Using an Xbox Live profile on a Jtagged / RGH hacked Xbox 360 and staying safe

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    Hello InsaneNutter, I have created this Digiex account for the purpose of asking you a question regarding my specific situation and hopefully, if you don't mind, you answering it. First of all, thank you for still being on this thread after all those years, incredible. Secondly, I'd like to point out that I've looked everywhere and collected information that could potentially answer my question, but my situation is really specific and I'd like a solid confirmation, so let me begin. My objective, is to purchase a RGH (I heard that Console Warehouse was safe and reliable), and play Forza Motorsport 4 with the delisted DLC's. I have the Forza Motorsport 4 Disc, and all of the DLC's downloaded on my PC that I plan on installing on my RGH when it arrives (following the correct steps with XeX or Aurora). I have a XBLA (with gold), and my Forza Motorsport 4 save game, both on my Retail Xbox 360. I will then transfer my XBLA profile and my Forza Motorsport 4 save game onto my USB and unplug it from my retail 360. I will receive the configured RGH with all of the Homebrew apps required, and I will do the installing of the game (using my disc) and the DLC (and unlock them with XM360) using the Homebrew applications, always with the offline profile given with the RGH (basically just an offline profile but it's already made for me), so not my main XBLA. Once everything is setup, and ready to play with the DLC's (whilst ALWAYS being offline (with the connection to XBL blocked with Dash)), my idea was to launch the game from XeX, with the offline profile (never my main XBLA), and once being in the game's start menu, plugging in my USB in my RGH (containing my profile and my save game), sign in on my XBLA profile (which will be offline on the RGH) (still in the game menu)) and selecting the USB as the path the game will be using to find the save (that was previously on my retail Xbox 360) so I can actually enter the game with my previous progression. Supposedly, I should be where I left off on my retail 360 (because it's the same save game), and I should be able to continue my progress/career and maybe even unlock 1 or 2 achievements. Let's say I just finished playing 2 hours, what I would do then is sign out of my XBLA profile (still offline on the RGH) and unplug my USB from the RGH, and THEN go back to the home. Then I can shutdown my RGH, plug my USB (containing the updated XBLA profile and save game from the RGH) in my retail 360, and sign in to Xbox Live (meaning if I unlocked achievements they should also update on XBL). And redo this process every time I want to progress more into the game with the DLC's, still with the same save game (but always being updated by playing on the RGH).

    Now, my initial question is, with all of the information given above, will my XBLA potentially get temporarily or permanently suspensed from XBL, or am I safe, is everything I plan on doing the correct and safe way, is there other precautions I should take? With the Homebrew applications? Perhaps launching the game from XeX makes it so my game (Forza Motorsport 4 in my case) gets "tempered" with and detectable on the save game and profile? I plan on taking those precautions because of what you explained at the beginning of this thread (Homebrew applications adding "invisible" files to the profile that then gets detected by Microsoft once you go back on XBL using your retail 360). I plan on going back on XBL on PC, Xbox Series X, and even my retail Xbox 360.

    This might be long to read, but I absolutely need a confirmation on this, and you should know the best out of anyone else.
    Thank you.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You have understood exactly what to do and are going to be doing exactly what I do.

    Only advice I can give you is ensure the games you are playing are 100% retail / untouched, not modified in any way.

    I exclusively use the Microsoft Dashboard on my Jtag, all the games we're installed / converted to GoD packages (Games on Demand) and loaded from the MS dashboard, if you have Dash Launch set to load a 3rd party Dashboard instead, just be careful you don't exit a game by accident to this dashboard with your live profile signed in. If you do accidently do this, then delete your live profile and recover it from Xbox Live on your legit console.

    Any apps / tools are listed under Demos, so I can easily load them when not signed in to my live profile if desired.
  3. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    Thank you for the reply.

    By installing / converting the games to GoD, your games were originally iso's downloaded from the internet ? Or a disc game "installed" on the HDD normally?

    By "100% retail / untouched, not modified in any way", is installing the actual retail game disc to the RGH's HDD with XeX, still considered untouched? And if that's the case, are adding DLC's from a USB to the game files in XeX and unlocking those with XM360 "modifying" the game?
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I installed my games from disc then used NXE2GOD to play them without having the disc on the console.

    Any ISO's that have been ripped for LT+ flashed DVD drives will also be untouched, you can convert these to Games on Demand packages with ISO2GOD.

    Some XBLA games "out there" are betas from Partnernet, so your best to download the trial yourself from Xbox Live where possible. Providing the DLC was actually released you are fine using it (they are some beta DLC's floating about which would be advisable not to use on your live profile).

    Unlocking content doesn't modify it in anyway that would be noticeable on your profile.
  5. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    I don't have my RGH yet (not in stock), I've just made a lot of research. If I use NXE2GOD to convert my installed game using the disc (Forza Motorsport 4), can I add the DLC's to FM4 using XeX and unlocking them with XM360 and then, when I load my game from Games on Demand, have the DLC's working ? Cause in my head right now, XeX and NXE2GOD are separate, but technically, they're both in the HDD, right? Meaning that the changes I do to Forza Motorsport 4 in XeX are effective even if I load my game from GoD instead of XeX?

    And technically, I don't have to do that, correct? I can still use XeX to load up my game without the disc (once installed and everything), I suppose you use NXE2GOD to load up your game from the dashboard instead of a homebrew application so you can sign into your main account right away, instead of signing in the burner account to load up the game and THEN sign out of it to sign into your main?

    And by "I exclusively use the Microsoft Dashboard on my Jtag" you mean that you practically never use a homebrew application, instead you have all of your games in GoD and you load them up from here?

    And lastly, you mentioned in one of the threads the following : "On your Freeboot dash you can sign your live profile in (offline) and load the game directly from the dashboard, on the stock MS dash that can connect to live the games will appear corrupted (as they are modified to work without the DVD)", so if I want to use my game located in the Games on Demand, installed via NXE2GOD, I have to be on a modded dashboard (Ex. Aurora) ? I cannot stay on the default MS dashboard?
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Xbox 360 DLC's are in containers and go on the internal hard drive in the Content\0000000000000000\ folder - download some legally free DLC from here to understand what I mean: Downloadable Content

    .xex is the Xbox equivalent of an .exe in windows.

    You can load the .xex of extracted ISO's of 360 games using XEX Menu or another 3rd party dashboard yes.

    Yes that's why I used the Microsoft Dashboard, plus when i got started with 360 modding nothing else existed, so I just stuck with that as it was more convenient when playing games. Personal preference at the end of the day.

    I do use homebrew applications, however I have shortcuts to these which appear in the demos section on the Microsoft Dashboard, so its easy to filter these out and only load them when i know i'm not signed in to my live profile.

    No what I am saying there is custom Games on Demand packages made with ISO2God or NXE2GoD only work on a Jtag / RGH hacked 360. On a non modified Xbox 360 they will show up as corrupted.
  7. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    Just in case, is it possible after a gaming session on the RGH, to see if you profile has received any “changes”. I guess there has to be changes because obviously you have played with it, but is it possible to look for specific changes caused by the RGH (GPD’s from homebrew applications for example) ?
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You might be able to view GPD's with Le Fluffie, I seem to remember you could edit stuff like that. (I wouldn't use any too to edit my profile however).
  9. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    “Only advice I can give you is ensure the games you are playing are 100% retail / untouched, not modified in any way.”

    So if I’d like to make non purchasable cars purchasable in Forza Motorsport 3 (they’re still in the game just unobtainable) by editing a value in the gamedb.slt, purchasing the 3 cars I need, then going back to the original non modified default.xex, would that still considered to be a risk or even a high risk ?

    (Below, in my case, that’s how I will be able to edit the gamedb.slt if it matters)

    XEX Editing / poking - Gamedb check bypass :
    “First grab your default.xex. Then decrypt / decompress with xextool. After that, open in any hex editor and search "gamedb". The last result, change it to i.e. potato.slt from gamedb.slt. save, encrypt.”

    And then I’d do the following :
    “Open your gamedb, then go to the table "data_car". Go across till you find the column "IsUnicorn". If the value is 0, the car is purchasable. If the value is 1, the car is hidden. scroll till you find a record saying "1" and change it to 0. When you find all, every unicorn will be purchasable at the car shop.”
  10. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That should be ok, some beta games have achievements that differ to the released game which is what I was meaning by the comment you quoted.
  11. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    Thank you very much, I would also like to ask if having the custom Xbox menu (when you press the Xbox button on the controller) writes detectable data to your profile, which I think is Quickboot? I'm not sure but it tells you your console temperature and the first option is "Aurora home", it could possibly be customized by the company that sold the RGH. My point is, is it considered homebrew?
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2023
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That's part of aurora dashboard, it shouldn't do as its modifying the behaviour of the Xbox guide menu running in the background, not loading an actual homebrew app. I never personally did any testing with that as it didn't exist when I posted this guide in 2010.
  13. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    Worth the risk?
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Depends how much you care about your Xbox Live account, personally I wouldn't as my Xbox Live account is now 17 years old and has too much history associated with it to risk it these days.
  15. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    True, and if you don't mind, I would like to know if grabbing the ISO of a Xbox 360 game from the Rom's Megathread and extracting it with 360MP and then transfer all of the extracted game files including the default.xex it to my RGH with XeXMenu safe? Is the game considered "untouched" ? I have all of the discs for the games I play except for one that I would like to play.
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Presuming the ISO you download is one that would boot on a flashed DVD drive then yes that would be untouched, most 360 ISO's out there are untouched.

    You can run it though ABGX to be sure:
  17. Chize

    Chize Member

    Dec 20, 2022
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    Run it through ABGX with the default ABGX configuration and options?
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes should be easy to tell if the ISO is one thats been ripped or user made, as most 360 games were ripped to be played with modified DVD firmware the vast majority of ISO's out there are totally untouched. These would not work when burned otherwise.
  19. sikemike03

    sikemike03 New Member

    Apr 9, 2013
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    Is there anything specific in the log that indicates whether it's ripped versus user made? I'm guessing as long the verification at the end is successful, then it hasn't been altered in any way and thus should be safe.
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    User made ISO's (from files / folders) would not verify on Abgx, so yes if the ISO verifies ok then that game is totally untouched.
    sikemike03 likes this.

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