Hi guys, Can someone give some tips on why the weather info is not working. I remember seeing it working just fine. In fact the artwork download of the games is working fine. When I test the connection it fails on internet not sure if that is normal. Thanks
Yeah same here, was working fine up to exactly 3 days ago and have been wondering about that but seeing your post now makes me think its a server problem ?????
Probably, does anyone know what service they use it must be connected to same weather website. If we know which we can contact them to check, I'm sure Freestyle uses it just like the XBMC, i.e., via scraper. They often change the scrapers if that is the case Freestyle needs an update. Mine is like this at least since end of last week I think. I only ask because somehow I also managed to loose connection with my PC. I cannot even see it on the network anymore and was wondering if it was some network problem. Lets see if someone else reports the same problem. By the way mine displays random 4 digit numbers on weather tab does it happen to you also?
No it doesn't do the four digit thing but it does put 0 degrees for temperature which it doesn't if I simply not connected so it's trying to do something lol Let me know if you find out anything please, I quiet like the weather function
mine says NA on all and displays those numbers if I dont have internet connection it doesn't give those numbers. Wish other people replied wondering if the problem is only ours I'm also rather new in jtag and xbox world assuming you're also
I have to stress that this is not my info so big ups Razkar over at Home-brew ... Apparently World Weather on-line used by fsd in the weather app has stopped permission so the fsd team has shut down the feature Shame, was a cool app and one that was very very handy for where I am based at the moment! Cheers BC
Nice to see the weather app working after installing the latest freestyle update..... You have to sign up with world weather online to obtain an 'Api-key' to input in settings but it's free and doesn't take long P.s there's a handy file browser added to the xbox guide now as well!!
yeah, when ya turn on your console/switch to Freestyle 3 Dash go to Settings/General Settings/Updates.... you should have a Skin update, a Dash update and a Plugin update available.....just select all three and then download (yellow button if I remember rightly) and it will download and then ask you to confirm installation If you go to Updates and there is none available then go to 'General Settings' , tick 'Enable Beta Updates' and restart your Dash! B.C
I checked only today nothing is there I don't see any updates. Do I need to configure something so that the updates work?
It wasn't but I I checked it even rebooted the console and nothing is shown there. I know I have connection because covers are downloaded