Hello. I tried to do system update to 17559 (my current one is 17150) on xbox 360 rgh console, but i didnt do the xebuild and nand stuff, i just downloaded update from microsoft site, and now i can't see my avatar, but i can play games and everything else. What should i do now to get avatar back? Thanks in advance.
If you go in to system settings are you still on 17150? if so you can run the 17150 update and it will restore the avatars / kinect data. Do not update the RGH with the Microsoft 17559 update (or any update newer tahn your hacked nand is on) as you will potentially brick your RGH.
Yes if you run the same system update you are currently on it will simply restore the kinect / avatar data. Running a newer update without building a new hacked nand on a PC can brick the Xbox.
I didn't read this advice before I ran the new update. And my RGH did not brick. Do you think I just got lucky or the problem doesn't always happen?