So after about a year of trying to find a way to get around the 4gb limit on rar extraction I came across 7zipper app, which seems to have unpacked it leaving me with an ISO file. I have just tried to use an ISO extractor app for Android and all it says is there is a read me file in the ISO. I guess I'm doing something wrong. Any guidance would be great. Thanks! TG.
Are you extracting Xbox 360 ISO's? if so then normal ISO apps will not work for these. You need specialist tools which I suspect will not exist on Android. One such app for Windows: I'm not sure where in the world you are, however on Ebay you can get some used mini PC's for not a lot of money that will be great for using tools designed for modded consoles: I would honestly consider investing in a cheap PC like that, from the posts you have made in the past having access to a PC would make your life a lot easier by the sounds of it.
I swear yesterday I saw a post from you somewhere that uses an app run on the 360 to convert an iso to a god game. Would this mean I could then play it without having to unpack the iso. As an alternative to solve my issue?
The post you have seen is most likely converting an installed game to a GoD: Nxe2God Download - Convert Installed Xbox 360 Games to Games on Demand Games The Xbox 360's internal hard drive is FATX formatted and USB drives FAT32 formatted, both have the 4gb file size limitation like your Android device.
Ah yes it was. Just an aside quickly, is there a tutorial post on how to make nxe dashboard shortcuts. Like in the demo section. I would like to see if I could put an emulator there. I saw a post somewhere where you said you had made a shortcut for something. I have dashlaunch there but can't figure out how to do anything else.
Thanks for the redirect Nutter. Can I not just create the directories using FSD or Aurora? Seems like I should simply enough?
Settings > Content Settings > Manage Game Path you should be able to setup emulators there from what I remember. Choose where on the hard drive these are and the 3rd party dash will index them.
Sorry, I should've been clearer. I meant can I use Aurora to create the directory (code9999 type) for them to show up on the normal dash? Does that make sense? Also why don't indie games run from the normal dash. Keeps saying connect to live.
Hey, it worked straight away! Awesome! Thanks. I wonder if that might be my problem with Black Ops 3. Gonna try it.
I tried it and am now getting a different message. Before it still kept saying I needed the update. Now it says could not download required information from title storage. Should I have other things switched on or off? Sorry for taking you on a tangent. Maybe shift over to my COD post?