Hello, dear gentlemen, I'm moving my XBox360 closer to my PC and my router. I'm wondering what can I do with my Xbox360 connected to my PC. I'm looking for anything fun and interesting. Doesn't even have to be related to gaming but also media playing etc. Also, does anyone know a cheap way to record gameplay? As the 2 machines will be next to each other is there any way to record the gameplay to PC hard drive or something like that? Thank you very much for any help.
You can stream video to it, you can also replace the in game music with MP3's shared from your computer. This can be done by sharing your media library in Windows Media Player. The 360 can also act as a Media Center extender, so if you use Windows Media Center to watch / record live TV this can be played back on the 360. To capture video from the 360 your pc would need a capture card, such as this: Blackmagic Design Intensity Pro - BINTSPRO - Scan.co.uk
Thanks for your response. I just moved the console and connected it to internet. Somehow I was expecting more from the Live as I need a gold account if I want to do pretty much anything. I also connected the console to my PC monitor with a VGA cable I ordered the other day and it looks better then on my CRT TV. I'll doubt I'll be getting the capture card but another idea came up; I recently found an external TV box (tv tuner) with VGA out and it can capture TV programs to USB storage. Might be possible to use that as a capturing device. But, more about that once I get my hands on it.
I used my 360 with a VGA cable for many years, it provided the best picture possible until Microsoft released a revision with HDMI support. Yup you do need gold to use Netflix, Internet Explorer and most other apps on the 360, however if your at your computer anyway you probably want really need to use them on the 360. For me live is for playing online and downloading random demos, i dont really find much use for anything else on it as i prefer other devices for my media consuming.