i make xbox 360 ISO i use Iso2God one game so be 7.08GB like game GTA4 content\545407F2\00007000 so be NXE detected GTA 4 but faster load great i try same game GTA i use Xbox Image Browser one game 6.48GB like folder GTA alot files so be default.xex so wont detected NXE freestyle dashboard detected GTA4 for 6.48GB and xexmenu can open default.xex but faster load but 6.48GB VS 7.08GB very hard compore about loading which best use content\545407F2\00007000 7.08GB VS default.xex 6.48GB i know 6.48GB less space then 7.08GB which recommed 7.08GB VS 6.48GB
In the ISO2God settings what have you got selected for Padding? If you select Full (ISO Rebuilt) it will remove all the garbage data so the game should be the same size as it is when you extract it with Xbox Image Browser, it takes longer however you can reduce certain games from 7+gigs to less than 1gig by doing this (in extreme cases). As to which is the best its down to personal preference, I use the NXE dash so everything is in a games on demand container for me.
i set padding: None that mean best untouched uncompress its good right i dont like padding full ISO Rebuilt so any problem
Hey sorry to revive a 11 year old thread... I have been doing this and not yet seen any decrease in file size. I have done over 15 games. So this seems to work for most/all OG xbox games but not all xbox360 games. Some of xbox360 games I tried to GOD will not work, but they worked with regular folder type install. Perhaps if I had used padding "NONE" they might have worked? Third thing is there is no real advantage to GOD the game except that there are fewer files, and its neater, which I like... but Fourth thing and of my main concern with games that load a lot (almost all OG xbox games) is perhaps the GOD package loads slightly slower than the un-GOD'ed games but maybe it does not but the fact that it is lumped and in sections makes me wonder if it slows load time at all. I will research but maybe someone knows? Also if someone could verify a game with smaller size after rebuilt using full(iso rebuilt) as opposed to none this would be helpful I am trying to save disc space, thanks this program is unlikely to detect any garbage data in a file, but maybe I am wrong. I have seen the garbage data on PS2 games in files such as dummy01.bin, dummy02 etc for instance the game Need 4 $peed pr0 $treet did not work after rebuilt with full() setting
Most Xbox 360 games fill a dual layer DVD so you will not notice much difference. Some games however such as the Japanese shoot em ups by Cave only use around 1gb of the disc, so this is where you will notice significant space savings. I used the default Microsoft dashboard to load my games from the internal hard drive, so to me that was the advantage not requiring any 3rd party apps / dashboard to load stuff. In my experience all the games i converted worked from the internal hard drive anyway, its not to say some don't though. Although given its essentially the same as installing games to the internal hard drive all games should work.
Old but very good thread, very late reply here, what I am doing now is full padding removal (iso rebuilt), if that does not work use NONE. Bit confusing as the word full makes it sound like no padding is removed but it is the opposite in this program as you can tell by words 'iso rebuilt.' and if it weren't that way there would be no none setting. It seems like all games should work with the none setting, and very few don't work with full Just did a big game and the size was reduced by 1gb which is good but will it work now? About to see. worked for full setting