Hey guys... So I finally got around to switching all my game saves over to a USB drive today... Went to boot up the box later and the flash drive shows up unformatted... I looked around the net and forum, didn't really see a whole lot specifically around the idea of 'saving' things from the drive? Is it possible at all? I downloaded the USB Xtaf deal, and when loading into it under "Cache Partition" it has 'invalid directory'... If I open the drive with explorer itself, there is a hidden xbox360 folder, and then 4 data files (Data0000, Data0001, etc) that vary in size. So, did I really lose all my game saves? Whats in those damn data files? Thanks in advance! I apologize if this has been covered and I completely missed it in search :/
close any xplorer 360 windows then download & run this program XboxMB - Xbox Message Boards - Horizon (it will auto mount any usb flash drives / hard drives and you can copy content)
thanks for the quick reply! Got that and ran it... now it gives me "an error has occurred loading one of your devices" Looks like I may be screwed on this
Well that one works in that I don't get any errors trying to open the files. On the flip side... It would seem the files are actually empty?