Banned xbox 360, i need another dashboard so i can go online.

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by King_Z, May 2, 2014.

  1. King_Z

    King_Z Member

    May 2, 2014
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    PLEASE READ 1st.

    I know its banned
    I know i can never use xbox live again on this console, (thats not what im asking)
    And i dont want an XBOX 360 update, (i can download the new dashboard and install it to my xbox 360)

    I want to know if anyone has taken the xbox 360 dashboard and modified it so i can install a new version of xbox dashboard that is not xbox and does not link all my dash to xbox live.
    Then i can go online using my xbox. Play games online through a different host rather than xbox live having anything to do with my console apart from the name on the console.

    It does not have to tick all the boxes, but is there anything out there? Anything someone is working on? Anything that sort-of answers my question?
  2. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    If the console has been modified to run unsigned code via JTAG or RGH hacks then you can install the Freestyle Dashboard. It has the ability to do this. You will also need the latest Dashlaunch.
  3. King_Z

    King_Z Member

    May 2, 2014
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    Thanks thats good to know, however...

    I can download a new dashboard update from Xbox and put it on a disc/usb drive and then install to the xbox.

    Is there anything someone has made that will just install in this way, presumably it is possible as if someone just has the right codes to tell the console that the new software being insatlled as the new OS is an official update, then the system will just install the new OS over the old offical xbox OS

    Its just, from what i have read the RGH needs to be on there all the time, which takes a long time to boot up the xbox, as its trying to breach the secuirty proticols in the xbox OS by restarting the xbox untill it can get in, and the Freestyle dash is just a program that runs on the xbox OS, (if i have all this correct?)

    Im trying to find a more simplier option thats more like running linux on a pc that came with windows. if you follow my analogy. Even if it requires soldering or chips/circuit boards to get it working initially is there anything out there?

    The JTAG sounds like it would be better but you can only have dashboard 2.0.7371.0 or below, (i presume that means u cant Jtag then update the dashboard either) then some games will not play as they require another update like Operation Flashpoint Red RIver.
  4. raghavsood999

    raghavsood999 New Member

    Aug 19, 2013
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    I think it is your profile which gets a ban from xbox live and not the dashboard or the xbox's OS.
    To get rid of it i think all you need to do is to switch your xbox live profiles. That will also remove your live subcriptions and change your payment details or email address. I think you do not have to change any hardware. YOu can do it software wise too.
    You can reinstall dashboard or reset it from settings if you want.
  5. King_Z

    King_Z Member

    May 2, 2014
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    That is only if they ban your user name.

    They ban consoles, i have read somewhere that they ban the unique ID thats hardwired into the motherboard.

    I am not bothered about Xbox Live, i am looking for an alternative that i can install on my xbox 360.

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