ok to be honest i have no idea to jtag. This most illegal thing i have done on my 360 was modifying the gamer score using the tool on the forum. But i honestly would like to jtag my console, but im clueless Would someone be kind enough to post up a guide so i can to it. And if there is already one can some one direct me to it?
Whats your Dashboard update? Do you was online on Xbox Live? Yes => No Jtag. btw. to Jtag a box you need skills.. it's not that easy like hacking GS or flashing the disc drive firmware.
There is no one perfect tutorial on this, well I didnt think so anyway. It will probably take you a lot of reading to understand everything, so dont be in a rush to do it. Your going to need an Xbox 360 manufactured before the 18th June 2009 and that hasn't been upgraded past the 7371 dashboard. This is a really good guide to start reading: https://docs.google.com/View?id=dnfmv5h_30dw33vpf4 The images I have attached show how the 360 should be wired up depending on the motherboard revision, they should be linked to in that guide anyway. I hope that gets you started anyway
Start to Finish tutorial for Jtag Users : teamxlink.co.uk :: View topic - Start to Finish tutorial for Jtag Users
damn i cant JTAG i think, i upgraded to the one that game me usb support, so i could transfer my profile and edit my gamerscore Oh well it was worth a try.
If you have signed on to live played a game released in the last year your console would have been updated anyway. The best thing to do is get a jtaggable console on ebay.