[French] 1G to 5G Pokemon Ultimate Distribution Pack

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by Pikazlino, Aug 17, 2022.

  1. Pikazlino

    Pikazlino Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    Hi !

    As promised there : https://digiex.net/threads/custom-mystery-gift-events-gba.16368/
    I wanted to share with the Digiex community my personal archive of 1G to 5G distribution roms. I gathered them there on Digiex, and at some other places for non official ones on DS. I hope my compilation will be useful for someone there.

    This pack purpose is to be put on linkers and to distribute the best of Pokemon events to complete a pokédex and have fun as a french Pokémon player. I avoided duplicates, and I made a naming convention directly on files for NDS to know what date to set on the console to start distribution.

    Right now, the distribution of 3G Pokemon Events is made through redistributable wonder cards. You have to boot Pokemon Emerald (or Fire Red) and start the distribution to a friend using the mystery gift menu.
    The received wondercard will not be redistributable again. It's almost like official at time, excepted that you have to select the trainer each time manually on the distribution side.
    Typos were corrected on the texts of the GBA wondercards and those that needed it were translated (old sea map) to give the feeling like it was an official distribution in France at time.
    The purpose is to give the same experience as if it was distributed by Nintendo at time.

    Same idea for NDS distribution roms. I included modified roms that I found in the internet where official roms was not existing.
    These roms does not require to change the RTC clock of the NDS.

    It would be great if someone integrates the wondercards I've edited to the newly released mystery gift rom hacked roms so they could be distributed in a way that will be much closer than Nintendo did years ago.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2022
    King Impoleon likes this.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I've moved this to the general gaming hangout for now as a discussion topic, as your post includes roms of several games.
    Although we allow distributions roms (which is still a bit of a grey area) we don't wish to be providing roms of the actual games as well.

    Some of the distributions for the GBA / NDS we have spent a lot of time re-dumping ourselves to ensure they are 100% untouched, so we ideally don't want to be hosting mega packs of roms with duplicated content / possible older dumps of the distribution roms in then.

    You are most welcome to make a mega thread in French and link to the appropriate download post on Digiex for it for that distribution, then for anything user made create the appropriate topic here: https://digiex.net/forums/user-created-pokemon-event-distributions.170/ with the save game / user created content for example, then link to that from your mega French post.

    Although this is more effort I hope you will understand the reasoning for it.
  3. Pikazlino

    Pikazlino Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    I'm sorry for the delay, had a lot to do lastly.
    I am going to do it and split that pack. Copyrighted roms will be renamed as text file, so the responsibility will come from the user to find these roms by itself.
    Distribution roms that exists there will be replaced by links.

    See you shortly
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That's great, thank you for taking the time to amend the pack. Hopefully it is of good use to French speaking players.
    Pikazlino likes this.

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