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Pokemon GameStop Legendary Beasts Distribution Entei, Raikou, Suicune NDS Event Rom Download [USA]

Discussion in 'Pokemon NDS Event Distributions (USA)' started by Professor Oak, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. kerfuffle1984

    kerfuffle1984 New Member

    Jan 29, 2024
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    Thank you! I'll let you know how it goes :)
    AlamosIT likes this.
  2. EliteYard

    EliteYard New Member

    Jul 2, 2024
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    I don't understand how to distribute these event Pokémon and others in the gen 4-5 era listed on this site. Sorry if this seems like a lot, but there is no tutorial on how to actually get this working and I can't seem to find anything that's helping me. First, do I need to download and put the contents of both listed folders onto an SD card, or just the first one? Second, how do I actually get these distributions to run? I have no idea what I need to do to get a flashcart running - what firmware would I need; would executing the events be as simple as clicking on the files or entering an app and starting the wireless connection (like for the gen 6 events listed here); do I need to install CFW on my DS lite before even attempting to do any of this? I just have no idea and am not finding a whole lot anywhere - which is the polar opposite to understanding the modding process for my 3DSs and distributing the event mons for generations 6 and 7. Again, sorry if this is a lot; I'm a total noob on this subject that just wants to get the event Pokémon I missed out on as a kid.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Do you have a flash card for your Nintendo DS Lite? If not you will need to buy one. You do not need CFW for your DS Lite to use a flash card.

    As for what flashcard to buy, its hard to say as most of them these days are clones of something what was available years ago, all with very similar names. I have an "R4i Gold 3DS" which has worked well with all all these distribution roms. If you say where in the world you are then people might be able to advise what is available for you in that part of the world.

    If you do have a flash card and don't know how to use it, then I would start a thread in the Console Help Center asking for help with that.

    Once you know how to use your flash card you would download any of the Gen 4 / 5 distributions, extract (unzip) the rom and simply copy it over to the Micro SD card inside your flash cart, using an SD Card reader on the PC. The distribution will then simply appear on your flash cards menu when you use it on the DS.

    Once you have a flash card if you know how to copy a file from your PC to a Micro SD card, that really is all their is to it.

    Hopefully that will help get you started anyway!
    AlamosIT likes this.
  4. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    These distributions are basically game roms, so you need a 1st console with your game and a 2nd to play the distribution rom.

    The only thing you have to pay attention is that you have to set a specific date on the 2nd console to make the rom works.

    So you need:
    - A DS/DSi/3DS with your 4th/5th gen Pokémon game
    - A 2nd DS/DSi/3DS with a DS flashcart (like R4) or a modded DSi/3DS with TWiLight Menu++ to play the distribution ROM
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  5. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    If you need a DS flashcart, at the moment, one of the best option is the Ace3DS X that can be bought directly from here (or from their store on AliExpress or Amazon.com) or the Ace3DS PLUS, available here.

    They work both with the same firmware, that can be download from here, and they can be used with TWiLight Menu++ (also with autoboot).
    InsaneNutter likes this.

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