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GBATA - GameBoy Advance Tool [Rom Patch, Into Remover, Header Info, SRAM Save Patch]

Discussion in 'Apps' started by InsaneNutter, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    GBA Tool Advance is a GameBoy Advance rom tool with the following functions:
    1. Header Viewer
    2. Intro Remover
    3. Overdump Fixer
    4. Fix header
    5. Intro Drawer
    6. IPS Patcher
    7. SRAM Patcher
    8. Rom Trimmer
    9. Reboot/Sleep mode
    10. Clock fix for Pokemon sapphire & ruby.

    Download GBATA - GameBoy Advance Tool 0.7a


    More about GBATA's functionality:

    1.Header Viewer
    With this function you can check the rom header info,Drag your gba rom and dorp it on the application.

    2.Intro Remover
    With this function you can remove the general intro,just like gbaintroremover you used to use.
    Note - don't try to edit the start offset if you are not sure where it is,For the unusual intro rom,even if you know the start offset,the game still doesn't work after removing the intro,because the game start address has been modified by release group.

    3.Overdump Fixer
    With this function you can fix the rom overdumped.
    Note:make sure that the rom is REALLY overdumped.

    4.Fix Header
    With this function you can fix the header if this header is corrupt.
    The rom with corrupt header can't be run on the GBA hardware or on emu with BIOS.

    5.Intro Drawer
    With this function you can draw the intro and make it the independent intro file.
    1.single draw
    Only save the intro with header,the intro file is very small,but not always works.
    2.original draw
    Save the original rom with all game data gone,the intro file is large(original size),but the size will cut down after being ziped.

    6.IPS Patcher
    With this function you can patch an ips to the rom.

    7.SRAM Patcher
    Comes in handy for people that can't use the eeprom/flash saves right.
    It is for EEPROM_v111,EEPROM_v120,EEPROM_v121,EEPROM_v122,EEPROM_v124,EEPROM_v125,EEPROM_v126,FLASH_v120,FLASH_v121,FLASH_v123,FLASH_v124,FLASH_v125,FLASH_v126,FLASH512_v130,FLASH512_v130,FLASH1M_v102,FLASH1M_v103.Not for the data compressed Famicom Mini series.

    8.Rom Trimmer
    With this function you can cut down your gba rom size to the most likely actual size.

    9.Reboot/Sleep mode
    With this function you can Reboot your game, enter to the sleep mode and wake up by pressing any combine key, you can set the combine key as you wish.
    Note: 1, This function is not compatible with ph0x's BOMA, don't try to patch them both.
    2, This function is for hardware only, if you want to test it on emu, don't forget to run it with BIOS.
    3, the bin code of this function is made by elffinal.

    10.Clock fix
    With this funtion you can make the Real Time Clock runs during play time, it is for the hardware that doesn't support RTC. Note: It is for Pokemon sapphire & ruby series only

    Attached Files:

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