Advice on how to update cracked Xbox360 ?

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by eddykhd, Jul 23, 2017.

  1. eddykhd

    eddykhd New Member

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Hello everyone on this forum. I was surprised to find a forum discussing cracked 360's and am very very happy that I finally did :) without no further ado, I need some help with my 360.

    My 360 was modified around 5 years ago for 50 USD. They replaced some parts in it and soldered some parts and made cracked games work on it. and never updated or flashed again since. Its a xbox360 Slim, I've done a bit of research and it's the 10.83A model, codenamed TRINITY. released June 2010 (I saw this post online to identifying xbox's).

    So the reason I want to update my 360 is because whenever I try to play a game newer than NBA2k13 on it, it says that the game cannot be played and I must update the console in order to play the game. I've tried 2k17 all the way down to 2k15 and its all the same story.

    So, for that reason, I would like to update my console. I am currently in Lebanon and I can go to the game shop and pay 50 USD and they will 'update' it for me so that it will run the newest games... however being the very un-niave person I am, I realize I can probably do this at home, for free if i download the right files. I searched and searched and searched and cannot seem to help myself.. links are broken, outdated, or shady... so I've finally given up and asking online :) hopefully one of you beautiful people can help me

    So I read a response by insanenutter (who is a staff member here) (edit: I just read that you actually founded this forum and its been going for 13 years. much respect bro, all props to you and the homies that keep this forum running) and he said if your xbox boots normally without seeing xell reloaded or xell logo its just a flashed drive xbox, and not a JTAG'd / RGH xbox My xbox's drive is 4GB.

    Anyways, I am simply looking for someone to help me understand how I can use a USB to update my already phyically modified xbox 360 so that I can play new games from 2017 such as NBA2k17 and fifa17. to avoid paying 50$ when I can save that money. I have a 64GB Usb and hoping I can use that :)

    Info about my xbox :

    in system settings it says copyright 2012 microsoft corportation. this leads me to believe the latest update software uplied on it was from 2012 (5 years ago like i mentioned)
    Dashboard : 2.0.16202.0
    XBOX 360 slim , model trinity (10.83A written on the back, released june 2010)
    **I am a firm believer that it is simply a flashed hard drive (dont know if this is possible cause its 4GB only) but I could be wrong. also I dont know which hardrive, but I can find that out if you need that to help me**

    Thank you so so so much for taking the time to read my long post. I tend to write too much sometimes! I like to give you guys the most information to make your advice and assistance count and be as non-painstaking as possible for you. much love guys and girls!

    I would be more than happy to paypal 10$ dollars to the forum as a donation or to anyone willing to help me, because youre saving me 40$! hahah much love guys a
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    So first things first how are you playing your games, on burned discs or from the hard drive using XEX Menu or some other dashboard / game loader?

    If you power the console on with the eject button what happens? do you just get the Xbox 360 dashboard or do you see Xell?

    If you see Xell then you have a Jtag / RGH console, if you see the Xbox 360 dashboard it's very likely the DVD is simply flashed to play burned games. Did you get any files with the console stating what firmware had been flashed to the DVD drive, or anything at all.
  3. eddykhd

    eddykhd New Member

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Hello InsaneNutter. Thank u so much for replying personally bro, you're dope.

    1. I use burned discs that I purchase (very cheaply) from game stores (internet is too slow here to download and burn your own discs)
    2. Just the Xbox 360 normal dashboard. No special XEX or anything like that. You'd think it's a normal Xbox.
    3. I did not get any files, sorry :( Is there a way to find out? I know each Xbox version has a way to mod it.. mine is the trinity version with the 10.83A on the back (a slim) . So can I just flash a new firmware on it and disregard the old flash?

    Thank you again for your reply!
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I think you should just be able to update the console with a standard system update and be fine going from what you have said. I believe just the DVD drive is flashed, you can play NBA 2k13 which is good as that's an XGD3 game, meaning you'd have to have the latest LT 3.0 firmware flashed on the DVD drive to be able to load that game.

    To update your DVD firmware your going to need to invest in hardware to flash the DVD drive, which is going to cost more than the $50 the shop would charge you to update the console and i think you will be on the latest version anyway, so i'd not buy anything at this point.

    What i'd suggest is downloading the Xbox 360 Dashboard / System Update 2.0.17502.0 Download With Avatars and updating your console via a USB memory stick, i believe the console should just update as normal and you will be able to play newer games then. The worst case scenario is it goes wrong and you have to take it to the shop, however based on what you said I think you should just be able to update.

    Do so at your own risk, however from everything you have told me I think you should be ok.
  5. eddykhd

    eddykhd New Member

    Jul 23, 2017
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    Hello InsaneNutter. Thank you so much. I updated it via the method you described and it worked perfectly. I have both NBA2k15 and Fifa 15 at the moment, and while Fifa 15 worked nba did not. Not sure why (it says this disc is not supported). Anyways what is important is that new games work now. Thank you again for your help!
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Glad you got the console updated, have fun!
  7. Space12345

    Space12345 Member

    Mar 19, 2024
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    InsaneNutter i need u help
    i have modded xbox 360 and i burn xbox game Simspons hit & run
    It said “
    This original Xbox game is not supported on your Xbox 360 console. An update to support this game may be available. For more info, go to “

    And I try to install Xbox 360 Dashboard / System Update 2.0.17502.0 Download With Avatars using usb drive
    But after I install it. The game still doesn’t work.
    I check on the internet the simpons hit & run suppose to work on Xbox 360
    What should I do now ?
    Should I install the latest system update ?

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  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Its an original Xbox game, so you need an Xbox 360 hard drive to play the game.

    If you have an Xbox 360 hard drive install the latest Xbox 360 Backwards Compatibility Update and the game should then be playable.
    Space12345 likes this.
  9. Space12345

    Space12345 Member

    Mar 19, 2024
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    thank you so much for the reply
    i have xbox360 hard drive
    i already download Xbox 360 Backwards Compatability Update - November 2007
    inside there is a file default.xex
    but i try to burn it to a CD with Img Burn it doesnt work and i don't know how to burn it
    sorry maybe im not very good with computer
    can u tell what to do
    thank you !
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Put a blank CD / DVD in your computer:


    Choose the option with a CD/DVD player:


    Drag the default.exe from the backwards compatibility update on to the disc, then right click and select burn to disc:

  11. Space12345

    Space12345 Member

    Mar 19, 2024
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    thank you so much InsaneNutter

    what did exactly what u told me
    It work I update it and I try the game again it said “
    This original Xbox game has encountered a problem and can't continue. For more info, go to

    X: 5829.0 B: 1884.0 “

    I heard u need dual layer disc DVD+R DL for Xbox 360 and i re-burn my game with dual layer disc using img burn but still won’t work.

    I’m stuck here again
    What wonder what went again
    Maybe because my Mod xbox 360 won’t play original xbox burn game ?
    Or I using wrong methods of burning my game ?

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  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    It looks like you have updated the original Xbox emulator ok and its a problem with the game you have downloaded.

    Most original Xbox games were ripped in a way that is incompatible with burning them to be played on an Xbox 360 with a flashed DVD drive. You would need to buy the game or find a proper rip of the game disc with all the data required to play on the Xbox 360. (we can't help you with downloading games here).
  13. Space12345

    Space12345 Member

    Mar 19, 2024
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    Hi InsaneNutter

    Please help me i recently saw this video it could help me play original Xbox game
    the link of this video
    said to install to play Xbox game on mod Xbox 360
    1. HDD Compatibility Partition Fixer
    2. Hacked Compatability Files
    do u think is safe for me to install those 2 files ? i don't want mess up my mod Xbox 360

    and u mention about u need proper rip the Xbox game to play on xbox360 can u tell me one example of how to burn them ?
    because when u download original Xbox game is only an ISO file
    do u have to convert to other format or what data u required ?
    please let me know

    thank you so so much !

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  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That video is for Jtag / RGH hacked Xbox 360's, from what you have said you just have a flashed DVD drive so I wouldn't start doing anything in that video.

    I believe your hard drive is fine, the problem is you are burning games ripped for use on the original Xbox, not to the Xbox 360

    The original Xbox doesn't care how a game is ripped as its either modchipped or softmodded, so will just load the disc regardless. Your Xbox 360 has a flashed DVD drive, so its essentially fooling the Xbox 360 in to thinking the disc in the drive is an original disc and not a copy. That means you need to be burning a full dump of the disc, many ISO's on the internet from the OG Xbox games are not dumped correctly to be usable on an Xbox 360 with a flashed DVD drive. They will only work on a Jtag / RGH hacked Xbox 360 from the hard drive.

    If I had to guess the disc you have burned is not ripped correctly.

    Google "myrient" and its quite possible you will find a correctly ripped ISO's of original Xbox games on that site under the "Redump" section. Download, unzip and burn them how you would a 360 game, hopefully they should work.

    If not the best advice I can give is try play a non burned backwards compatible game and see if it works, that will at least confirm if its a problem with the Xbox emulator or your burned discs.

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