Got a HDTV but what console with it?

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by paardje, Jan 20, 2011.

  1. paardje

    paardje Addict

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Hey guys

    Just got a brandnew plasma HDTV but now am I thinking, what console can I connect it to? I was wondering about a PS3 (blu-ray yay!!) and not a XBOX 360 (RROD danger!). A WII is certainly out of the question, cuz these graphs are def not HI DEF! (so I can rule that one out)

    Can you give me suggestions? (got 686 euros to spend)
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    As you have 686 euros to spend im sure you could get a nice little Nettop PC to use for all your HD media needs, then buy the console with the games that appeal to you the most? Best of both worlds then. (Y)

    If not it depends what you want really, games or Blu-rays? Blu-rays are expensive and I have found i dont actually buy many at all. Any PS3 you purchase can be hacked by just installing an update from a USB drive (if that interests you) and of course you would also have a Blu-ray player.

    Not getting a 360 because of the RROD is a bit silly these days, the problem has been resolved for well over 2 years now.
  3. paardje

    paardje Addict

    Jul 25, 2009
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    Ah thank you, but... still NO XBOX 360 for me, sorry. I heard a rumour that the RROD has returned and I'm not willing live thru that again. (I heard that the Kinekt caused issues with that.) The Nettop solution, well... lemme give it some thoughts...
  4. BigRod989

    BigRod989 Addict

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Tualatin, Oregon, United States
    ya a 360 can get the RRoD but the older style get the 3 year warranty for E-74 and 3 RRoD if you get one with that you can spend about 5 bucks for the parts to fix it I do them the time, and the New 360 Slim only has a one year warranty and Still get a RLoD (red light of death) here is a 20 day old 360 slim with RLoD
    YouTube - Xbox 360 Slim Red Light of Death E-82 Error
    and there are more of them doing it I mean really whats the point of the Slim so be smaller and stop the RRoD problem but they have failed because of having the CPU/GPU in the same chip. both generating heat in the same spot. And even the PS3's fail I think less chance of it but still happens, Computers fail its all in how you take care of your system, if you keep them clean dont let them run for hours doing nothing then they will last longer. personally I have a 360, PS3, Wii, and my PC does 1080p HD and I have them all hooked to my 46 inch Samsung DLP HDTV
  5. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    If you want games buy the console where the games appeal to you, older 360's have an RROD history just as older PS3's have an YLOD history.

    Things are not built to last these days however you should be alright which what ever console you buy, they are going to be some that fail, but that's just life as BigRod said.
  6. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I can also say that you really don't have to worry about RRoD as long as you install games too the hard drive when you play them you'll definitely be fine. Getting RRoD from a Kinect doesn't make sense unless you're talking about the update that was slightly faulty but was resolved and bricked no consoles. Anyways, as long as you have internet access you may want to check out this console. You can play it on a PC or just buy the console for 100 bucks or so, nice deal I think.
  7. BigRod989

    BigRod989 Addict

    Oct 11, 2010
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    Tualatin, Oregon, United States
    I'll will agree installing the games on the hard drive does help it WONT PREVENT RRoD but it will make less likely to happen, I have a friend with a 360 slim that all ready got the RLoD but he left it running since the day he got it so I see that as his own fault and he bought that system the day it came out and that was like 2 weeks ago when it did that. I had the original release 360 from when I pre ordered it years ago and it wasn't tell like year 4-5 of having the Console that it RRoD but I put a intercooler on it like a week or 2 after I got it (and yes i checked to make sure the fans blew the air the right way there was a problem with some of the first ones) and I had my 80gig reverse compatible PS3 (phat model) forever and never had a disc read problem or YLoD/RLoD, I got a slim now and sold my old one just because I never play Ps1/Ps2 games on it or used the memory card reader (sold the phat to my sister and its still going strong)

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