Hi, I just want to pop in and say that I just dusted off my 2 x PSP (in my case 1001) and followed InsaneNutter´s great guide to upgrade from 5.50 CFW to 6.60 CFW: https://digiex.net/threads/psp-6-61...psp-psp-psp-slim-psp-3000-psp-go-e1000.12915/ Much appreciated and runs successfully using CIPL_Flasher to nail the PSP CFW 6.60 PRO-C2 to be running permanently. So my contribution to this is to let you all know that I successfully use 1 x MicroSD 64 GB + Memory Stick PRO Duo Adapter and now have a monster storage with a lot of games! Here is the parts I use: 1 x SanDisk Ultra 64 GB MicroSD 1 x Memory Stick PRO Duo adapter Happy gaming!
Micro SD to Memory Stick PRO Duo is a good idea! My PSP still has a really small 4gb Memory Stick PRO Duo in it from 2007. That was massive back then, how times have changed! A good tip to cheaply update the storage.
Yes, quite nice actually! Oh, not to forget, I actually bought a adapter set with: 1 x MicroSD to USB 1 x MicroSD to SD 1 x MicroSD to Memory Stick PRO Duo so you can choose the maximum transfer speed to copy stuff TO the MicroSD. Also a cheep solution to cover it all!