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Custom Mystery Gift Events GBA

Discussion in 'User Created Pokemon Event Distributions' started by UndeadxReality, Aug 1, 2022.

  1. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    How it all started:
    Back in March, I and another gen 3 enthusiast Goppier started a discussion on GBA events and decided to start reverse engineering and ultimately figure out how the Aurora Ticket Distribution Rom worked. It started with figuring out what we wanted to do first, considering as of starting this project we had some setbacks... The rom only supported FireRed and LeafGreen, the graphic for the rom strictly said it was distributing the "Aurora Ticket", and lastly if we wanted any custom content we had to make sure others were aware this wasn't original software. We started small by changing the wonder card and script into the Mystic Ticket event, then shortly after we discovered how to allow the software to interact with Pokémon Emerald. Goppier figured out how to alter the graphics so instead of "Aurora Ticket", it could instead read it was distributing the "Mystic Ticket". Then lastly we also decided to add a watermark so others won't get any bright ideas to claim them as original software.


    About the Custom Distributions: As stated previously, every distribution rom available in this post is made from the Aurora Ticket, however there's different versions depending on the game you want to use them with (FRLG is for FireRed and LeafGreen versions, and EMER is for Emerald version.). They'll have their each "Now Sending" messages to prevent confusion. However please note that you can't use Emerald's Aurora Ticket distribution on FireRed and LeafGreen versions... even though that would be exciting!

    FireRed and LeafGreen:

    Aurora Ticket
    Mystic Ticket
    Altering Cave
    All 6 Wish Egg Pokémon (Chansey, Drowzee, Exeggcute, Farfetch'd, Kangaskhan, and Lickitung)


    Aurora Ticket
    Mystic Ticket
    Altering Cave
    Old Sea Map
    Eon Ticket

    Details about the Scripts and Wonder Cards:
    As we worked on this project, we carefully decided how and if we were going to release this at all. However we ultimately made the decision that if we were going to release this, we needed more than just a watermark to prove it was custom. So we made the difficult choice to rework the wonder cards (aligning the text to make them all uniform), as well as using debug scripts found within the game to achieve the same result of obtaining the event items... just without using unpreserved event rom data. Lastly about the wish eggs, unfortunately the community hasn't been able to find the distribution rom, or the scripts alongside the wonder card... so we had to use the Pokémon Egg Gift (extended) script made by Suloku! The original rom for the wish eggs had a randomization function that as of this post hasn't been recreated, so we decided to still include all 6 separately in their own roms.

    Equipment Required:

    2x GBA's
    2x GBA Wireless Adapters
    1x Flash Cart
    1x English Language Emerald, FireRed or LeafGreen cartridge

    Goppier's Video:


    Deoxyz - The member who initially released the Aurora Ticket Rom for the public.

    Multiple members of the digiex and projectpokemon community that preserved, researched these events, and made all of the info available to the public (Bond697,Sabresite, Gridelin, and many more wonderful and amazing people involved.) All of you are on equal standing in terms of importance and we can't thank you enough for the time and sacrifices you've made for the community.

    Last but certainly not least- Goppier: Without them, we would've never been able to bring these events to the community. Definitely give them huge thanks and also check out their YouTube channel!


    Players need to download the newest updated files as it fixes headers, and most importantly allows players with an everdrive to use these files!

    Thanks to DorDur215 for seeing a header oversight, everything should work as expected!


    Mystery Gift (Digiex.net).rar

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2023
    Blaker62, Nia, Invader TAK and 7 others like this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Amazing work Goppier & UndeadxReality, it's great to see people still interested in Gen 3 events in particular.

    The work that has gone in to these and the attention to detail is really impressive, short of the actual distributions turning up, this is what the community has been waiting for! The video was also a great watch, needless to say I'm looking forward to see what the future brings.
    UndeadxReality and AlamosIT like this.
  3. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Amazing!❤️ Do you plan to create also versions with official wonder cards in other languages?
    UndeadxReality likes this.
  4. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Thank you InsaneNutter and AlamosIT! We definitely have a lot planned for the incoming future and we can't wait to share it with everyone! To answer your question AlamosIT, we would love to eventually bring in official wondercards and scripts and release them as another download. However for the time being, we need to figure out how to make sure that others won't get scammed on certain sites. We will be doing something, it'll just take some time, and a lot of discussion with the preservation community, and a lot of decision making from everyone involved!
    InsaneNutter and AlamosIT like this.
  5. Pikazlino

    Pikazlino Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    I am looking Digiex ghostly since years to check regularly for new releases.
    Months ago I adapted every shared tickets wondercards in order to fix grammar mistakes and also to translate them for those which never happenned in french. I distributed them 2 years ago in a gaming bar during a Pokemon event : they were very appreciated by fans.
    They are looking very official like and they can be distributed currently using the option « transfer to a friend » in the mystery gift menu.
    I will find everything when I will go back home later and share these here.
    Feel free to use the files to make a french version of that modded distribution roms. Distribution will be even more « legit » compared to what I am doing now.
  6. Rigi07

    Rigi07 New Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    Thank you so much for this!
  7. Zenrai_XIII

    Zenrai_XIII New Member

    Aug 21, 2022
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    Thank you for this! Would love to see this work for other languages too, since my original games are in German, but for now I'll just buy somewhere an English version and then trade the caught Pokémon to my German game - that should work, I think? Great work anyway!
  8. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    You can actually use these roms on Spanish, Italian, German, French, and English titles! The wondercard and script will be in English but the flags are the same! There will be an update soon
  9. Pikazlino

    Pikazlino Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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  10. DorDur215

    DorDur215 New Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    I have a very small bug to report.

    I have tested all 14 roms on my Everdrive GBA Mini and I found out that 2 of the roms will not boot unless quick boot is turned ON in the everdrive settings.

    JPAJ - Eon Ticket (EMER).gba and JPAJ - Old Sea Map (EMER).gba are the roms.

    All the other roms work with or without quick boot.

    My Everdrive is running on GBAOS-v1.16

    This is absolutely no big deal but fixing it or at least mentioning that quick boot needs to be turned on somewhere here or on github would be nice.
    Last edited: Oct 20, 2022
  11. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    we’ll look into it! Did you download the newest downloads from this site?
  12. DorDur215

    DorDur215 New Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    Yes I downloaded the roms from here about a week ago.
  13. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Check out the newest download! It should be fixed, thank you so much for letting us know!
  14. DorDur215

    DorDur215 New Member

    Oct 20, 2022
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    I have tested the roms again and now everything seems to be working fine!

    Do you guys plan on translating these roms to other languages such as german?

    I mean it only really affects the wondercard and a bit of dialogue but it would be nice to have an authentic experience in other languages aswell.

    Anyway thanks for fixing this small issue!
  15. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Awesome to hear it!

    Yes! We're planning for a joyspot rom update within the next few months. So stay tuned!
    InsaneNutter and AlamosIT like this.
  16. Pikazlino

    Pikazlino Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    Feel free to integrate the french wondercards that I made and are shared there :)
    UndeadxReality likes this.
  17. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Really looking forward to the JoySpot ROM update and Multiboot distros!
    AlamosIT likes this.
  18. Branden

    Branden New Member

    Nov 29, 2022
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    Will you guys make the roms also work with the JPN Version of the games too?
  19. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Believe it or not we already have the means of making the roms work for Japanese titles and we intend on making that available within the next couple of months! We just have a few things we have to prepare first ;)
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2022
    AlamosIT likes this.
  20. ad2099

    ad2099 Member

    Dec 3, 2022
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    I leave you this contribution of custom wonder cards when talking to the man in green they will activate a Roaming Pokémon They are exclusive to emerald, I also made some which give you a special event pokemon with fixed values extracted directly from an official file but I never tried them physically, only in an emulator.

    For the jirachi wonder card, do not have more than just one pokemon in your team, with some games it does not respect a command that counts the number of pokemons in the team,
    since it generates the pokemon adding the bytes to slot 2 of the team so it will give you a bad egg if you have another pkmn in slot 2

    For Japanese versions I recommend this tool that I found allows you to create custom pokemons delivered through wonder cards, only Japanese emeralds.

    If someone is encouraged, they can make an ASM routine with the createmon functions
    with pokeemerald and pokemonfire
    and a script to call the asm routine, this is how the wonder printer script works

    J1.png J2.png J3.png J4.png
    wonder.png w1.png w2.png w3.png w4.png

    designs for wonder cards with stamps

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    Last edited: Dec 6, 2022

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