I was trying to follow this guide from the site (hxxp://digiex.net/guides-reviews/console-guides/xbox-360-guides/7177-how-update-your-jtagged-xbox-360-freeboot-0-032-9199-dash-kernal.html) but I'm getting a problem upgrading my dashboard. I'm running the very first JTAG with the 8955 dashboard. I haven't touched my xbox in about 1.5 years and I was trying to upgrade it to the latest 14699 dashboard, so I can run the later new games. I read the directions here (hxxp://digiex.net/guides-reviews/console-guides/xbox-360-guides/9949-easily-update-your-jtagged-rgh-xbox-360-kernel-dashboard-14699-xebuild.html) but the guide says that it's highly recommended to upgrade to 9199 first before going from 8955 -> 14699 directly because people have been getting lots of problems upgrading that far up. I followed the 8955 -> 9199 guide but when I run FreeBOOT Toolbox Maker v0.032, it gives me an error at 38%, which says, "your dump has not been properly extracted." I ran this same nand dump with a newer version and it doesn't give me any errors and produces the update.bin for me. When I originally did the nand dump, I did 4 dumps, as what lots of guides were saying to do at that time and all 4 were identical. Does anyone know why the older version of Freeboot gives me this error? I want to take the safest route to upgrade my JTAG'd box to 14699 but since I've been out of the game for so long, I don't want to screw this up. Any help would be appreciated.