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Xbox One System Update 10.0.19041.1927 Download (April 2020 Update)

Discussion in 'Dashboard / System Updates' started by InsaneNutter, Apr 30, 2020.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England

    Info on the Xbox One 10.0.19041.1927 (rs_xbox_release_2004.200415-0000) April 2020 Update

    Release date


    What's New

    My games & app updates

    We’ve added a new “Surprise me!” button to your games. When you’re not sure what to play next, “Surprise me!” suggests a random game in your library that matches your filter criteria.
    The button is located in the upper-right corner of My games & apps and can also be found by pressing the Menu button on your controller when highlighting the title of a group.

    Still more Mixer viewing improvements

    We’re not done! Now you can see emotes and subscriber badges in chat, while your Ember messages also get the flare they deserve, with special styling to help them stand out.
    We’ve also made it easier to access stream settings with just one press of the Menu button on your controller.


    Download Xbox One System Update 10.0.19041.1927 Download (April 2020 Update) Update

    Updating your Xbox One:

    Read: How to install an Xbox One System Update from a USB Memory Stick

    To find your Xbox One console’s operating system version:

    • Press the Xbox button to return to Home.
    • Press the Menu button and select Settings (or select Settings on the Home screen).
    • Select System.
    • Select Console info.
    • Your operating system version is the third row down.
    • Note If you’re in the middle of a system update and need to find your operating system version on your console, pull both triggers and both bumpers on the controller. The operating system version is listed as Build and is the second line down.
  2. arrumatuhel

    arrumatuhel New Member

    May 6, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Hi InsaneNutter,

    Do you have any clue on when the latest omega update will be released for general public? 2005.200428-0000 or 2005.200501-0000 I guess. My console is bricked and I need a "newer" OSU1 that the one for this April update.

  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Sorry i don't know, this update was only just released so could be a month or two yet.
  4. Yakozaki

    Yakozaki New Member

    May 26, 2020
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    Xbox one X 4K capture not working after latest update (15.5) this is known issue in microsoft, many people complain about that exact problem.

    I asked on their forum how to return to previous version and no one knows and finally I found here that you have archived old system updates,
    but the problem is that even with factory reset xbox kept last update and then tried offline update with one of yours previous versions I download from here february 2020 update and
    tried to install it over that last version but I get error 101.expected I guess.

    Do you know maybe what else can be done to delete that last update from xbox or any other solution to fix this problem ?

    Sorry for long post.

    Thank you
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    You can't downgrade unfortunately, you can only upgrade. That is by design in case a past version of the dash becomes hackable.

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