Basically I accidently wiped my Xbox 360 20Gb Hard Drive so i'm trying to reinstall the firmware to make it useable again. Looking around the net I found the guide written by InsaneNutter here - and going through it it all made sense but where I get to the point where I use hddhackr to reinstall the HDDSS.BIN file I get this error - Any ideas?
Hddhackr will only flash the security sector to supported Western Digital drives, thats why you get the error. I could be mistaken, however unless anything has changed since I looked in to hacking drives for the 360 I don't think you can fix it unfortunately.
If you have your original hddss.bin or one from the same type of drive as yours. You can manually write sector 16-22 using a hex editor. Hex Workshop or WinHex will controls for editing a hard drive are better in WinHex. You just have to open the drive on your PC with your editor. Go into Live Edit mode so you can write data to the hdd on the fly. Then tell the hex editor to write an image or copy to the drive starting from sector 16, or from 16-22 depending on the editor. Select your hddss.bin file and write. After that you need to create your partitions with your hex editor (difficult) or with hddhacker (very easy). After that you simply run a dashboard update on the 360 with the drive (you may have to format the drive in the Memory menu first) to write the system files over including Avatars, Kinect drivers and possibly the Xbox1 emulator data. Connect the drive to your PC after all that and check if Partition 2 has files using Xplorer360 or your preferred app. If not you need to manually write an emulator file set to the partition from your region. Sounds like a lot of work but it should take under 30 minutes even with all the swapping around and file copies. Good luck!
Hello I have a problem that is a bit similar I was trying to update my xbox 360 model E to the kinect update but forgot to format my usb to fat32 and tried to delete the system files and change them with the new files (i use aurora) and it didn't work and left me with no system file and when i restarted the console it gave the RROD (red ring of death) so i was hoping that i can rebuild the nand or redownload the OS of the xbox so please if anyone has any tips how to fix it i would be very grateful Thank in advance