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Banjo-Tooie Stop 'n' Swop Premium Theme Download

Discussion in 'Themes' started by InsaneNutter, Feb 20, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England

    You will need some way of connecting either your 360’s Hard Drive or Memory card to the PC, you cannot burn this to a CD and copy it to your 360.

    Once you have either a hard drive or memory card connected to the PC load Xplorer 360 up and click Drive > Open > Hard drive or memory card.

    If you are using a memory card open Partition 1, If you are using a 360 hard drive open Partition 3

    Unzip the theme, the folders and theme file should be copied to: Content\0000000000000000\

    The end result should look something like this:

    Now just sign your profile in, go to the my xbox section, click your gamertag, click change theme and enjoy!

    Banjo-Tooie Stop 'n' Swop Premium Theme Download

    Attached Files:

    MahdisRanger33 and Dig like this.
  2. Doug

    Doug Active Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    I can confirm the folder id is correct on this
    and crc32 as i unlocked this myself

    the timestamp for anyone anal is

    November 15th 2002 yes 2002
    12:01:00 AM
  3. Scarface0415

    Scarface0415 Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
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    WT,NY soon to be GA
    rofl and what are u talking about?

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