Hey guys I hope someone here can help me. I recently purchased the PS Break v1.1 usb and installed the Backup manager. However now when i enter a real game into my PS3 it isnt detected atall regardless of if the usb is in the PS3 or not. This also means i cant even play backed up games using the backup manager because it reuqires a real disc to be in the PS3 so i am getting the insert disc error. essentially, my PS3 is unusable ! Is this a well known problem? I had no luck googling e.t.c. Is there a soloution to get it working? Any help is much appreciated. p.s. I realise this is my first post but after looking around the forum I really like it and will contribute. im not simply going to leech an answer.
Your BD drive may have just crapped out as that isn't all that unlikely. Unfortunately there isn't anything in the PS3 scene as of yet that will check to see if all the equipment works correctly. I haven't heard of anyone having this problem and it would more then likely just happen to you if it was because of PS Break. It may even be just your BD drive has a loose cable. When you put the disc in does it sound like its spinning or just it just seem to remain completely silent? There isn't all that much I can suggest but I say unplug the PS3's power source and leave it unplugged for awhile 30 minutes to an hour, then boot it back up and see if the symptoms persist.
Obviously you know nothing about the PS3 scene, which it would be hard to not having a PS3. In order to use the Blu-Ray Drive emulator you must have a disc in the drive. You can try to use disc less mode but only about 10% of games actually work in disc less mode. So he would more then likely still need to have a disc in the drive and it be picked up by the PS3 for it to work.
No that is the compatibility WITH those payloads. Apperently Hermes knew how to make more games run disc less but decided to quit after some Chinese knockoff decided to put his name on the USB dongle.
Hey. after checking it wasnt a software problem by re formatting the ps3 hard disk e.t.c. i can now confirm it must just be a fauly piece of hardware sux to be me. Thanks for your help Dark Scyth.
looks like you gota get a new ps3 then btw i can confirm new ones ship with 3.40 so they are jail breakable