[XB360] Transferring unlocked avatars between profiles?

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by Malos221, Sep 15, 2023.

  1. Malos221

    Malos221 Member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    So on an offline profile, whenever I try editing my avatar, I see this message.
    "Your Avatar had changed and needs to update it's clothes. To update them, sign in to Xbox Live"

    Some items like avatar award props also only show an exclamation mark without letting me pick it at all, even if it's shown as unlocked on the achievements page.

    I had something similar on an online account, but that's a live enabled account, so signing in fixed it for that. While with this second account, it's never been on XBL at all. I also already updated to the newest firmware via system update when I checked that. (It's not a modded system yet)

    Is there a workaround to fix that? Or is setting it up for XBL the only way past it, in which case I'd assume you'd definitely need a stealth server to fix this on an RGH if thats the case. I tried a good bunch of things already but I've hit a dead end for a good while, and there's not too many resources on this sorta thing when I search it.

    I'm looking to keep this profile as offline as I can, given I'm gearing to mod the system at a later date. The system itself is currently a stock system.
    This is also for avatar awards unlocked in game, like for Halo Reach, not premium store bought ones.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    At some point Microsoft changed something with the avatars (easily 12+ years ago), which resulted in you having to connect to Xbox Live to essentially re download updated versions of all avatars items you had unlocked.

    With a live profile you can put this on a usb drive and do so on another console that can connect to Xbox Live.

    With an offline profile on a non modified console you are currently out of options i believe. When the console is eventually modded I believe you can modify avatar items with from another profile with the UUID of the profile you wish to use them on and they will then work ok. A non modified Xbox 360 will just see these as corrupt if you do that however.

    My memory is a bit vague on this now as its been such a long time, however I believe what I'm telling you is correct.
  3. Malos221

    Malos221 Member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    I'm getting this setup for modding, but if it's possible to do it just fine on a modded system, with no live, then I'm up for waiting to do that instead, since currently I'm mainly trying to get things as ready as I can.

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