Hi, I flashed to newest 13604 dash with the great guide, was on 13599 before. Reason for doing it is, that Rayman Origins gives me this error message upon starting (I created a GOD). It's the first game that ever does this to me. all other xgd3 games worked without any problems so far (e.g. Sonic Gen.). Flashing to the newest dash didn't solve the problem, it still persists. Is there any way to fix this?
Try installing Dashlaunch 2.26: https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...ontrol-2-0-14696-0-beta-avatars-download.html That has had updated patches to make games work in the past. Never seen that error on a Jtag before though. Did you create the GoD on your PC or install the game then convert it with NXE2God?
Yeah, Dashlaunch will most probably work, I read it in another forum. It's just that I like to keep my system in a vanilla state. I created the GoD on my PC, I did it with dozens of games, also very recent ones like Batman AC, Sonic Gen etc. but NEVER ran into any problems. Well seems there's nothing to be done about it atm...
If you just install it your patches will be updated and that is that, you dont even need to set it to auto launch anything.
I wanted sto say that I succeeded to resolve the problem. I updated the xextool to the latest version. Note that the latest version of iso2god (1.3.6) comes bundled with xextool v 5.2 I replaced the file with the latest xextool v6.3 The very first file of the god containers had a few bytes difference from the one that gave me an error. Everything is fine now