I've actually been lurking here for a few months now, but I didn't really find myself needing to make more than the original comment I made. However, I haven't had much luck since. I've been trying to complete a Shiny Living Dex for a while, as 'legitimately as possible' (i.e. no injections and can be transferred without external hardware) and that requires a Shiny Mew. Unfortunately, while the original thread my question came from was able to distribute the Old Sea Map in English( https://digiex.net/threads/custom-mystery-gift-events-gba.16368/) and my only copy of Emerald is Japanese, and it won't work. It says that support for other languages would be available in a couple of months, but that hasn't seemed to surface for quite a while. I wasn't really worried about it until I found out that the 3DS online will shut down, and while Pokémon Bank will remain up, I don't trust that it'll last forever, so I have a time limit. I'd love to get it before any shutdowns happen. Apologies if this has already been answered and I simply haven't seen it. It wouldn't shock me if I missed it somewhere.
Oh same, its motivated me to start migrating Gen 3 to 4 event Pokemon, then Gen 4 to 5. Pretty tedious but I feel i'm winning with a lot of Pokemon now in Gen 5 ready to Poke Transport to Bank and onwards to Home. To the best of my knowledge nothing has currently changed. Would Mystery Event Tool for the GC / WII or NDS Mystery Gift Tool not be acceptable I take it? both are technically distributing the event without you having to open your save in a tool and manually modify it. I guess having the GBA do it is more official however, so get what you are saying.
Well it's less going for 'official' more 'I don't want to modify the games themselves' since I did that Jirachi one, which is technically very unofficial. But the options above sound like they'd modify the game itself to give an event, which I'm not too keen on. I may end up giving up and doing that... but I'd also need to find a DS R4 card since I managed to lose the one I have (the GBA one is still around though.) It's why I hold out hope that eventually a JPN version of the Old Sea Map will show up. After all, it was a stroke of luck that anyone here was even able to recreate events at all, letting me get a Shiny Deoxys and Jirachi. Hopefully the same can soon be said of a JPN Old Sea Map.