I gave my nephew my old cygnos Xbox console back last year as I had upgraded to a DemoN chip console, but now since the latest dash update and the latest batch of games he is unable to play these when in RGH mode as they require the latest dash. I know when I updated the dash on this console about 18 months ago that I had to use cygnos toolbox and j-runner but is this the case stil now as the j-runner program has changed quiet a bit since then. Can I just use j-runner to read the rgh nand (light on) and then select the latest dash version and creat a new nand and flash that to the 360 or do I still need to use other programs as I'm not sure j-runner supports cygnos chip?? Whats the steps I need to take in updating a cygons 360 in 2014?
This is simple. If its already JTAG or RGH and you have the NAND dump. You just need to build a new NAND and flash it. You can do all of this over the network or you can attach the USB to the Cygnos to flash it. Heres what I last used to update my JTAG 360 with Cygnos. https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...-nand-builder-jtag-rgh-xbox-360-consoles.html I'd suggest building a new image then flashing it via NANDFlasher. https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...and-flasher-360-xbox-360-v1-2-0-download.html However if you screw up you can always plug in the USB to fix it. I've done this once or twice now by forgetting to select the Cygnos SMC hack. So be sure to do that.
Thanks for the info. So should i make a dump of the retail Nand first (light off on the Cygnos and with the latest dash version 16547?) using Cygnos Toolbox or J-runner and the load that into XeBuild and then generate the image?? EDIT: hmm with the latest XeBuild program it isnt letting me select the Cygnos v2 smc hack, as they are all grey out, any ideas?
If you have a Zephyr console then you may need to select the option thats says Cygnos V2 Alternative for Zephyr. Also its always good to have a dump, this way you can go back to what it was before. If you knew what you were doing and it wasn't your first time doing it this way you could probably skip this. Though I'd recommend you dump it as a precaution. This is also quite simple and can be accomplished by a multitude of ways. NANDFlasher can do this, just install it via network and load. If this doesn't work it may be because its a RGH. I have a JTAG so can't offer much advice towards a RGH. Something may be different that I don't know of.