positive due to how the program works. The source code is on Github as is the version of the program we host: https://github.com/suloku/wc-tool/releases/ so you can review it for yourself.

    You could always use the NDS version if you don't trust the PC version: https://digiex.net/threads/nds-mystery-gift-tool-inject-pokemon-gen-3-wondercards-and-events.14864/
  5. Ryanx

    Ryanx Member

    Feb 13, 2018
    Likes Received:
    I am confused on how to do this? is there a guide that shows how to do it?
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    1. Load your save file, if this is on a GBA cartridge you will first need to back this up so you have it on a PC. GBA Backup Tool on the NDS works well for this.

    2. Choose the event you want from your region. You can't use JPN events on a USA / EUR game for example.

    3. Inject this event in to the save you loaded on step 1.

    4. Restore your save game to the GBA cartridge with GBA Backup Tool, or if your using an emulator simply load your game again and play the game


    @Ryanx I hope this helps, its a very quick explanation, however I can go in to more detail if you wish on anything you are unsure about.
  7. Ryanx

    Ryanx Member

    Feb 13, 2018
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    So can I do this with a R4 flash cart on my DS?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes, it might well be better just to use NDS Mystery Gift Tool on your R4 flash card. Load that as you would any other app / rom and it should be a lot more simple.
  9. Ryanx

    Ryanx Member

    Feb 13, 2018
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    all this confuses me but I do want to pick up a R4 and a everdrive gba. are those the best flash carts? I want to make sure I get something that will work
  10. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Everdrive is the best for GBA, but if you don't mind losing real-time clock and having to patch your games (sometimes jumping through many hoops to get some working), the EZ-Flash IV is much lighter on the wallet.

    Strictly-speaking, DSTwo is the best for DS. However it doesn't really play the games better, it just has more features at the cost of much worse battery life. Very expensive for what it is (and you might have trouble finding one nowadays anyway.)

    For general purpose you'll want R4i Gold 3DS+. Not as feature-rich, but it runs games just the same as the DSTwo with basically the same compatibility. My preference, and the UI is so much easier to skin and much more customize-able than the DSTwo (and it actually displays Japanese properly, dammit.)

    The latter also lets you mod a 3DS for CFW in the easiest possible way, which technically gives it support for 3DS games, which DStwo can't cover.
  11. Ryanx

    Ryanx Member

    Feb 13, 2018
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    Well my idea for wanting to get flash carts for both my DS and GBA is to just turn them into distribution cartridges. I have no plans to download actual games and play them. whatever is the best for that
  12. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    In that case you'll probably just want whatever is cheapest. That is, EZ4 for GBA at the moment, though you might have no choice but to get EZ-Flash Reform because I'm not sure if EZ4 is still available. Unfortunately more expensive than the EZ4, but not by much (and still twice as cheap as the Everdrive, lol.)

    $45 is pretty meh, but you'd have trouble finding cheaper when it comes to GBA flashcarts.

    DS, there's DSTT, it's a pretty bad flashcart in general, but it supports YSMenu which should be able to run the G4/G5 distribution roms. Definitely the Gen 4 ones, might need confirmation for Gen 5 ones.

    (Also, if you buy from nds-card. Pay the few dollars extra to get a tracking number.)
  13. Ryanx

    Ryanx Member

    Feb 13, 2018
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    I would rather spend the extra cash and get a quality product. I dont want to get a peice of junk everydrive for gba looks like best qualty. but I am unsure about the DS. are the R4 good?
  14. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    EZ-Flash is quality, but if you'd prefer to spend $100 rather than $35 for the same results, that's up to you.

    R4i Gold is good, but again you really don't need to spend that much when the DSTT is more than good enough for what you want to do for over half the price.

    Of course, ED and R4i Gold are more future-proof, in case you ever decided later that you wanted to put more roms of other games on them. But they're really overkill and a waste of money if all you want to do is run the distribution roms.
  15. Villain

    Villain New Member

    Jun 10, 2018
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    What exactly is the difference between the Gen3 Event Tool and the Mystery Gift Tool and inside the Mystery Gift Tool "Mystery Gift" and "Mystery Event" (sorry for this probably noobie question).

    Also is every 3rd Gen Pokemon Event a Wonder Card, and if not why not. I just want to get some basic understanding of Pokemon Events and all there is to know about this.

    2nd edit: There is no way to legally get the Mystry Ticket for a german game version right now or did i not understand that correctly?

    3rd edit: If i have a japanese emerald can i flash the old sea map onto it directly?
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The Gen 3 Event Tool is the one you want to use for injecting events in to your saves:


    In Gen 3 these event wondercards allow access to areas in game, which would otherwise be inaccessible:

    • Aurora Ticket - Birth Island
    • Eon Ticket - Southern Island
    • Mystic Ticket - Navel Rock
    • Old Sea Map - Faraway Island
    Other event Pokemon we're distributed from special distribution cartridges directly to your save game, some of which we have here: Pokemon GBA Event Distributions.

    We have a save game with at least one of all the event Pokemon we've managed to preserve available here: Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save so you can trade them to your own game.

    All evidence suggests that the USA Wondercard distributions were compatible with all non-japanese games, so you could inject the US Mystic Ticket in to a German game, the wonder card would just be in English I believe. This would have been the same as someone from Germany going to the US back in the day to receive the event.

    Yes the Old Sea Map works perfectly with a JPN Emerald game only, the event was never officially released outside Japan.
  17. Villain

    Villain New Member

    Jun 10, 2018
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    I downloaded the NDS Version of this tool and put in a german emerald cartridge. It didnt show me the Old Sea Map. Is it because it automatically detects the region of the cartridge and only shows me the ones for the specific region? Will it show me the Old sea map if i put in a japanese emerald cartridge (i just ordered one, have not got it yet).

    I also do not want to have a german game with a english wondercard thats why i dont want to use the USA Wondercard on german game. I will probably end up playing a english game because of that (i am just very picky).

    I activated the Auroraticket on my firered with NDS just to test it and i am wondering where i can view the wondercard (it should have one or not?). Because the original event came with a wondercard and if you would not get one it wouldnt be legit right?

    Side question to all the other ones: How were the legit Events obtained. i know that distribution cartridges can get extracted and then we have the rom but how does it work with these events here.

    Sorry to bother you so much
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The NDS version will only show you the ones you can use I believe.

    You can view the wonder card under Mystery Gift on the main menu if memory serves me right, remember you need to unlock that functionality if its a new save though: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mystery_Gift#Generation_III

    For the Eon Ticket people sent all the supported European language gamecarts Nintendo Italy, then extracted the wonder card before obtaining the event when they got the cart back. Until recently Nintendo Italy we're still allowing people to post their gamecarts to obtain the Eon ticket. That means everything required could be extracted from the save so the event could be injected in to a new save, the same as if it had been received from Nintendo.

    The others we're obtained at Nintendo event's years ago by people who backed up their save game before using the wonder card. I believe there's a credits read me of who obtained what in the download.
  19. Villain

    Villain New Member

    Jun 10, 2018
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    Thanks for the reply. I cannot check for the wondercard right now because i cannot access mystery gift in main menu without hooking up the gba wireless adapter which i do not have atm.
  20. Typhlosion

    Typhlosion Member

    Dec 9, 2018
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    Hi, is there a tutorial on how to make this work? Because i have tried loading my FireRed sav that was from my original cartridge, and i tired injecting the mystic ticket for example and although it did work and i was able to collect the ticket, i was unable to aboard the boat and travel to the island so it basically doesn't work.
    Am i doing anything wrong here my exact steps using this mystery gift tool were loading the save file, moving over to the gen 3 event page and selecting the mystic ticket, then i saved and exported it over my original save, yet no event seems to work, i use a UK version of FireRed.

    Thank you

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