OK so i cant JTAG so can some one release a tut on how to flash a firmware to my Jasper consoles dvd drive. This is a last shot redemption for my 360 before i take it a part and sell it for parts can someone help me as the flashing dvd drives for dummys is out of date.
You want the JungleFlasher application and to read the JungleFlasher Tutorial @ Jungle Flasher - Downloads If it works why sell it for parts? as its not Jtaggable its worth more as a complete console rather than in bits...
There is no way you will get $200 Au for a used 500gb Sata drive, they retail new here for around £45 here which is about $70 Au.
thats the funny thing, everything is more expensive in Australia, and its the only place that everything is expensive mostly games and consoles