Hello I just recently got a RGH/JTAG console and I'm still getting acclimated to things. I've been looking through the tutorial section, but haven't been able to find out how to make it boot to the normal dashboard, it is set to boot to FSD. Would anyone be kind enough to answer my question? Thank you in advance.
You have a launch.ini file on the root of your hard drive, you need to edit this and copy it back to your Xbox 360. If you open this file with notepad you will see its set to auto boot FSD, just delete that line, copy back to the console and it will not auto boot FSD. If your unsure copy + paste it here and ill tell you what to edit.
[QuickLaunchButtons] Default = hdd:\FreeStyle\default.xex [Settings] nxemini = true pingpatch = true This is what is inside the launch.ini, I tried deleting the "Default" line but it still boots to FSD. I'm pretty sure I'm doing something wrong. =P Thanks for the reply.
Thats all you need to do, only thing i can think of is you also have a launch.ini on a usb memory stick?
That's exactly what I was doing wrong ahah, didn't test booting the console w/o the USB drive in. Thank you so much. =)
My launch.ini now looks like this: [QuickLaunchButtons] BUT_X = Hdd:\Freestyle\default.xex [Settings] nxemini = true pingpatch = true This makes it boot to the normal dashboard except when I hold the X button while booting, in which case it loads FSD. Just on the offchance someone wants the same thing I did. I think I'm getting the hang of this a little, thanks again InsaneNutter. =)
No problem glad you have got it sorted, thats basically my config too. If you exit a game you can also hold X and FSD will load too.
Sorry to bring this up again, but it stopped working. =( Now I can't boot into FSD no matter how hard I press X lol. Is there a way to go from the MS dash to FSD?
You can make a Quickboot shortcut with Quickboot, see here: https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...reate-dashboard-shortcuts-xex-apps-games.html
Oh, but this would require me to connect the HDD to my PC right? Anything I can do with a USB drive? If not I'll try this when I get a chance, thanks. =)
If the USB drive is configured for Xbox 360 use on the dashboard then yes, if its just a standard fat32 formatted usb drive then no.