as per thread question... anyone know when the iPhone will ever be introduced to the list of capable media players for the 360?.. for music/photos/videos? I kept hearing rumors but nothing solid.
Well, I don't think it works with the iPhone but it works with various MP3 players including iPods. Though if the iPhone has to be enabled for USB connection. Hook it up to the 360 and then make sure the iPhone is in USB mode.
I don't think it has.. I know what you mean tho.. with the MTP or what other ever option.. the iPhone i don't think has that.. or what I can see from the settings menu. I just think it's a drag.. cause I bought the iPhone to eliminate the point of having a phone and a mp3 player.. i just did not want a crappy LG or those other types of phones.. BB/Droid shitaki like that.. I went iPhone.. and for Microsoft to be anal and not do an update for iPhones is STRAIGHT CHILDISH! /endrant]
Maybe you can do something like this?. You could put your MP3's on it then, although im not sure if you would be able to play them on the iPhone if you did that. Can you not just stream the MP3's on your PC / Mac to the Xbox 360?
USB Emulation sounds nifty... I'll try that. And I don't know where to start for streaming from laptop to Xbox. granted I have win7 home 64bit & Media Center...maybe I should get a tutorial.. a Usb2USB cable and a big cup of coffee and work that out...
No need for a USB to USB cable to stream content to the Xbox 360, just ensure both your PC and 360 are connected to your router. Now load Windows Media Player up. On the Stream button check the box to allow other devices to play your media, the first time you do this it might be called media streaming, i noticed it changed when i enabled it. The Window below should then appear, click the button to turn on media streaming. Then allow the devices you want to have access to your media and press ok Now anything in your Windows Media Player library should be accessible to the 360 (and any other computers if you allowed them). On the 360's dashboard go to Music and your computer should appear and you can then play your music from there. Hope that works for you, I could do a more detailed tutorial sometime if you have any problems.
uh.. it wont play any of my music?.. someone mentioned to me on live about setting it to a certain folder? can anyone shed some light on this?