New Minecraft Server now available and open for public testing

Discussion in 'Digiex Minecraft Server' started by Nimrod, Nov 5, 2011.

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  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Hello All, with around two weeks to go until the Minecon where Notch will release the Final version of Minecraft we thought now would be a good time to open the new server for people with invites to enjoy.

    If you have an invite and have accepted it you can now join our Minecraft Server at: (Current version: Minecraft 1.9 Pre-release 5)

    We ask all players however before joining to read our new 'User Guide'. The guide is around 4 pages and contains the Server Rules, the Building Regulations and information on Ranks and Ingame Commands. Its really important that users read this, espically the new Building Regulations as once the final maps are installed players will lose their whitelist if they don't follow them.

    [Download the Digiex Minecraft User Guide]

    While in the server, please note two important facts:

    • These are temporary maps, they are from the Plugin Test server. They will be regenerated once the final Minecraft release is out based on the new world generation code. Want to help pick the world? Visit the seed thread.
    • The homemade plugin by Jessenic (SFPlugin) is still a beta and as such has bugs. To ensure the game is bug free once the final maps are on its recommend you use these next two weeks to test the game, check your happy with the commands and features and then report any bugs or suggestions via the Issue Tracker on Githib. That way, come release day the server will be bug free and ready for you all.

    Not invited? Stay tuned. We completed Wave one which was for Donators and Beta Testers who helped on the plugin server. We are now in wave two which is for Administrators to pick 2 people each to receive invites. The final wave three will start near launch day once we know the number of players who have accepted their invites, in which we will take turns in picking players until we reached our goal. Even then, if you still don't have a space, more will open up over the coming months as current players move on. If you wish to request an invite, please do so in this thread.

    Want to help more? We are desprite for users to test the server and report any bugs they find. There is nothing worse than the server being final and bugs still existing. Hence we are desprite for players to test for bugs and report them via the Issue Tracker. Want to help in other ways? We're still looking for our final two maps. Please visit the Seed thread to share maps you have found. The best ones will go on the server. As an added bonus if your not already invited and your map is selected, you will get an invite!

    Attached Files:

  2. Flamzorz

    Flamzorz Addict

    May 29, 2009
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    I haven't been whitelisted yet. Could you whitelist me please?
  3. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Please give us a chance to process your invite acceptence. Once we have confirmed it, a star will appear next to your name in the invite acceptance thread and the whitelist will then let you in.
  4. WildStyleZx89

    WildStyleZx89 Active Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    I had an idea pop into my head. It says in the server guidelines:

    What if you just claim a landmass instead of 2 islands ? Would that be ok aswell? Like claim 1 landmass instead of 2 entire islands. Because 2 islands combined could be formed as 1 landmass right ?
  5. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Depends on the size of the landmass. And how you play on words. Because every landmass could be considering an island because at some point there will be water. But if you look at the pictures at the bottom, it helps you identify whats the size of an island, and size of a landmass.

    Either way, Admins arent wasting time on land fights, the word document gives enough information espically with pictures on what is reasonable. The idea of islands, is to allow you to have 2 different building sites if you wanted different landscape. Though providing you don't waste space, no one will care if a spot on the map expands, providing its put to good use and doesnt get to close to someone elses. The key thing is to make players aware of landscape and space and ensure one user doesnt run around putting buildings all over the map.
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