Hi Guys, I got a RGH Xbox Slim, it's working fine but but every time i switch it on the boot times vary. Sometimes it boots up instantly, sometimes in about 2 minutes and sometime I'll wait longer than 2 minutes then switch it off and switch it back on, then it boots up quickly again. Is this normal? Note: I didn't do the RGH myself, but the guy that did it is quite good (Jtag'd a few of my friends Consoles, all working)
That is normal, however you can improve the boot times by using longer wires or even resistors. I have seen people get it down to under 10 seconds every try. That would be a job for the guy who RGH'ed your console to mess with though. Never done the RGH myself, however its basically a lot of trial and error as nothing works for every console in regards to improving boot times.
I thought it was only my console, Its not really an issue but sometimes its a bit irritating waiting for it to boot up. But to get it to under 10 seconds would be awesome.