hello, everyone. here is the tutorial for how to mod Transformers: War for Cybertron with unlimited main weapon ammo and infinite health (invincible)... <snip>
Don't be such a rep whore, especially when you just copied and pasted, no better then the people at 360iso...
Please have respect for the author of this tutorial and post a link to where he originally posted it, I know how annoying it is to have people copy + paste my tutorials then ask for rep just for doing so.
Dude thats not the point. No matter what the site just dont copy and paste the tut. Read nuttys post.
In my words did I ever say you copied it and pasted it from 360ISO? I did not, I said you were not any better then the people at 360ISO, as they copy and pasted guides from digiex without giving any credit or linking to digiex at all.
For the user's who want to mod Transformer... look here [TUT] How To Mod Transformers: War for Cybertron - Xbox360-Content.com Forums