RGH1.2 corrupts every HDD I put in it. Help?

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by chonglekong64, Apr 25, 2024.

  1. chonglekong64

    chonglekong64 New Member

    Mar 27, 2024
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    Hello, I have been having some issues with my RGH console as of recently. I went through 3 hard drives, and they all corrupt every. single. time.

    I think it could just be genuinely bad luck, as the drive that the system came with was corrupted and threw an E68 at me, then I bought another.. which was used but in excellent condition apparently. and when FTPing one day, it decided to just stop letting me copy games. And when I did a soft reboot of the console, everything was just.. gone. So, I put in another from my PC which was slightly tempermental but did the job just fine. And the exact same thing happened and I lost all my files and saves :( it was incredibly stressful. I owned an RGH1.2 console before and this never happened to me. Is this a result of the seller doing a bad wire job? or is it because I just had bad luck with drives? It usually happens when the console has reached over 250gb capacity or I have loaded more than 50 or so games onto there, then it just did that. The second drive didn't ever E68 me but the first and third one did :(

    I ordered a brand new 1tb HDD and I am hoping for the best with that. I am very very demoralised and would love some help right now. Thank you very much :)
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    When FTP'ing files to the 360 what program are you using? if you are using FileZilla or another FTP client that allows you to FTP multiple files at the same time, don't do that with the 360 as you will end up corrupting data on the hard drive in my experience.

    Are these hard drives 2.5" SATA drives you are using internally or USB drives?

    Do these drives work after they have corrupted? as in you can format them in your PC and use them perfectly fine?

    What was "slightly temperamental" about the second drive, that would be worrying about any hard drive.
  3. chonglekong64

    chonglekong64 New Member

    Mar 27, 2024
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    Thank you for your reply - I have been using filezilla yes, because xbox network neighbourhood doesn't work for me. I typically transfer 2 files at a time when FTPing so that does make a ton of sense!

    They are also internal, and they do work on my computer after corrupting. The second drive had issues with FTPing, like cannot open certain folders and it reset on me twice.
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I suspect that is probably the issue then, especially as its happened on multiple drives.

    I'd backup any saves on the current drive you are using, then format the drive and see how you go just transferring files with a single FTP connection.

    You can set Maximum simultaneous transfers to 1 on FileZilla if you still wish to use that:


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