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Xbox One System Update 6.2.12521.0 Download (March 2015 Update)

Discussion in 'Dashboard / System Updates' started by InsaneNutter, Mar 18, 2015.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England

    Info on the Xbox One '6.2.12521.0 (xb_rel_1503.150305-1449) fre' March 2015 Update


    New or updated features

    • While playing a game, you can now take screenshots on your Xbox One console by simply double-tapping the Xbox button on your controller to capture a screenshot and pressing Y to save the screenshot. You can also say “Xbox Take a Screenshot” to take and save a screenshot.The Upload app has been updated so that you can:
      • Manage your screenshots in addition to your game clips.
      • Use a screenshot as your background, by viewing the screenshot in full-screen mode then, press the Menu button and select Set as background.
      • Share screenshots to your activity feed, attach to messages, add screenshots to your showcase, share to Twitter and post to your OneDrive.
      Additionally, your screenshots will be visible in your profile alongside your game clips in a new Game Clips and Screenshots area.
    Suggested friends

    • With the suggested friends feature, the Friends area in home and your friends list will help you find and add friends. Suggested friends will include people that you might know, so you add more friends to game with, and top community broadcasters and clip creators, so you can get more great content in your activity feed. We’re also adding a new suggested friends page to the Friends area.
    Sharing your name

    • We’re rolling out two new ways to share your real name; with all of your friends or to everyone in the Xbox Live community. You can also continue to share your real name with select friends, or with no one, if that’s what you prefer. Gamertags are still the primary method of identifying yourself on Xbox Live, but sharing your real name helps people recognise you who might not know you by your gamertag. The new name sharing options can be found under Friends, then My profile, then Name sharing settings.
    Party Chat enhancements

    • 3 new icons were added to Party Chat to show each user their own microphone status.
      • Kinect icon means the Kinect is being used as the microphone.
      • Headset icon indicates that the headset is being used as the microphone
      • 3rd icon indicates that you do not currently have a working microphone, in that you are connected to the Party, but nobody can hear you.
    Tile transparency

    • We added a setting to enable you to vary the level of transparency for your background images, go to Settings, then My Xbox, then Tile transparency.
    Privacy and online safety settings

    • We added a new setting for sharing voice search data to create an option for you to allow collection and analysis of voice data when using Xbox – Bing to search. You can go to Settings, then Privacy and online safety, then Share voice search data to change the setting.
    Report spam

    • The Messages app has an added option to allow you to notify Xbox when you receive spam. You can now select a specific message, press the A button and then select Report, then Spam to report a specific message as spam.
    Live TV in Australia & OneGuide

    • Support for OneGuide is now available to all users in Australia for free-to-air TV listings. Additionally, the OneGuide app will be pre-pinned for users in Australia after the March system update mandatory install window
    Xbox One Digital TV Tuner in Australia

    • Xbox One owners in Australia can pre-purchase the Xbox Digital TV Tuner at the online Microsoft Store, with availability planned for 25 March 2015.


    Download Xbox One System Update 6.2.12128.0

    Updating your Xbox One:

    Read: How to install an Xbox One System Update from a USB Memory Stick

    To find your Xbox One console’s operating system version:

    • Press the Xbox button to return to Home.
    • Press the Menu button and select Settings (or select Settings on the Home screen).
    • Select System.
    • Select Console info.
    • Your operating system version is the third row down.
    • Note If you’re in the middle of a system update and need to find your operating system version on your console, pull both triggers and both bumpers on the controller. The operating system version is listed as Build and is the second line down.
    gatekeeper1122 and Stealth Geek like this.

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