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Pokemon Colosseum Japanese Bonus Disc (Tokusei Disc) Download [NTSC-J / JPN GameCube]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Demos & Bonus Discs' started by Professor Oak, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I have an insane number of Pokemon in gens 3 and 6 respectively. I have boxes and boxes filled in Pokemon Bank. That's something I've been worried about though. Right after they shut down the old wifi, they tell us the only way to import is to use their BS service. I've been wondering what to do since 2013. Back in 2007, at the first chance I got, I imported everything to gen 4, leaving my gen 3 saves as a barren wasteland. It took FOREVER to re-populate my gen 3 carts with Pokemon that weren't just random junk that I caught and get my saves back in order. By that I mean, most of the times I'd just use AR and run through to the end of the game, mess around a bit and restart. Then again, not learning from my previous mistake from before. In Jan 2013, I migrated everything to Black as soon as I beat the game, leaving my long since forgotten gen 4 carts as a barren wasteland. Of course in 2014, the first thing I did was migrate everything to Y to sit in Pokemon Bank as my living Pokedex. What's left anyway. Not much has survived over the years from my old saves. I used a lot of Action Replay in gen 4 and lost a lot of my old Pokemon and memories and how I've played the games has changed. I used to have box after box of just random Pokemon I'd caught and put in the PC to sit there.

    I have TONS of legendaries in Y. Back in mid-late 2014, I was spending a lot of time on the Pokemon Fan-site Serebii. I was constantly migrating gen 3 shiny Pokemon up to Y and trading them over the chat for other questionably legit Pokemon. Events, legendaries, shinnies, foreign Pokemon, and stuff for my living dex. Nobody questioned why I was giving away legends and shinnies for helping me with my living dex like they were candy or where I had a seemingly never ending supply of shiny Pokemon for trade. I spent a lot of time in private messages just chatting with people. There's a lot of really decent people on that site.

    With Sapphire, you're a bit wrong. That's a Hall of Fame time of 82 hours. My previous average time to beat the game(S) was around 24 hours. In the last couple years, I just started screwing around more and taking my time. I didn't beat the story in Pokemon Y until 350+ hours in. After I completed the Pokedex and decided I wanted my shiny charm. I spent most of my time wonder trading, hatching shiny Pokemon and raising foreign Pokemon for my dex.

    I was never a fan of the HG/SS remakes. I played a Japanese Soul Silver back in 2009. I hated it so much, it's what got me out of the series. I stopped buying the games and just started achievement hunting instead. I've always played gen 3 but I tend to play Pokemon for a few weeks or months and then take a long break from it until I feel the itch to play it again. I've been trying to get back into the series off and on since 2012. As for 3DS homebrew, I only have my main 3DS. I try to keep it as up to date as possible because I'm constantly using the wifi functions. I'd like to get a new 3DS this year. To have one for local MP functions and all that. Maybe I'll be able to use this one for backing up saves and all that when I get a new one.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If i do migrate my Pokemon i plan to dump my save before doing so, then restoring it after so I can leave my older generations how they are. Ill probably not really play them again, but it would be nice to have the save how it was when i finished with my squad and everything in there. I've never really used action replay since GEN1, even then that was only to get a Mew, tech my Pikachu Surf in Yellow then get Celebi in GEN 2. I've always wanted my Pokemon / game to be as legit as possible.

    I think i was around 80 hours play time when i finished Pokemon Y, i did spend 40 hours randomly wonder trading and breeding easily, that was mainly for my squad though as I wanted all 3 starting Pokemon, then realised the starters were really good for trades at the time as others must have also had the same idea as me.

    The HG/SS were awesome, a remake of GEN2 with internet trading built in, im only disappointed i never really played them much at the time and now i'd like to Nintendo WiFi is no more.

    You can setup an emulated nand on thr 3DS, so the console remains exploitable, however your totally up to date and can use all the Nintendo Wireless functions, update games and so on. IF you are wanting a 3DS for homebrew now's a good time to get one as their all basically either exploitable or downgradable then exploitable. Nintendo are always patching the exploits, however it seems new exploits are always been released too.
  3. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I have the Mew and Celebi in gens 1 and 2 legit but I don't have the Pikachu yet.

    What a lot of people do is breed for egg moves or shinnies and hidden abilities and they hatch the eggs and trade them out.

    Then gen 4 Pokemon games are so damn slow. I can get used to DPP. When I restarted them, I realized how good they are. Stopped playing them when I started to hate HG/SS. It does suck that the Nintendo Wifi is no more.

    See, I didn't know that. I never really follow the 3DS modding scene. Most of the threads on this forums that I've seen for hacking/modding/exploiting is all stuff that I lack the knowledge, skills or tools to put to use.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    As you like Pokemon GEN3 a lot you might be interested in this new thread I have posted: Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save [Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen]

    Like with GEN1 and GEN2 i'm trying to archive as many as the event Pokemon as possible as it's becoming increasingly harder to obtain them in 2016, plus people who have them generally don't want to share them either. You might be interested in the save, or even have some you could contribute.
  5. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Has anyone actually been able to use this to send Celebi to a Japanese Gen. III game?
    I'm trying to do it through Dolphin, and I've had trouble getting it to recognize the completed Japanese Colosseum save file (it refuses to read it when injected into a MemoryCard Raw file for some reason), but I was able to get it to recognize the save file by changing to GCI folders in Dolphin rather than using MemoryCard Raw files.

    So then I start up the Japanese Bonus disk, and I go to the menu for sending Celebi. All that happens is that the old guy talks to me, then a cutscene with Celebi plays (presumably, it's sending the first Celebi over to the Colosseum save file), but I can never actually get it to send to Gen. III game. It just repeatedly gives me that same cutscene with Celebi before returning to the main menu, and it never prompts me to connect the GBA to the Gamecube.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I could never get it to work using Dolphin and VBA-M, it works perfectly on real hardware though.

    On real hardware you need a separate memory card which i let the game format. I believe JPN games format the memory card differently to USA / EU games. After that i imported the save and it would then read it fine and let me transfer a Celebi to a real JPN Ruby cartridge.

    It's been a while since i did it but could try and make a video of it when i get some free time. I think HaxAras might actually have a video of the process somewhere, i'm sure he linked me to one long before i managed to successfully do it.
  7. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I don't think I actually have a video of it. Now that I think of it. I really should make one. I'll update the post in a few hours after I've recorded and uploaded it.

    I heard all that stuff about the Japanese games formatting the memory card differently. I always had trouble getting my Japanese games to save on my English Memory card in the past but eventually, it works. I usually just save multiple times when I do save as well.


    First game I hooked up was a Fire Red save and the second had my Emerald Save. I restored the Emerald save I was working on and posted in another thread and I got the Celebi. Shown in the video.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  8. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Hmm... I think I've figured out why it won't work on Dolphin. I guess games just never actually have permission to write to a different game's save file, so it can read the save file for the other game just fine, but never actually write to it. So the Celebi never gets added to the Colosseum save file, and it gets in an endless loop of trying to send the Celebi to Colosseum over and over.

    Could you upload a copy of this save which already has the first Celebi received from the Bonus disk, so that we can then force the Bonus disk on Dolphin to send to GBA via Dolphin <-> VBA-M? That would be very appreciated.

    Unless I'm missing something, and there's a way to get Dolphin to allow games to save to different game's save files. :P
  9. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Yeah, I can do it later today. It would just take me 5 minutes to make a quick copy of my current Colosseum save and post it here.

    Attached Files:

  10. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    Perfect, it seems my assumption was correct. This is exactly what we needed to have to be able to transfer Celebi via the Disk using Dolphin.
    Now I just need to figure out how to -actually- make this work... my GBA<->GC connection always errors out for some reason.
    It -could- be that it's because I'm using an English save file with a Japanese rom, not entirely sure why it would matter though. Maybe I'll have to get an actual Japanese save file, or play through it myself.
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Theirs a link to HaxAras's Pokemon Colosseum JPN Save with all 48 Shadow Pokemon Purified in the first post.
  12. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Well, it seems you're in luck. This is a post that has my Japanese Emerald save file uploaded to it. I made it for a separate project and it's the same save I used to get the Celebi shown in my video.

  13. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    I know, but that one didn't have the Celebi sent by the Bonus Disk, so Dolphin gets stuck in an infinite loop of trying to send Celebi over to Colosseum, which fails because the Bonus disk can't actually write to another game's save file in Dolphin.

    The Bonus disk can send up to 48 Celebis per completed Colosseum save file, and the first one is sent directly to the Pokémon Colosseum save file before you can start sending directly to GBA.

    On real hardware this isn't a problem, but I guess Dolphin allows games to read other games' save files (in this case, Bonus disk reads Colosseum's save file), but can't actually write to it.
  14. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I'm assuming you got it to work then? With the Japanese Emerald save as well as the emulator problems being solved?
  15. UnknownRespected

    UnknownRespected Resident

    May 14, 2016
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    I haven't really bothered trying yet. Not 100% sure how GBA connectivity works yet, I kinda just fiddle around until it says it connected.
  16. eisnerguy1

    eisnerguy1 Active Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Thanks for all of the awesome Pokémon stuff you post!
  17. OverdriveOstrich

    OverdriveOstrich New Member

    Jul 18, 2016
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    What you've said here interests me, so I did some experimenting.

    First I took an ISO of the bonus disc and made the edits that InsaneNutter posted to get it to work with US saves/GBA games (the GBA game part ended up not working, more on that later). Then I loaded it in Dolphin with both a US and JP save from Colosseum on Dolphin's memory card. No luck, I couldn't get past the screen where you select the shrine.

    After reading what you posted, I opened up the ISO in HxD and changed the game ID to that of the US Pokemon Colosseum (GC6E01). It's literally the first string of text in the file. I verified that the ID had changed by viewing the ISO's properties in Dolphin and loaded it up. After this it allowed me to select the shrine and transferred a Celebi to the US Colosseum save file.

    As for transferring the Celebi directly to a game cart, I found, as mentioned before, that the ID swap in InsaneNutter's instructions does not allow for the bonus disc to send Celebi to a US cart. However, US and JP save files of Ruby/Sapphire (and probably other 3rd gen games) are compatible with each other and can be loaded interchangeably. All I had to do was load my Ruby save on a JP ROM and link VBA-M to Dolphin. After that it was simply a matter of soft resetting the game at the right time to initiate the transfer, and then I could load that same save back in my US Ruby ROM.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  18. JTF195

    JTF195 New Member

    Aug 13, 2016
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    As of Dolphin 5.0 and VBA-M 2.0 beta2, I've gotten Pokemon Box to work perfectly fine.

    I actually just got done combining the two GEN3 event pokemon saves back into one Pokemon Box save, which I posted over in that thread.

    Edit: I'll go ahead and add it here too. Enjoy:

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    Last edited: Sep 9, 2016
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  19. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I want to experiment with them a little more. But I have the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum Battle E cards. Would anybody be interested if I scanned in the cards and uploaded the save again? It would allow people to get and download the last 3 shadow Pokemon.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you get the time i certainly would be interested.

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