Xbox One S with a error E100 000000703 80910008 while trying to install the OS.

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by DarkHead ツ, Jul 13, 2021.

  1. DarkHead ツ

    DarkHead ツ New Member

    Jul 13, 2021
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    I have a Xbox One S and i was trying to get it working, but every time i tried to install the operating system and it was at 58%, throws me a error e100, first, i tried to replace the ODD (OpticalDiscDrive), i have 4 of them, but none of those worked, i also tried with 3 PHAT drives, but the error code was a 6 instead of a 8, the next thing is tried is move around the SATA cable, and it didn't worked either, i also tried a different pendrive, and a different OSU image, but nothing worked, i was thinking about wiping the Hard Drive, run a script for make it work on the xbox, and putting all of the contents of the OSU1 folder to the "System Update" partition, I'm not sure if that's going to work, so.. any tips or recommendations about this?, Is it fixable? or.. There's a way for dump the Xbox One's Nand and flash it to the ODD drive?.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Pretty sure their is nothing you can currently do to currently replace the disc drive on an Xbox One unfortunately. I suspect any errors you are experiencing could be related to this not matching up to the drive the console is expecting. So the hard drive in the console doesn't currently work either?
    Cicero Soares likes this.
  3. skayler

    skayler New Member

    Jul 19, 2021
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    el fin de semana repare el hdmi de la xbox one fat, pero al cargar sistema tenia ese error, comúnmente es el disco duro, le probé 2 y nada, osu1 ,2 y3 tampoco, al final me percate y el error lo solucione cambiando los cables de el lector de el disco, realiménteme fue un error mío al no tener conectado bien los cables, espero te sirva ! a mi me funciono después de cambiar los cables de el lector de disco!

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