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Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download [ENG, FRE, GER, ITA, SPA]

Discussion in 'Pokemon GBA Event Distributions' started by Professor Oak, Dec 24, 2016.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    This might be a big ask, but does anyone have all the generations and transfer methods to bring these all the way up to Generation IV for trading across Nintendo WiFi / putting into Pokemon Bank?
  2. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    I do, although to be fair you don't really need to as PKHeX would do the transfer to from Gen. III to Gen. VI automatically.

    Think I got an official link cable, or at least it looks the same except it's all grey with no purple. I gotta consider myself lucky :P
  3. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I have the hardware. I can have them posted in Gen 6 format really soon.
    I don't think we'll have any difference when transferred from Gen 6 > Gen 7, but I'd rather wait until the Bank update before transferring them to Sun and Moon.
  4. Daniel Ramkissoo

    Daniel Ramkissoo Member

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Can this method be used to distribute to a gba system using a wireless network adapter? Like using NO$GBA to distribute while my gba receives?
  5. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    I don't really think it's possible to connect wirelessly between an emulator running on a computer and an actual GBA with Wireless Adapter.
  6. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    No, they're totally different frequencies. PC-to-Console communication is only plausible with a game with WiFi compatibility, and that the emulator is built to use WiFi(which last I checked still didn't exist).

    You'll need to buy any type of GBA flashcart.
    Last edited: Jan 23, 2017
    King Impoleon likes this.
  7. Daniel Ramkissoo

    Daniel Ramkissoo Member

    Jan 9, 2017
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  8. kusko88

    kusko88 New Member

    Jan 23, 2017
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    Great Joob. In future can You added another pokemon ?? I
  9. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    If you mean posting new GBA distribution roms, we will when and if we can obtain more in the future. There's a good chance we will get at least one or two more in the semi-near future, and maybe even more down the line.

    If you mean making a romhack, I've advised against doing so due to the possibility of not being able to distinguish a legit-looking romhack from a potential future release of the real thing. Due to the extreme rarity of GBA distribution carts, I don't want cause confusion with romhacks. NDS distribution carts are "easier" to just dump another cart if you are unsure about legitimacy, so romhacks of those aren't as big of a deal.
  10. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Plus there's the fact that NDS distro ROM editors have been around for years. Practically every Japanese and North American Gen 4 and 5 event has been edited into a distro ROM (with the need to change the date on your system removed).
  11. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    To be fair, a hack would likely be relatively easy to detect. I can't really see someone really going any further than hex editing whichever things dictates Pokémon species/level/OT/IDs.
    It's very unlikely that a whole other (genuine) distro cart would be nearly identical to any other, so unless someone would go to such an extent as rewriting an entire distro rom to make it different enough in every way, we'd probably be able to just compare them in a hex editor. If someone's gonna be editing one they'll be editing what they need and move on, anything more would require even deeper knowledge of how the distro cart works and I don't think that's really worth anyone's time if all they can end up doing with it is trick other people into thinking it's an actual new distro.

    (And either way, like I've pointed out in the decchi thread, no one really needs to wait for someone else to make a rom hacking tool before the rom becomes hackable. Anyone who really wants to can do it themselves. ;p)
    King Impoleon likes this.
  12. If i may ask, are you talking about other 10ANNIV distribution roms? Meaning other languages of them, or are you talking about something different?
  13. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    When I made that post, I was referring to any GBA distribution roms in general. All I've known for a while according to one of my sources is that more may be possibly obtainable for us in the near future, but I've known no details. The other languages of the European 10th Anniversary carts aren't unreasonable to expect, they're possible since I know the carts exist in collector hands, among others.

    However, I currently possibly have something in the works in relation to that. Though I have certain agreements where I can't reveal too much about things, but regardless I don't want to claim something will happen when it may not even get anywhere. All I can say is there is at least some discussion going on about things, and it isn't quite just as simple as making a deal.
    InsaneNutter and Invader TAK like this.
  14. Thanks for the answer. I can understand if youre not in a position to reveal information about certain things and im not asking for these information either. Was just curious, thats it. But looks promising.
  15. Professor Oak

    Professor Oak Pokemon Professor

    Jan 3, 2017
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    Pallet Town
    Please note the download has been replaced on 16.03.17 with a correct sized re-dump of the distribution, the previous dump was over dumped. I would recommend you re-download and update your own personal archives.
    theSLAYER and Deoxyz like this.
  16. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    I should've posted my emulator instructions here a long time ago, and I've had several people ask me about how to work this with an emulator, but I've still only kept the instructions shared in private for whatever reason. Aurora Ticket, Aura Mew, and Shiny Zigzagoon are straightforward with an emulator, but getting the 10Anniv to work with an emulator is a bit more complicated than normal, something to do with having multiple selections it seems.


    First, you need "VBALink 1.8" to achieve successful Link Cable emulation, as other VBA versions will not work. I have a zip file of VBALink-1.8 attached to this post. After downloading, open the "VisualBoyAdvance" application twice, which should give you two VBA windows. Next, in both windows, go to 'Options > Emulator > Select BIOS file'. You'll find the "0-gba_bios" folder included in the same zip attached to this post, which contains the bios file to select. After that, in both windows, go to 'Options > Emulator > Use BIOS file'. The bios is needed to display the "GAMEBOY Advance" boot up screen where you hold Start+Select to connect to the distro rom via multiboot mode. Also make sure to check/set up the key configurations so you know each windows' button controls. Also make sure 'Options > Wireless Adapter' is NOT checked, and that 'Options > Emulator > Pause when inactive window' is NOT checked.

    Next, open the distribution rom in the first window. It must be in this window to work. Then open your actual Pokemon game rom in the second window. Again, they must be in the proper windows, very important.

    While you're on the "GAMEBOY Advance" boot screen in the second window, hold window2's Start and Select keys to allow it to connect with the distro rom. Once that is done properly, the "Nintendo" logo will disappear. Quickly select a pokemon in window1 and wait for it to connect. It may take a few seconds before the colored Nintendo logo shows up in window2, and window1 may appear to freeze a bit, but give it a few seconds to work out. Once window1 goes back to the selection screen, window2 should "permanently" freeze with a white screen. To unfreeze, select any pokemon again in window1, and window2 should unfreeze and finish distributing the originally selected pokemon. After that, you can go to 'File > Reset' in window2 to start the process over again.

    Note: .sa2 means the save is for window2. If you try to load the game in window2 with a .sa1 savefile, it won't work unless you first rename your savefile to .sa2, which you can then revert when you're done.

    Attached Files:

    InsaneNutter likes this.
  17. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Didn't I have instructions for it on page 1? :P
    Though I guess this might help if people really want to use VBA.
  18. Deoxyz

    Deoxyz Retired Preservationist

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Yeah, for anyone that prefers to use no$gba.
    Some people prefer VBA, and no one could figure out how to work this rom with VBA until I kept messing around with it.
    Preference I guess, and I prefer to use VBA since that's the emulator I use in general.
  19. Do we have the Aura Mew distribution cartridge? Just asking.
    King Impoleon likes this.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Not at the moment, all we have at present are some Pokemon distributed from an Aura Mew distribution cartridge "a friend of a friend" has.

    These Pokemon are public in the Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save however.

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