Planning on RGHing my Trinity Slim

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by jessenic, Nov 17, 2013.

  1. jessenic

    jessenic Minecraft Guy

    Nov 17, 2008
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    Hi Digiex members!
    I've been planning for RGHing my glossy Xbox 360S (which I think has the Trinity motherboad revision). I'm kind of a noob when it comes to modding the 360. It is currently (17.11.2013) running the latest dashboard update. I have read that nowadays you can RGH with every dash revision out there, is this true? I want a good Dual NAND solution so I can still access the stock NAND and play on Xbox Live. The Xecuter DemoN looks like a good option.

    So are Coolrunner 3 rev C and the DemoN all I need? Do I need some additional wires/tools/boards?
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Ill try have a look in to this for you when i'm not at work. I think that's all you need for a dual nand solution, however I couldn’t be 100%. Ive not followed that 360 modding scene that close for the last year or so.

    You will obviously need a soldering iron and tools to open the 360 without making a total mess of it.

    I opened my first console using a paper clip, which left a few marks on the back, better tools exist and will leave the console looking like its not been opened. BE sure you have some torx screwdrivers too (you required them for the phat, never opened a slim so not sure if you will need them - as it said its been a while since i did anything 360 related!)

    With a dual nand you might also want to think about having an internal hard drive to swap over with e.g. normal hard drive for Xbox Live and a hard drive for when your using modded stuff. If you were to unlock any DLC you own for use when in RGH mode, it will show as corrupt when using the stock nand on Xbox Live.
    jessenic likes this.
  3. jessenic

    jessenic Minecraft Guy

    Nov 17, 2008
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    Thanks, I went ahead and ordered Coolrunner rev. C and Demon yesterday. I asked on Xecuter IRC and they said those are the only parts I need. I do have a cheap soldering iron (from Lidl lol) at home, but I'm planning to do the modding at school in the electronics lab where we have proper soldering stations and tools.

    For the hard drive: I have a 60gb HDD from PS3 which I could use plus unused 1TB USB external HDD.

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