Oh great... Since a while I have been banned from PSN due to jailbreaking. Sony found out and BAM! How do I get online again?
Out of curiosity what steps did you take to try not get banned? You can get online again by buying an unbanned CID I believe. I can't recommend anyone who sells them, however if you have a search on Google you will find a few people who still do.
Thanks! No steps I believe... I just went online and bam, after some hours I got suddenly banned. Stupid Sony! I won't PS again for a LONG LONG LONG time! (not allowed to buy online, I also have no credit card or stuff)
You can take steps not to get banned such as using PSNPatch. This disables PSN access until you enable it with L3+R3+R2 from the XMB. When you enable PSN access it disables things Sony can potentially detect such as CFW syscalls, it doesn't 100% make you safe, however it certainly helps. You can't really blame Sony for banning people with CFW, many people use it to cheat online. However unlike Microsoft if you are careful they are a lot less likely to ban.