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Pokemon Doel Deoxys Distribution Cartridge GBA Download

Discussion in 'Pokemon GBA Event Distributions' started by Professor Oak, Dec 25, 2019.

  1. YoshiMoshi

    YoshiMoshi Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2017
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    Can someone please post a guide on how it was discovered how to remove the date, like how to know which address did this?
  2. ggggggggggggg

    ggggggggggggg New Member

    Aug 3, 2021
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    hello I would like to know if someone will be able to make it work with French games (I do not know in the rom modification)
  3. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    This event works only with English games, so every not-english DOEL Deoxys will be illegal.
    But you can temporarily use your French dumped save file with an English ROM and download the event using an emulator that can replicate game-link connection, like NO$GBA.
  4. ggggggggggggg

    ggggggggggggg New Member

    Aug 3, 2021
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  5. Dalton Gray

    Dalton Gray New Member

    Sep 21, 2021
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    You my friend are a blessing! This worked!
    RJRacoon likes this.
  6. Jared Elliott

    Jared Elliott New Member

    Feb 7, 2022
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    Hi guys! I'm new here and thanks so much for the events I've been able to distribute to myself. I grew up in NS, Canada and never could have got any myself. I cannot express my gratitude enough, thank you thank you!!

    Also, I got the doel deoxys original file working on original hardware. I used my ez flash omega DE, put the date to today's date but the year 2006, changed the save type to 128k flash and wrote the rom to the nor clean (probably don't have to write it to nor but I haven't tested it) and voila! Works like a charm and I didn't have to use the no date file
  7. bamboodle_poodle

    bamboodle_poodle Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Hey everyone,

    Longtime Pokemon fan here. When I heard you could glitch the event items via a Pomeg Berry exploit I restarted Emerald for the first time in over a decade. It's been really fun.

    Well, it dawned on me: I have an EZ Flash IV (since 2008) and 2 GBA wireless adapters. I figured I'd just find the ROMs and distribute them to myself. However, I can't seem to get it to work. The ROM is on my SD card, not written to flash; should I go ahead and do that? I also made an alternate ROM patching it with EZGBA per a recommendation earlier in the thread.

    I can get Emerald to "search" for the distribution ROM, and my EZ Flash has Deoxys and its ID with "waiting" -- but I can't seem to get anything to happen. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Does it work with the wireless adapters? If anyone can shine any light on this it'd be really appreciated.

    Also, THANK YOU for making the distribution ROMs a reality, it's such a blessing to so many people.
  8. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Do you have a 4th gen game you can attempt to transfer some emerald pokemon to? You may have a fake copy of emerald. A sure way to check it is attempting to transfer. Fun fact you could use a flash cart for the 4th gen game to test it.
  9. bamboodle_poodle

    bamboodle_poodle Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Thanks for the response. I used to have an R4 but I gave it away in 2014. I purchased Emerald brand new over 16 years ago at this point and I've Pal Parked guys from it considerably over the years. However, that'd be great insight if that wasn't the case.

    Edit: Also I wanted to mention I know the wireless adapters work. I tested on my copies of FireRed/LeafGreen (also authentic and from the mid-late 2000s--might get events on them too if I could get this to work). Figured I'd mention this to remove another potential cause of error. Also can't reiterate how grateful I am for a reply; I only registered to test my luck since it's been so long since the thread had any responses
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2023
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You will need a GBA link cable to use the distribution, it's not designed to work with wireless adaptors.

    1. Essentially you connect the GBA's via the link cable, power the GBA with the distribution in and load it up ready to distribute the rom.
    2. Then put your Emerald game in the other GBA, power the GBA on Holding Start + Select to enter multiboot mode.
    3. The Deoxys will then be distributed.

    We have a video of the process here:

  11. bamboodle_poodle

    bamboodle_poodle Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    Ouch, I don't think my link cable works; FR/LG don't seem to register it (the biggest sign) and even with trial and error I can't get Emerald to enter multiboot mode. It's a 3rd party Mad Catz one from 20+ years ago so it's probably just dead. Anyhow, thanks a ton for the help.
  12. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    I completely missed you were using wireless adapters, as far as 3rd party link cables its really inconsistent for what they work with and what they don't. I highly recomend picking up a first party one. Sometimes they're for sale refurbished on nintendo's website. You can also find them on amazon or ebay but sometimes people present 3rd party stuff as first party on those marketplaces. one last thing before you buy a new cable. Try reversing which side is connected to each gba. iirc some of these gba events are senstive to which side of the cable is connected to the event.
  13. bamboodle_poodle

    bamboodle_poodle Member

    Oct 10, 2023
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    I appreciate the advice. In any case it's all good. Here on this forum I found other distribution ROMs that indeed work with the wireless adapters, and since then I was able to transfer the Old Sea Map event and get shiny Mew. Feels so good to actually land the 1/60th shiny (fortunately my frame wasn't too far in, just 126 seconds). Gonna go for shiny Deoxys and whatever Lati I didn't pick after.

    Thank you thank you thank you to whoever helped with these ROMs. I know I'm just a random internet dude, but it truly means the world to me.
    AlamosIT and InsaneNutter like this.
  14. Timebender

    Timebender New Member

    Sep 23, 2022
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    Hello people and thank you for your immense work on making ROMS like Aura Mew and Doel Deoxys available to the public. I can assure you that you made a dream come true. Throughout this year I have been grinding to complete my pokedex in emerald for the first time in my life, after almost 20 years. I even bought the japanese setup to get a legit Celebi from Pokemon Colosseum.

    This being said, the only thing that I cannot manage to get working is this Doel Deoxys ROM so that it distributes the Deoxys on my German emerald cartridge. It's not that bad, because I can inject the Auroraticket into my save file so that I can get a legit complete Pokedex, but I would really like to make my collection of special events complete (The Aura MEW ROM works perfectly fine for me).

    I have applied the fixes to resolve the issue with the japanese Text and everything and it seems to me that the ROM is ready to distribute. But as I read here, it is not possible to distribute Doel Deoxys on non-english cartridges. Is that true?

    I find that kind of strange, because does that mean that in order to get a DOEL Deoxys, people had to come to the Netherlands with an English copy of their favourite Gen 3 game? Or what is the reason for it to not work on non-English cartridges?

    Anyway, does that mean that I have to buy an English cartridge in order to distribute a legit DOEL Deoxys? And does English cartridge mean US AND UK cartridges are fine?

    Sorry for all these question, I really hope I can get an answer to these, because I am very interested in the process and in the end I would like get it working, even if it means to buy another (English) cartridge.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2023
  15. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Hello! If you want, take a look at this thread https://digiex.net/threads/custom-every-gen-3-distribution-recreated.16510/
    You should be able to find a custom DOEL deoxys that'll distribute to English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish titles!
    AlamosIT likes this.
  16. Timebender

    Timebender New Member

    Sep 23, 2022
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    Hello! Thank you very much and how nice of you guys that you already worked around that problem! So it means that I indeed was not too dumb to make it work, the original ROM just doesnt work on non-English cartridges.

    I think dutch people always had to buy English cartridges in their country right? That would make it more plausible, because if it's true, then the regular Dutch person with a Gen 3 pokemon game had an English copy and thus could receive DOEL deoxys. By the way, "doel" means "Goal" in Dutch.

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