I can't reload the mechassault linux exploit because i ftp'd mech 1, mech 2 and swbf 2 dlc installer maps and updates, now when i try to go back it just says "unable to load run linux! please help!
You need to delete the title update for that game. If you have direct HDD access or FTP access, just delete the $u folder from e:\tdata\4d530017\ If you can only access it through the blades dash. Backup your original savegame on a mem unit (if you have one) then just delete the entire Mechassault entry. Don't bother deleting the individual saves. Just highlight the big icon on the left, hit A then go to Delete. You should now be able to reload your softmod save, and run your exploit. Sometimes title updates patch holes and fix bugs. That in fact is why they exist Good luck!