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Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save [Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Save Games' started by InsaneNutter, Apr 3, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    This is a Pokemon FireRed savefile which contains a compilation of legit event Pokemon for the Generation 3 games (Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen).

    The GEN3 Pokemon games had a lot of events, many of which are extremely hard to obtain today. I'm making this post with the hope it encourages others to share event Pokemon they may have gathered many years ago. Pokemon GEN3 games predate any sort of internet trading, and the event Pokemon from this generation have often been migrated up to newer Pokemon games. These factors make it quite hard to find legitimate event Pokemon for GEN3. The only way we can expect to obtain more event Pokemon for GEN3 is if others share their save/pk3 files, which I'm hoping this post will encourage you to do if you happen to have some!

    To learn more about Pokemon events in Generation 3, I suggest reading the following:
    The main savefile contains the following event Pokemon in each box:

    Box 1 & 2: 10th Anniversary (Europe, Top 10 Distribution) + Aura Mew

    Here we have a full set of all European 10th Anniversary Pokemon, each of the ten Pokemon in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
    The OT for each language is as follows: 10ANNIV (ENG), 10JAHRE (GER), 10ANNIV (FRE), 10ANNI (ITA), 10ANIV (SPA)
    These Pokemon were selected through a poll and later distributed at various locations in 2006 for the "Top 10" event throughout Europe to celebrate 10 years of Pokemon.

    We also have a full set of Aura Mew distributions from Europe, each in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish. OT is the same for each language.
    Aura Mew was distributed at various locations in August 2007 throughout Europe.

    Note: The English 10ANNIV distribution cartridge has been released to the public. If you wish to distribute your own set of English 10ANNIV Pokemon, please see this thread: Pokemon 10ANNIV Distribution Cartridge GBA Download. The English Aura Mew distribution cartridge has also been released to the public, which unlike the English 10ANNIV, will distribute all five languages of Aura Mew. To distribute your own set of Aura Mew, please see this thread: Pokemon Aura Mew Distribution Cartridge GBA Download

    Box 1: 10th Anniversary (Europe), Part I
    • Charizard (x5, one of each language)
    • Pikachu (x5, one of each language)
    • Articuno (x5, one of each language)
    • Raikou (x5, one of each language)
    • Entei (x5, one of each language)
    • Suicune (x5, one of each language)


    Box 2: 10th Anniversary (Europe), Part II + Aura Mew
    • Lugia (x5, one of each language)
    • Ho-Oh (x5, one of each language)
    • Latias (x5, one of each language)
    • Latios (x5, one of each language)
    • Aura Mew (x5, one of each language)

    Box 3 & 4: 10th Anniversary (United States, JAA + PotD Top 20 Distributions)

    Here we have both full sets of United States 10th Anniversary Pokemon. One set was distributed at the "Journey Across America" event, and one at the "Party of the Decade" event. Both sets are nearly identical, though have different Trainer IDs. JAA has the TID 00010, and PotD has the TID 06808. JAA has an extra distribution that makes this set unique, that being Celebi. PotD has a unique Pikachu that differs from the JAA counterpart, due to knowing the move Fly.

    Box 3: 10th Anniversary (United States), Journey Across America (10 ANIV, Trainer ID: 00010)
    • Bulbasaur
    • Charizard
    • Blastoise
    • Pikachu
    • Alakazam
    • Articuno
    • Zapdos
    • Moltres
    • Dragonite
    • Typhlosion
    • Espeon
    • Umbreon
    • Raikou
    • Entei
    • Suicune
    • Tyranitar
    • Blaziken
    • Absol
    • Latias
    • Latios
    • Celebi (x10)


    Box 4: 10th Anniversary (United States), Party of the Decade (10 ANIV, Trainer ID: 06808)
    • Bulbasaur (x2, one evolved to Venusaur)
    • Charizard
    • Blastoise (x2, one with gained experience)
    • Flying Pikachu
    • Alakazam
    • Articuno
    • Zapdos
    • Moltres
    • Dragonite (x2)
    • Typhlosion
    • Espeon
    • Umbreon
    • Raikou
    • Entei
    • Suicune
    • Tyranitar
    • Blaziken
    • Absol
    • Latias
    • Latios


    Box 5: Pokemon Center New York (PCNY) Distributions

    These Pokemon were distributed at Gotta Catch 'Em All! Stations in the New York Pokemon Center between 2003 and its closing in January 2005. These PCNY sets are incomplete, however we have a good portion of them. Some of the Pokemon distributed here also were poorly documented, so we have some PCNY events that aren't listed on Bulbapedia. Due to this, there may be other PCNY events that we don't yet know about.

    • Dragon Week Seadra
    • Dragon Week Flygon
    • Dragon Week Altaria
    • Dragon Week Flygon
    • Monster Week 2, Lv50 Exploud
    • Monster Week 2, Lv100 Exploud
    • Monster Week 2, Lv50 Aggron
    • Monster Week 2, Lv100 Aggron
    • Monster Week 2, Lv50 Wailord
    • Monster Week 2, Lv100 Wailord
    • Monster Week 2, Lv50 Crawdaunt
    • Monster Week 2, Lv100 Crawdaunt
    • Campaign 4 Zangoose
    • Campaign 4 Seviper
    • Campaign 4 Milotic
    • Pokemon Box Promo Flygon
    • Pokemon Box Promo Seviper
    • Pokemon Box Promo Spite Absol
    • Pokemon Box Promo Wish Absol
    • Campaign 6 Machamp
    • Spring Fling Tropius
    • Spring Fling Gardevoir
    • PCNY Wish Chansey Egg
    • PCNY Wish Drowzee Egg
    • PCNY Wish Exeggcute Egg
    • PCNY Wish Farfetch'd Egg
    • PCNY Wish Kangaskhan Egg
    • PCNY Wish Lickitung Egg

    Box 6: English Events

    This box contains the remaining English events not yet mentioned. Several JEREMY are still missing.

    Note: Several savefiles from FireRed carts that were officially used to distribute Mystery Mew by direct trade have been released to the public, which as a whole contain all 420 possible selections of the boxed Mews. If you wish to make your own selection from the 420 Mews, please see this thread: Pokemon GEN3 Mystery Mew Distribution Save Game Download. The GBA cartridge version English Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon distribution used in the UK has also been released to the public. To distribute your own BGF Shiny Zigzagoon, please see this thread: Pokemon GBA UK Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon Distribution GBA Download

    • Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x2, OTs RUBY and SAPHIRE)
    • ROCKS Metang (2x)
    • SPACE C Deoxys
    • DOEL Deoxys
    • MYSTRY Mew
    • WISHMKR Jirachi (x2, Salac and Ganlon Berries)
    • CHANNEL Jirachi (x2, Salac and Ganlon Berries)
    • METEOR Jirachi (UNRELEASED, beta distribution multiboot file found hidden alongside WISHMKR's multiboot file in US Bonus Disc)
    • Shiny WISHMKR Jirachi (x9, every possible shiny Jirachi from US Colosseum Bonus Disc)
    • Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi

    Box 7: Japanese Events, Part I

    This box contains most Japanese events, excluding Egg distributions and GMPC(GCEA) events. A few are still missing, as noted by empty slots.

    • Wishing Star (Negaiboshi) Jirachi (x2, Ganlon and Salac Berries)
    • Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x2, OTs ルビー[Ruby] and サファイア[Sapphire])
    • 2004 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Apicot and Petaya Berries)
    • All Nippon Airways (ANA) Pikachu
    • PokePark Meowth
    • Yokohama Pikachu
    • Hado Mew
    • GW Pikachu
    • 2005 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Apicot and Petaya Berries)
    • Festa Metang
    • Sunday Wobbuffet
    • Hado Regice
    • Hado Registeel
    • PokePark Mew
    • PokePark Celebi
    • 2006 Tanabata Jirachi (x2, Ganlon and Salac Berries)
    • Mitsurin Celebi


    Box 8: Japanese Events, Part II

    This box contains a complete set of all "Pokemon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs", a complete set of all "Egg Pokemon Present Eggs", and a complete set of all "PokePark Eggs".

    • Wish Pichu Egg
    • Teeter Dance Pichu Egg
    • Shiny Wish Pichu Egg
    • Shiny Teeter Dance Pichu Egg
    • Wish Ralts Egg
    • Charm Ralts Egg
    • Wish Absol Egg
    • Spite Absol Egg
    • Wish Bagon Egg
    • Iron Defense Bagon Egg
    • Leech Seed Oddish Egg
    • Petal Dance Meowth Egg
    • Sweet Kiss Poliwag Egg
    • Teeter Dance Bellsprout Egg
    • Mud Sport Psyduck Egg
    • Follow Me Pichu Egg
    • Tickle Igglybuff Egg
    • Mud Sport Corsola Egg
    • FeatherDance Taillow Egg
    • Mud Sport Surskit Egg
    • Teeter Dance Whismur Egg
    • Rollout Skitty Egg
    • Water Sport Plusle Egg
    • Mud Sport Minun Egg
    • Uproar Spoink Egg
    • Sing Spinda Egg
    • Encore Cacnea Egg
    • Water Sport Corphish Egg
    • Tickle Wynaut Egg

    Box 9: Japanese Events, Part III

    This box contains the first four campaign sets of the "Gather More Pokemon! Campaign" (aka "Gotta Catch Em All") distributions.

    First Campaign:
    • Treecko
    • Torchic
    • Mudkip
    Second Campaign:
    • Chikorita
    • Cyndaquil
    • Totodile
    Third Campaign:
    • Ekans
    • Pikachu
    • Meowth
    • Growlithe
    • Bellsprout
    • Slowpoke
    • Shellder
    • Chansey
    • Kangaskhan
    • Scyther
    • Electabuzz
    • Magmar
    • Tauros
    • Murkrow
    • Misdreavus
    • Qwilfish
    • Sneasel
    • Delibird
    • Mantine
    Fourth Campaign:
    • Bulbasaur
    • Charmander
    • Squirtle


    Box 10: Japanese Events, Part IV

    This box contains the last two campaign sets of the GMPC (GCEA) distributions.

    Fifth Campaign:
    • Pikachu
    • Lotad
    • Seedot
    • Surskit
    • Skitty
    • Sableye
    • Mawile
    • Meditite
    • Plusle
    • Minun
    • Roselia
    • Zangoose
    • Seviper
    • Lunatone
    • Solrock
    • Chimecho
    Sixth Campaign:
    • Pikachu
    • Hoothoot
    • Mareep
    • Aipom
    • Sunkern
    • Wobbuffet
    • Pineco
    • Gligar
    • Snubbull
    • Shuckle
    • Teddiursa
    • Houndour
    • Stantler
    • Smeargle


    Box 11: Special Pokemon from "Colosseum" and "XD: Gale of Darkness" for Nintendo GameCube

    This box contains all special pokemon from Colosseum and XD, such as the MATTLE Ho-oh which is very tedious to obtain. This also includes the unreleased English variants of the Japanese Bonus Disc's Celebi and Pikachu, and the Japanese e-Card exclusive Togepi, Mareep and Scizor. Lastly included is the Johto starters from XD, as they are also incredibly tedious to obtain.
    • JP Ageto Celebi
    • JP Colosseum Pikachu
    • JP Mt. Battle Ho-oh
    • JP e-Reader Togepi
    • JP e-Reader Mareep
    • JP e-Reader Scizor
    • EN MATTLE Ho-oh (x3)
    • EN e-Reader Togepi (UNRELEASED, x3)
    • EN e-Reader Mareep (UNRELEASED, x3)
    • EN e-Reader Scizor (UNRELEASED, x3)
    • XD Chikorita (x2, English and Spanish)
    • XD Cyndaquil (x2, English and Spanish)
    • XD Totodile (x2, English and Spanish)


    Box 12: Special Egg Gifts from "Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire" for Nintendo GameCube

    After a certain amount of Pokemon are deposited into Pokemon Box from one of you GBA games, you are gifted an egg that contains a Pokemon with a special move.

    • False Swipe Swablu Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after first deposit)
    • ExtremeSpeed Zigzagoon Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after 100 deposited)
    • Pay Day Skitty Egg (x5 + one hatched) (after 500 deposited)
    • Surf Pichu Egg (x2 + two hatched) (after 1499 deposited)


    Box 13: In-Game Special Pokemon

    This box contains rare in-game Pokemon such as standard legendary Pokemon, and event-exclusive island legendary and mythical Pokemon. Several of these are also included as Shiny.

    • FRLG Articuno
    • FRLG Zapdos
    • FRLG Moltres
    • FRLG Mewtwo
    • Southern Island Latias
    • Southern Island Latios
    • RSE Regirock
    • RSE Regice
    • RSE Registeel
    • RSE Kyogre
    • RSE Groudon
    • RSE Rayquaza
    • Faraway Island Mew (UNRELEASED, English)
    • Navel Rock Ho-oh
    • Navel Rock Lugia
    • Birth Island Deoxys
    • Shiny Regice
    • Shiny Rayquaza
    • Shiny JP Faraway Island Mew
    • Shiny Navel Rock Lugia
    • Shiny Navel Rock Ho-oh
    • Shiny Southern Island Latias
    • Shiny Southern Island Latios
    • Shiny Birth Island Deoxys

    Box 14: Helpful Pokemon

    This box contains Pokemon that can be helpful in-game for the Battle Tower and for Pokemon Contests.

    Battle Tower:
    • Salamence
    • Suicune
    • Snorlax
    • Cool Swellow
    • Cute Milotic
    • Beauty Camerupt
    • Tough Donphan
    • Smart Banette
    JEREMY Pokémon:
    • Ekans
    • Vulpix
    • Oddish
    • Psyduck
    • Growlithe
    • Machoke (Devolved from Machamp)
    • Machamp
    • Haunter (Devolved from Gengar)
    • Gengar
    • Staryu
    • Tauros



    • STAMP Absol
    • STAMP Pichu
    • Sapporo Pikachu
    • Hadou Regirock (plus more Hadou Regice & Registeel for research)
    • PokePark Jirachi
    • JEREMY Sandshrew, Slowpoke and Shellder
    • More of any PCNY events

    The extra savefiles contain the following event Pokemon in each box:

    The extra savefiles provided contain overflow of the existing event pokemon from the main savefile. As the main savefile usually provided only one or two of each event, these overflow savefiles contain a larger selection of each event to choose from. However when it comes to Japanese events, there are far too many available to be necessary to include here. Most overflow of each Japanese event are included here, the only exception being the hundreds of event Pikachu. So if you want the full compilation of overflow Japanese events, please see this thread: Pokemon GEN3 Legit JPN Event Pokemon .pk3 Downloads

    Event Savefile 2:

    Box 1 - 3: PCNY events (x83)
    Box 4: Journey Across America 10 ANIV events (x28)
    Box 5: 10 ANIV Celebi (x10) + Wishing Star (Negaiboshi) Jirachi (x11) + Doel Deoxys (x6)
    Box 6: German Aura Mew (x24) + Spanish Aura Mew (x1) + Shiny CHANNEL Jirachi (x5, one of each language)
    Box 7: Space C Deoxys (x30)
    Box 8: WISHMKR Jirachi (x18) + CHANNEL Jirachi (x10)
    Box 9: Ageto Celebi (x30)
    Box 10: Pokemon Box Eggs (x5 hatched, x9 eggs)
    Box 11: In-Game Island Captured Events (x14)
    Box 12: In-Game Unown full set (x28)
    Box 13: Debug distributions from the German Debug version of Pokemon Ruby (x30)
    Box 14: Debug Unown full distribution set from the German Debug version of Pokemon Ruby (x28)

    Event Savefile 3:

    Box 1 - 3: Ageto Celebi (x77)
    Box 4: Pokemon Center 5th Anniversary Eggs (x30)
    Box 5: JP Berry Glitch Fix Shiny Zigzagoon (x27)
    Box 6 - 7: Egg Pokemon Present Eggs (x48)
    Box 8 - 10: PokePark Eggs (x90)
    Box 11: Hadou Mew (x10) + 2005 Tanabata Jirachi (x2) + Festa Metang (x10) + Sunday Wobbuffet (x5) + PokePark Mew (x1)
    Box 12: PokePark Celebi (x6) + 2004 Tanabata Jirachi (x1) + PokePark Meowth (x1) + 2006 Tanabata Jirachi (x4) + ANA Pikachu (x18)
    Box 13: GW Pikachu (x15) + Yokohama Pikachu (x15)
    Box 14: Mitsurin Celebi (x30)

    In-Game Trades Savefile:

    Box 1: Full set from Ruby & Sapphire - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese respectively
    Box 2: Full set from Emerald - English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Japanese respectively
    Box 3: Full English set (x2) from FRLG
    Box 4: Full German set from FRLG
    Box 5: Full French set from FRLG
    Box 6: Full Italian set from FRLG
    Box 7: Full Spanish set from FRLG
    Box 8: Full Japanese set from FRLG
    Box 9: Full English set from Colosseum and XD


    Although I started this project and have probably put multiple days into this now, it would be nothing without the massive contributions from the following people. If you contributed something that has made its way into these savefiles and you aren't credited below, please let us know!

    - The original FireRed savefile this was built upon.
    @HaxAras - Continued help with developing this save, HaxAras has contributed many Pokemon from his personal collection.
    Big Mike - Contributed events to his friend HaxAras.
    @King Impoleon - Overflow Box of German Aura Mew, Overflow Box of Space Center Deoxys, and one Doel Deoxys.
    Nigol - 111 Ageto Celebi
    @Deoxyz - The English, French, German, Italian and Spanish Top 10 & Aura Mew in the main save, the 5 Doel Deoxys in the overflow save, as well as two of Mystery Mew distribution savefiles. Also the 10ANNIV, Aura Mew, BGF Shiny Zigzagoon, and Aurora Ticket distribution cartridges.
    Misdreavus - The full set of JAA 10 ANIV Pokemon with two 10 ANIV Celebi, all in the main save.
    @Invader TAK - Three 10 ANIV Celebi in the main save.
    @SWAMP.N - JAA 10 ANIV Articuno Zapdos, Raikou, Entei, Suicune, Celebi, Latias, Latios, and a Space Center Deoxys all in the overflow save.
    @arjunnnn - The evolved ROCKS Metagross, shiny Regice & shiny Rayquaza in the main save, and full set of Unown in the overflow save.
    Ahiru's Wonderland - A no longer existing website which actively archived tons of Japanese event pokemon from 2003 to 2006.
    @Sabresite - Legitimacy checking many of these event Pokemon with his currently unreleased tools.
    Kaphotics - Developing PKHeX, the program which without would have made the massive revamp of these savefiles a complete nightmare.
    @Gridelin - The Shiny Channel Jirachi and providing a detailed guide on how it was obtained.
    @Sabresite got from yamipoli two untouched ROCKS Metang
    XxPhoenix1996xX - Updated fishy in game trade Pokemon


    Pokemon Gen 3 Event Compilation Download - 15.04.20

    Attached Files:

  2. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I have the Pokemon Colosseum Japanese pre-order bonus disk. Because of that I have about 6 legit Ageto Celebi I could contribute.
    I also have the English disk and could contribute as many Wishmaker Jirachi as I feel like generating. Including a legit shiny one.
    I have the Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disk V16 which gives out the Berry Patch Zigzagoon. I can generate as many as needed.

    In my Pokemon Box: Ruby and Sapphire save I have an untouched Jungle Tour Celebi, Navel Rock Ho-oh and Lugia, English and Japanese Mattle Ho-oh, an UT Colosseum Pikachu, Pokemon Box special move eggs.
    I have a random Japanese Jirachi of unknown origin and the ability to generate legit Eon Tickets in gen 3 games as well as working tickets in Emerald.

    Really, one of the only things I don't have is a way to backup and restore my saves so I can share them with people. If anybody can help me obtain a way, I'd be more than happy to contribute!
    KANTO LOVER and PawsofHorror like this.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You certainly have some good event Pokemon too! I have responded to your private message, if your happy to contribute them that would be great.

    How are you generating EON tickets? Action Replay codes or something else?

    The best way to backup / restore GBA save games is with a DS / DS Lite. You will need a DS flashcard for this, however flashcards are around $10 these days. (You don't need to mod your DS in any way, put the flashcard in the DS and power it on)

    You would simply put GBA Backup Tool on the flash card, the then power on the DS, loading GBA Backup Tool from the flashcards menu.

    After place the GBA game in the DS and you can backup the save from the GBA game to the Micro SD card you have in your DS flashcard. You can also restore a GBA save you have copied to your DS flashcard too.
    KANTO LOVER likes this.
  4. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Kinda pissed off. Spent forever typing a message only to have to log back in as I was posting it and lose it.

    I have a GBA Action Replay, Advanced Game Port, an E-Reader as well as 2 Eon tickets. That's how I get to Southern Island and the Emerald events.

    Events in the game. Originally I had 2 separate lists. I'll go back and re-explain the whole story later when I'm not pissed off.

    Big Mike
    Several Ageto Celebi
    Jungle Tour Celebi
    Navel Rock Ho-oh and Lugia
    Japanese Jirachi (Not sure if it's an event)
    Shiny Wishmaker Jirachi
    Japanese Southern Island Latios
    Japanese Berry Fix Zigzagoon

    Several Ageto Celebi
    Berry Fix Zigzagoon (Will add more Later)
    2 of every Pokemon Box Egg* 1 Pichu, 1 Pichu egg
    XD: Gale of Darkness gen 2 starters with special moves
    Southern Island Latias
    KANTO LOVER likes this.
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    When you log in tick remember me, otherwise if you dont load a page on the forum for a while you will be logged out.

    I've never actually seen an E-Reader in person for the GBA, it was never that popular over hear at all. If you can explain sometime that would be great! You must have obviously had a lot of Pokemon events in your area over the years then? We've never had any around here, although do get some WiFi ones in games shops now which is something!
  6. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I only used an E-reader once before I bought mine. A friend of mine from middle school, an older guy I knew had one and lent it to me. I scanned in some Pokemon cards and returned it. I didn't have much use for it. Think of it like a credit card swiper at a store. You can scan in Pokemon cards with barcodes, E-Reader cards an that's it I think. I have the rare Eon Ticket E-Reader card. You need 2 GBA's, a Link Cable, an E-Reader, the Card and a game to even use the thing. I don't think a whole lot of people bought the E-Reader because the whole idea was poorly thought up. I don't think it was much more popular over here.

    The Eon Ticket basically scans an Eon Ticket into your Ruby or Sapphire cart, allowing you to take a boat from Lilycove City to Southern Island. If you're on Ruby or Sapphire, it allows you to catch the opposite Pokemon of the roaming legendary. (Latios/Latias) at LV.50, holding Soul Dew. The roaming legendaries in gen 3 are all messed up and have terrible IV's. They're all 0-3 I think. In Emerald version, they ask you to pick Red/Blue to be the roaming legendary and the opposite will go to Southern Island. If you mix records with a Ruby/Sapphire that has the ticket, it will send one to your Emerald. I think you can send 3 of them per save file. I'm not sure if you can send them to other Ruby/Sapphire carts. Emerald Cannot pass them on.

    It's a damn shame really. English and Japanese Ruby/Sapphire cannot mix records and they can't mix records with Emerald. But the English and Japanese Emerald versions can mix records with each other. I have an Action replay code to get Southern Island on the Japanese Emerald but it would be nice to do it on Ruby/Sapphire as well.

    There's a Japanese E-reader card for secret base dolls of all 3 of the Regis. If you could somehow print it off and get it to work, you could scan them into an English game by mixing records. There's a man who is generated in Mauville city's Pokemon Center based on your ID number. It has to end in a certain number. If he's there, you can trade secret base decorations with him, mix records and he is sent to the other game with the items you gave him. You could use that to get the regi dolls in your English games using legit means but that card is damn near impossible to find. Ther

    In Japan there were E-Reader cards for Fire Red and Leaf Green as well as Colosseum. I don't know much about them. I have a Japanese friend and he said he'd be willing to try to help me find them sometime. I have some of the Japanese Ruby and Sapphire E-reader cards already but not an E-Reader Plus from Japan to use them.

    I have all of the English cards and even a couple sealed packs. There were 3 different English packs. I have 2 sealed copies of "Freezing Ray". They're not exactly common so I snagged them while I could. They scan an Enigma Berry into your save game if you use certain cards. You can then grow the Enigma berry or scan in other berries and grow them and they take the place of the Enigmas Berry. Most of the E-Reader cards take days. I know of an exploit though. One of them only takes 4 hours. Just scan it in, grow a bunch and then just scan in one of the other berries to replace it. There's also a house in Mossdeep city with a man standing in front of a door in the back of it. If you scan in trainer cards, you can go in and battle a trainer. No experience, EV's or money is rewarded.

    Just last night I purchased a 3DS flashcard so hopefully when that arrives, I'll be able to backup my save and add events to the save easier. I'll also be able to do several more things. I can teleport anybody to Navel Rock or Birth Island in Fire Red/Leaf Green, scan in an Enigma Berry or the other berries* or an Eon Ticket into Ruby or Sapphire and activate every single event ticket in the English and Japanese Emerald Versions. Really, the only one I can't get the actual tickets in, is Fire Red/.Leaf Green. I tried a teleporting code on those games and it worked. Everything else I've tried over the years has failed and I've put dozens of hours of work into it.

    I can make videos of most of this stuff if you need me to show you a demonstration. I have a decent amount of hardware and resources.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I'm pleased to announce we have a nice update to this save game thanks to a fantastic contribution from HaxAras!

    HaxAras was kind enough to send me his Pokemon Box save game, however due to his copy of the game been NTSC and mine been PAL I had a lot of trouble using his save game with a PAL copy of the game, even after changing the region of the save to PAL. My PAL Pokemon Box would read the save game, however when saving would corrupt both the Pokemon Box and GBA save of the connected game.

    After many hours of messing about the only way I could over come this was to boot a NTSC copy of Pokemon Box an anonymous person hooked me up with. I was able to boot this on a PAL Wii using the homebrew app Nintendont. Nintendont ignores region restrictions on GameCube games and will happily load them regardless.

    For game settings on Nintendont "Native Control" should be on, this allows the GBA to GameCube link cable to be recognised, memory card emulation can be on or off, however if off you can use a real GameCube memory card to load / save to.

    Once I had done this I had no trouble linking my UK (Euro) Pokemon Fire Red to an NTSC version of Pokemon Box.

    Something else to keep in mind: When linking a GameCube game loaded with Nintendont to the GBA only the official GBA to GameCube link cable will work, 3rd party ones do not work with Nintendont, so I ended up having to purchase an official one from Ebay.

    The following Pokemon have been added since the previous version of this save:

    Box 11 - Japanese Event Pokemon:

    • Ageto Celebi
    • HO-OH (JPN Mattle)
    • Berry Glitch Fix Zigzagoon Ruby (1x) and Sapphire (2x)

    Box 12 - American Event Pokemon:

    • Wishmaker Jirachi (2x Normal and 1x Shiny)
    • HO-OH (Mattle)
    • Berry Glitch Fix Zigzagoon (Sapphire 1x)

    Box 10 (HaxAras):

    • The two Jirachi's have been leveled up so I have left them in this box as we have many untouched ones.
    • Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile have HaxAras as the OT, I need to confirm what these are from with him.
    • Various legendry birds are also in this box, i need to confirm where these are from.

    Other changes:

    • Box 9 - Eggs: This has many eggs from HaxAras's Pokemon Box save.
    • Pokémon 10th Anniversary Journey Across America (10 ANIV) Pokemon have been moved to Box 13

    I'm currently updating your Pokemon Box save with all the event Pokemon from the original save, HaxAras. I will message you a link to this once finished.
    HaxAras likes this.
  8. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    It's so awesome to see my contribution to the save. It puts a huge smile on my face.

    The eggs in box 9 are
    2x Skitty - When hatched, you will be the OT and it will have Payday.
    2x Zigzagoon - When hatched, you will be the OT and it will have Extremespeed
    2x Swablu - When hatched, you will be the OT and it will have False Swipe
    1x Pichu - When hatched, you will be the OT and it will have Surf.

    One of the leveled up Jirachi is Wishmaker. The other is Japanese and I wasn't sure if it was an event or not. As Japanese gen 3 Jirachi aren't very common, I threw it in.

    The 3 Latias and the Latios are all from the Southern Island event. They should be Untouched, LV 50 and be holding Soul Dew. One of them is Japanese.

    The Japanese Ho-oh and Lugia are from the Navel Rock event.

    Chikorita, Cyndaquil and Totodile are from Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. It was incredibly tedious to obtain them. You have to clear 100 floors of Mt.Battle just like I did in the English and Japanese versions of Colosseum. When you get to the top, you get your choice of a starter with Frenzy Plant, Blast Burn and Hydro Cannon respectively. I'm not sure if you can breed them on like egg moves but if you want them and don't want to clear 300 floors of Mt.Battle, they're there for you.

    I retrieved a very outdated copy of my Pokemon Box save to get these events for the thread. Later I will be sending Insane Nutter another save which will contain my Japanese Colosseum Pikachu and probably 30 more of the Berry Fix Zigzagoon. Because, why not?

    I'll be throwing in my Master Rank contest team and 100 win Battle Tower team. I'll leave it up to Insane Nutter on whether or not to include them. While not events, some people might have a use for them and he could toss them in the box named after me, if he feels like doing so.
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Thanks for the info HaxAras, with all that in mind I have updated the save again, this time better organising the Boxs. I have also added more info to the original post based on what you have provided.

    • Box 8 - HaxAras
    • Box 9 - Game Event Pokemon
    • Box 10 - Eggs
    • Box 11 - Japanese Event Pokemon
    • Box 12 - American Event Pokemon
    • Box 13 - Pokémon 10th Anniversary Journey Across America (10 ANIV) Pokemon
    The master rank contest team and battle tower team could be interesting additions, it gives people some good Pokemon to use if they wish to attempt it themselves.

    Thanks again for your contributions, I do feel we have advanced the save a lot and preserved a lot of GEN3 event Pokemon.

    During my search for more GEN3 event Pokemon I came across a now offline Pokemon website, it does appear someone had archived the majority of the GEN3 event Pokemon, you can view the now offline site on web archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20110802225338/http://www.pkmdb.com/GBA-American-Event-Downloads as the files are so small you can even download the Pokemon. The problem is their useless for GEN3 as have been imported in to GEN4 then extracted from a save and shared online after that.

    It does however show their potentially a lot more GEN3 event Pokemon we can obtain, presuming People actually have them on GEN3 save files.
  10. jasp

    jasp Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Excuse me. I just really wanna ask if this save files are legit/legal? I was reading your post the day after you posted this, because I really wanted to have a legit/legal legendary pokemons in my Emerald :( I will be visiting this site day after day just to know your answers if this are legits. Because I just read their is an Egg contains pichu that has surf move? Does pichu can really learn surf? That's why I just wanna ask :( I'll be waiting for your replies sir thankyou
  11. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Pokemon Box: Ruby and Sapphire puts out eggs that know special moves when you deposit certain amounts of Pokemon. 0, 100, 500, and 1,499 I think it is for all of them. Pichu is 1,499 and by far, the hardest to get. To answer the question, yes. It's entirely legit. I've actually sent Insane Nutter another update to my save with even more Pokemon so you might want to hold off on downloading it until he has time to update it again.
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    All the Pokemon in this save are legit to the best of my knowledge, i've even gone to the effort of providing extensive information in the first post about where each event Pokemon came from. You can confirm their all legit yourself by looking on the Bulbapedia event pages I have posted links to.

    Just a quick update:

    I have been working on getting a Jirachi we dont currently have yet in the save., It's the "CHANNEL"Jirachi from the PAL version of Pokemon Channel. I finally managed to get it after a lot of messing around with Pokemon Channel. After that I had to mess about some more and use an earlier version of my own Ruby save. As I had got the Jirachi from the US bonus disc it wouldn't let me obtain the channel one.

    The end result is here which i just got a few minutes ago and dumped my save game, I now need to trade it to the current version of the save here and add the Pokemon HaxAras has sent me in his Pokemon Box save via PM


    More info on this Jirachi here Pokémon Channel - Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia

    I plan to try do that tomorrow as it's getting late here now.
    HaxAras likes this.
  13. jasp

    jasp Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Wow! Thankyou so much I now finally found a legit event pokemons. I'll be checking again this thread if you finally updated your saves :)
  14. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    Great news on my end! While I don't have much more to offer at the moment, I got a new SD card ans my 3DS R4 cars is working perfectly. I'm playing a Pokemon Black Rom and I'll be downloading the GBA backup tool later. No more pestering Insane Nutter or having him go through extra work for me. Seriously though, it's been very appreciated! Once I get the backup took working, I'll also be able to add working tickets to peoples (English) Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald saves as well as (Japanese) Emerald saves.

    I currently have a save somewhere that has a Deoxys, Berry Fix Lonoone and Zigzagoon. I need to find it though. I have a LOT of backed up GameCube saves and no form of organization for them at all. I'll try to get on it soon.
  15. Which save file is the recent one?

    If you download this one:

    ''Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save 10.04.16 Download - Current save with all of the above Pokemon''

    You get the file which says ''Pokemon Fire Red GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon 07-04-16''
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The latest save is now the Pokemon Fire Red GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon 17-04-16.

    This latest version brings another nice update, everything below has been contributed by HaxArs with the exception of the Channel Jirachi which was contributed by myself.

    Pokemon added:

    Eng Event Box:

    Channel Jirachi - Can be obtained from both the European and Australian versions of Pokemon Channel. A Channel Jirachi can be downloaded onto Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire. After unlocking the full version of Pichu Bros.

    Berry Glitch Fix Zigzagoon (Ruby 2x (M & F), Sapphire 2x (M & F) - These Zigzagoon were distributed as a promotion to get people to fix a Berry glitch in Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire that plagued many players. They were distributed at EB Games and GameStop stores from March 1, 2004 to April 22, 2007. They can also be received from the GameCube Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Versions 14 & 16. Its name will always be in English.

    Note: HaxArs has contributed a box full of these, however due to the Fire Red save game we have been using been quite full I have only added a male and female of them with the Ruby and Sapphire as the OT. I might put them all in a separate save game if their is demand for it. That way we can keep the majority of the Pokemon in other box's in this save, although there not event it's clear a significant amount of time has gone in to obtaining, evolving and training them. I also think they will be useful for people playing GEN 3 games today and have no friends playing anymore to trade with / complete the Pokedex. What do you all think?

    JPN Event Box:

    Colosseum Pikachu - Obtainable from the Pokemon Colosseum JPN bonus disc

    HaxArs Box:

    Contest Pokemon - Swellow (Red Scarf), Milottic (Pink Scarf), Camerupt (Blue Scarf), Donphan (Yellow Scarf), Banette (Green Scarf)
    Battle Tower Team - Salamence (Choice Band), Suicune (Chesto Berry), Snorlax (Leftovers)

    I have also added the batch of eggs again from HaxArs's Pokemon Box save so you can now get two surfing Pichu's for example from this save.
    HaxAras likes this.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I'm pleased to announce another massive update to this save, the current version is now Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save 17.04.16 V2

    This is what has changed since the save i posted this morning:


    Added 1x Wishaker Jurachi
    Added 1x HO-OH (Mattle)
    Added 1x Aura Mew - (This is a new event we didn't have before) - This Mew was distributed at various locations throughout Europe. In the United Kingdom, it was distributed at participating Toys "R" Us stores as part of the Pokémon Summer Day Camp event. The overall distribution period was from August 2 to 26, 2007.

    Box: 10 ANIV:

    Added the follwoing Pokemon:

    • Venusaur
    • Blastoise
    • Dragonite
    • Umbreon

    Three new boxes have also been added:

    Box 7 - Zigagoon - A Box full of Berry Glitch Fix Zigzagoon (Shiny) provided by HaxAras - They we're received from the GameCube Interactive Multi-Game Demo Disc Versions 14. Each one has different stats.

    Box 6 - Aura Mew - A box which is almost full of Aura Mew's provided by King Impoleon, These Mew's were distributed at various locations throughout Europe. Each Mew in this box has different stats.

    Box 14 - Top 10 Distribution Pokémon:

    • Lugia (2x)
    • Ho-Oh (2x)
    • Latias
    • Latios
    • Raikou
    • Entei
    • Suicune
    • Charizard
    • Pikachu
    • Articuno

    These Pokémon were selected through a poll and later distributed at various locations throughout Europe.
    In the United Kingdom, they were distributed at the UK National Championships on June 10, 2006 and as part of a tour. Originally a stop at Capitol Centre, Cardiff was planned, but it was later canceled and replaced by a stop at the Mall of Cribs, Bristol. The overall distribution period for the tour was from October 14 to November 19, 2006.

    I have removed all the other random Pokemon that were in other boxs, so this save is now purely event Pokemon. This allowed me to add the box of Zigagoon and Aura Mews.
    HaxAras likes this.
  18. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    So here's my update to the save. So I gained access to a save editor and I'm edited the Fire Red save contents a little. I only edited my own Pokemon. I'm changed the ID of my contest Pokemon and Battle Frontier Pokemon to my current Emerald save and fixing the EV's of my Battle Frontier team. That was more of a personal thing. My old Emerald save was a female trainer with the name "May" and I have no idea why. I hated that my Pokemon didn't have me as the OT. I'm remaking my gen 3 and 6 living Pokedexes just so all my Pokemon will have me as the OT.

    Some of the eggs that Insane Nutter imported to the save weren't event eggs. So I removed and organized them. (This was my fault. I just sent him my Pokemon Box save with a bunch of UN-organized, UN-labeled eggs)
    Swablu, Swablu, ZIgzagoon, Zigzagoon, Skitty, Skity
    Swablu, Swablu, ZIgzagoon, Zigzagoon, Skitty, Skity
    Zigzagoom, Pichu, Pichu

    I changed the Milotic in the Party's OT from Bulldog to HaxAras since it was originally my Milotic. It came from a really old Ruby save of mine. I sent Insane Nutter my Pokemon Box save in 2014 or 2015 and the updated version recently so that explains how Milotic found it's way to the save.

    I'm a fan of legit and untouched events so I'm asking the people involved here for their opinions. Later on I could re-edit the save to set the Venusaur to LV.70 and the 2 Jirachi in the HaxAras box to LV.5. Just before I typed that, I realized I could clone them. For anybody who thinks setting their levels to their default levels makes them fake, then you can download the leveled up ones. For those, like me who prefer UT Pokemon and still see them as legit, I'll put UT clones of the 3 in the HaxAras box.
  19. jasp

    jasp Member

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Wow nice. I would like the UT ones. So the v2 is still not uploaded?
  20. jasp

    jasp Member

    Apr 12, 2016
    Likes Received:
    Wow nice. I would like the UT ones. So the v2 is still not uploaded?

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