I got the kinect dash on a flash drive and copied the exact files in the folder to the root of my flash, as it was in the files i downloaded from the downloads section, i put it in, it prompted a download, and then asked me to remove some stuff to free 90MB for the update, i deleted everything in the suggestions box but it didn't let me delete anything else. So i pressed "cancel", it told me that i wouldn't be able to access xbox live and some features if i don't clear up some space later, i pressed "Yes"....BOOM, E71 error, i paniced and turned the xbox off, to my relief i found that it was alright, and prompted me to remove space again, i pressed cancel again and another E71 appeared. So i went to get my harddrive to store the update on it, turned it on again and Ring of death came, it's an often occasion with me so i just turned it on and off a couple times until it worked, only problem is, the screen is blank, the xbox is running but the screen is blank. Now evertytime i try to open it, it turns on but the screen is blank no matter what i do. Now, i could get to to my game store to fix it, but they may not know how, if they don't i'm screwed, help please?
E71: Dashboard Error - Error within Xam.xex: possibly a dashboard update error, Check below in the "Console Reset Codes" for instructions. If that does not work there is no other solution and the console must be sent back to MS for repair. ( info from FAQ: Xbox 360 Error Codes Explained - Scenyx Entertainment Community) got to give credit were its do --==Console Reset Codes==-- Clear All Installed Game Updates and Console Cache Go to the "system" blade Select "memory" Press Y on the HD symbol Press X,X, Left Bumper, Right Bumper, X,X A message will appear saying: "Do you want to perform maintenance on your Xbox 360 storage devices?" Select Yes Clear Any Failed system updates that cause the console to error. With the console off, press and hold the sync up button (the small white one) While holding the sync button press the power button to turn on the console Continue to hold the sync button until the Console has booted up completely. During the boot process the console should clear any failed updates, allowing you to use it normally. Try resetting the Console first. No your not screwed yet I think that at the most you need to do a red ring repair, Personally I dont take any system to a shop I do the repair myself its really easy (ive done at least 50 360's for 3 RRoD or E-74 and many other errors) and if you need directions I will do my best to help you out but over all its easy takes about a hour for everything including cool down and reassembly.