Alrighty, I'm here for 2 issues about my PSP.

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by SerjS, Oct 30, 2019.

  1. SerjS

    SerjS Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    First, this strange things are happening right now with my psp which is I don't know what. Yesterday, I put my psp on charger before I go to sleep and the light was on which shows that its charging, but in the morning that light was gone. I didn't take it as a big deal, i just thought that that means it's fully charged. Later on, Not at night, i put it again on charge. I went away, watching tv, than I came back and saw that the light was off. {after this its my second issue} now, i said okay, i come here and ask about that. But than, other things started to happen, this was from yesterday, my psp wont open. It's not bricked or anything, although i will put that in note at the end of this, it just wont open but the light is there. When I try to charge it, it opens! but ofcourse, the same thing keeps happening and when the lights go off the psp shuts down.


    1. I didn't buy a new charger, nor changed my battery, nor a new memory card although thinking of buying a new one because it's only 4 gb ram.

    2. When I first bought this psp, i accidentally it fell of my hand, and although not much damaged, it only damaged the back case, like nothing inside, although the L button is not working very well. And now the back of the place, the broken pieces are putten back and like pasted with these black tapes, although it's holding it, but not very well and it is moving.

    3. From this website I installed this: (hope the link is valid) but than I saw online (after my psp got bricked and never opened) that this doesnt work with psp 1000, I was freaking out because the same thing happened with my xbox 360 and not its close to be in the trash! I went online, but how lucky I was that Sony was more clever than whoever created xbox 360 that they made HOME+R+power on function and it opens my psp, somehow, to the normal version and in that case I followed a youtuber instructions to install an version downgrader (it may be not the exact name of the app I used) and I got a copy of upgrader to 6.61, and luckily I saved my psp and than I upgraded to the pro version of 6.61 and I’m now at the latest (if they are newer that doesn’t break my psp, please include in your reply).

    4. I removed and putten the battery once while my psp got bricked, because I was watching other videos that had other instructions.

    5. I don’t have any additional themes, normal apps that needed for the software updates, and normal games.

    !!6!!: The problem with my psp not opening was before getting fixed after some time charging, but now the charging is doing this and there is no way that it will work+ The battery is showing full while opening my psp charged, so that’s a bit strange. Should I do something, like change the direction of the charging wire, or anything…?

    Take the notes into consideration, I did ask some stuffs and the notes that I put may be a reason that this is happening, please reply. Thank you.
  2. SerjS

    SerjS Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The PSP has been around since 2004, so chances are the battery in your PSP could have had a lot of use and not be that good anymore.

    It’s also possible the charger could be faulty.

    The best thing to do might be to get a new battery and see if that resolves the issue, if not then you know the battery in the PSP is ok and you can try getting a replacement charger which will hopefully resolve the issue if not.

    If you have a friend with the same model PSP you could try their battery / charger to try workout what is faulty, to save you possibly buying something unnecessary.
  4. SerjS

    SerjS Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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    Its working fine now, like i said the back was broken and the black tape wasn't that strong, imstead I put one which is white type and its holding good now, the charging is normal and its always opening.
  5. SerjS

    SerjS Member

    Oct 29, 2019
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