RGH Xbox 360 One Green Light Of Death

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by FaresPoll, Jul 8, 2022.

  1. FaresPoll

    FaresPoll New Member

    Jul 6, 2022
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    Hello everyone I hope y'all doing good, I came here for my problem coming from my Xbox 360 rgh that I wanted to update its dashboard to the latest, so I dumped with Simple 360 Nand Flasher and I used xebuild GUI to build the hacked image of the latest dashboard, then when I updated it should shut off, as a suggestion from a youtube video saying you need to unplug the power supply and plug it back but when I did it al I hear is the fan of the 360 working quite but the console itself when turned on there is only the middle green dot and no signal on my tv
    btw I have my CPU key and my DVD key console id and serial number for info
    any suggestions to fix my problem please reply to me I've tried to paste a blank launch.ini on a flash drive and put it on the console but nothing worked

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