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[French Megapack] 1G to 5G Pokemon Distribution Pack

Discussion in 'User Created Pokemon Event Distributions' started by Pikazlino, Sep 4, 2022.

  1. Pikazlino

    Pikazlino Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    Hello !

    As promised there : https://digiex.net/threads/custom-mystery-gift-events-gba.16368/
    I wanted to share with the Digiex community my personal archive of 1G to 5G distribution roms. I gathered them there on Digiex, and at some other places for non official ones on DS. I hope my compilation will be useful for someone there.

    This pack purpose is to be put on linkers and to distribute the best of Pokemon events to complete a pokédex and have fun as a french Pokémon player. I avoided duplicates, and I made a naming convention directly on files for NDS to know what date to set on the console to start distribution.

    Right now, the distribution of 3G Pokemon Events is made through redistributable wonder cards. You have to boot Pokemon Emerald (or Fire Red) and start the distribution to a friend using the mystery gift menu.
    The received wondercard will not be redistributable again. It's almost like official at time, excepted that you have to select the trainer each time manually on the distribution side.
    Typos were corrected on the texts of the GBA wondercards and those that needed it were translated (old sea map) to give the feeling like it was an official distribution in France at time.
    The purpose is to give the same experience as if it was distributed by Nintendo at time.

    Same idea for NDS distribution roms. I included modified roms that I found in the internet where official roms was not existing.
    These roms does not require to change the RTC clock of the NDS.

    It would be great if someone integrates the wondercards I've edited to the newly released mystery gift rom hacked roms so they could be distributed in a way that will be much closer than Nintendo did years ago.

    What you will get from this pack :
    - A clean naming convention that is looking great on linkers and will tell you what date to set on your NDS to start distribution
    - Everything tested by myself to distribute every interesting (imo) fabulous Pokemons and key items to unlock the whole content of your games
    - E-Reader save game fixed to distribute the EON Pass to a french rom. This work was done by Link and was shared on the (now dead) Pokemon-Legendary.com forum.
    - NDS custom 4G distribution roms are from there : http://eventpokemon.eklablog.fr/roms-de-distributions-francais-a114794412
    The site is still up. These custom roms are contained directly in the pack in case that blog is taken down for whatever reason in the future. These custom roms will work without RTC check, unlike their official counterpart.
    - Redistributable Auroraticket/Mystikticket/Old Sea Map wondercards that looks very legit visually as if they were done by Nintendo in the past, to distribute every key items. I can't remember if I fixed a typo somewhere else for the Auroraticket official one. Old Sea Map one was done in french based from the work on the custom english one.

    This pack was used to distribute in real life during an unofficial fan Pokémon event on a gaming bar called "Checkpoint" that is located in Colmar (France). The event happenned at this date : https://m.facebook.com/263944551038921/photos/a.291669084933134/514352062664834/?type=3 (7 Sept. 2019). Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of that event which was really fun. Distribution were done successfully by myself to all generations from the GB to the NDS. In term of hardware, I used a GBA SP with an Everdrive GBX7 and an Everdrive GBA for game games, and one NDS with its flashcard.

    As requested by a mod, this pack does not contain roms anymore excepted custom 4G NDS distribution roms that were made by fans. You will have to download the distribution roms from Digiex, and dump commercial games yourself then move the files within the right folder with the right name (that is the name of each .txt file, without .txt extension).

    Link : https://digiex.net/attachments/distribution-pokemon-gb-gbc-gba-nds-7z.17986

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  2. King Impoleon

    King Impoleon Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    how can i open 7z packs?
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    King Impoleon and Pikazlino like this.
  4. Kepohe

    Kepohe Member

    Nov 10, 2022
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    Thank you for your distribution pack. I'm playing Pokemon Red France (gen 1).
    I see into your pack a Mew Yoshira. I think this Mew was not distribued at France.

    I have made some research. At France, Mew was distribued in 2002 with the website "Pokemon.tm.fr"
    OT is FRANCE. Do you know where i can find this Mew?



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