Profile Corruption

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by thekorngear, Jan 21, 2012.

  1. thekorngear

    thekorngear Resident

    Feb 14, 2011
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    Guys, I use content locks to remove all the locks off of my profile and then I keep the profile on my PC. It was always smooth for transferring. But recently I got this problem:
    As my 360 started to show huge open tray error I had to take it to the personnel. I had to remove my usb storage and kept my profile on my pc. After I got my 360 I simply transferred my profile using xtaf explorer.
    But it showed up as corrupt profile. (the gamer pic was shown correctly) (conflag remover was used)
    Then I used Horizon, opened up the profile file (16.1 MB), rehashed,resigned and saved and then transferred to USB Disk. In Horizon It did show the profile after transfer.
    Then I hooked the USB on my 360 but again 360 showed it as corrupt profile.
    After that I put the usb disk onto my lappy and hit horizon. It opens up the usb but shows nothing in Gamer Profiles.
    After a couple of repeat, I again rehashed, resigned and saved the profile file. But this time injected it by xtaf explorer.
    With that combo effort, the profile finally shows up fine on my xbox 360.

    Should not the profile appear just okay using either xtaf or the horizon?
    Why the heck I need to use this combo effort anyway?

    Plus: Horizon just wont boot on my windows8 dev preview enabled PC, whereas it just shows up fine on my win7 64bit lappy.

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